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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. The name's definitely familiar. And thanks! The project came together nicely, and I'm really glad I didn't keep it as a solo project. I just wish I'd planned it as a community project from the beginning, haha.

  2. This is a pretty coherent album with an interesting concept. I'm not familiar with the source music, but the album's pleasant to listen to, and the whole thing's got a clean production. Nice job.
  3. Thanks, everyone! I wasn't expecting such a unanimously positive response. Gotta thank the people on the WIP board/Rozovian for helping me out. Nice job catching the slightly obscured Zelda theme reference I missed, LT/Palpable. I surprised myself a couple times while writing up the source breakdown; I'd taken for granted how much source I'd actually used. "Wait a second...this part isn't original??"
  4. WHY WERE THE JUDGES SO NICE TO IT Oh well. One of my favorite tracks from my younger days becomes my first posted remix. I can accept that. Thank you so much for the advertising, djp/judges! Sorry about the unofficialness; I promise the Seasons album is getting a lot more planning and AWESOMENESS. I learned a lot over the course of this album, and I'm not just saying that.
  5. This is one of my favorite Zelda overworld remixes ever. If I hadn't already had it on my ipod in the past, I'd download this in the present. Because it's perfect. ...And futu...yeah never mind. The chiptunage is so catchy.
  6. Seems like Crystal Shards was pretty hit-or-miss. The aforementioned sluggishness turned me off; I don't think I've played through more than once.
  7. I'm looking at your sig. I'm inexplicably thinking "I have named it the sax." All of a sudden my dad starts playing sax music across the room. True story.

  8. So you guys want to do it at 6 PM EST? Stevo just said 5 or 6 and I randomly went with 5 without directly replying. I could go either way as long as we have a definite time. Also, Brushfire, that joke...........that joke... My god. Excellent.
  9. Thanks, man. We've put the info up on the downloads page.
  10. Sounds good to me, if you don't mind. I would be really grateful. MW says he'll put the info on the website when it's ready.
  11. ^ What Abadoss said. I'll ask MW about other torrenting options, though; I think we considered it at one point, but I can't remember exactly what came of it. Uploading a zip file of 42 FLACs takes...an incredibly long-ass time. But we'll see what we can do.
  12. Haha. This is why I combined a lot of the sources. Some of them are incredibly short. I was really impressed at the length some of the remixers got out of the shortest ones. It definitely took a while, but I had fun pretty much the entire time. Good group of people. A+++++ WOULD DIRECT AGAIN
  13. From what I can tell, it's pretty much specifically an issue with IE. I'm working to see if there's any way around the problem.
  14. You may be using an old version of your browser...the background should be light blue.
  15. Right. Thanks for the plugging! We like being plugged. ...Just less suggestively than that sounded. Glad you enjoyed it, Chernabogue.
  16. I never heard back about it. But eh. Today, tomorrow, next week...it'll get posted at some point.
  17. Community thread! Go post there, people. Let this thread die a peaceful death.
  18. Or click here if you're stubborn and want to use IE. Or watch the awesome first.Essence of Lime is an unofficial remix project covering the soundtrack of The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages. The album clocks in at over 2 hours, with 2 discs and a 2-year development. Any music that appeared in Ages has been remixed, including tracks that appeared in both Oracles. Seasons-only tracks...not yet. We have different plans for that. "Wait, unofficial?" you ask. "Why?" Well, two years ago, I decided to start Essence of Lime as a solo project (hence the citrusy pun), assuming there would not be enough interest to carry a full-scale project. I was slightly wrong about the lack of interest; as I continued chipping away at the tracklist, people began to ask if they could help out. I opened up the project, realizing that I had a lot a work ahead of me. I'm incredibly grateful to those people (as well as the people I managed to recruit) for their help and enthusiasm. Whether or not they met the deadlines. Special thanks to The_Maverickk, who went above and beyond to create some stellar artwork, and MW, who designed and hosted the website. So check it out. We hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to take a look at the art; there's a lot of it. (WIPs from our public era have probably been updated, so don't skip over tracks you've already heard.) Listening Party If this is your kind of thing, OCAD will be hosting a listening party on an enterthegame.com chatroom (#ocad) around 5 PM EST Sunday. Make sure to have the album downloaded by then if you want to participate. It's about 2 hours and 20 minutes long (which translates to "long as hell" when you're just focusing on the music). Advertising Banners The_Maverickk put these together for advertising purposes. Use 'em if you like, and link them to the site.
  19. oh by the way we're releasing tomorrow (thanks to Girlz Melon and Brushfire for the video production and voiceover, respectively)
  20. It's completely unnecessary, but I'm interested to see it nonetheless.
  21. I was thinking the same thing. But I enjoyed Canvas Curse, which was even less Kirby-like. The part where he pulls a button and scrunches up a whole section of the screen caught me off guard. Awesome.
  22. Production is clean, arrangement is fresh and interesting. I don't know if the judges would complain about the multitude of sources used, but everything flows into the next part nicely. I love it so far. I've always wondered why nobody remixes Kokiri Forest. So, bonus point for you.
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