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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Yup...I'd be ZELDA just to get the alternate music, but I'd always end up as THIEF. Also, while contemplating the title of the Seasons album, I came to the conclusion that this project should have been Threshold of a Dreamsicle. Food makes everything better.
  2. Canals are faster, but sometimes you don't have a boat handy. And it's just nice walking down a highway seeing people's structures/landscapes in the distance. Canals, highways...it doesn't have to be one or the other.
  3. I haven't even played the game, but this song gets stuck in my head ALL THE TIME. So it must be good. Virt's music is like that.
  4. Yup. No, it was someone else. He'd built a town and everything, but I never saw him. The sign said THE NINJA.
  5. Well, the update's out. Also, "Portals won't work in SMP in this update." :C
  6. Build it out of bookcases and glass.
  7. You made a comment in the writeup that wasn't 100% fawning praise, djp? I don't know if I can respect you anymore. Thanks for the awesome saxings, Brad. Jabu-Jabu is pleased with your offering.
  8. Proto's just bitter about his name not being included in the title. You did get two votes, Proto. Someday the world will be ready for you.
  9. Haha. That's right, people, we have a title now. It was JH Sounds's idea, and it got the most votes. Good stuff. Also, like the thread title says, we still have some openings. I've been trying unsuccessfully to recruit people. I want auditions and/or ssssooooouuuuls particularly fresh ones that are not already in the process of being drained by 50 other project directors
  10. a) My separate reactions were basically a) jerking violently and thinking the innocent homeschooled kid version of shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit. I used to stop playing Ocarina of Time after the Water Temple. Especially because I didn't realize the TV brightness was set way too low.
  11. So that's why I came across a bowl of lava a while ago. I left a sign about the creepers, but they seem to have blown it up. There are a bunch of glitchy mobs down there. I even saw a few slimes. I think we're going to have to use more lighting next time. Either that or strategically use creeper slave labor on upper levels.
  12. Haha, I don't even know how to respond to this Oh yeah, you had to dig the tunnels, too...all I did was fill a relatively small amount of existing trenches with water, checkerboard style, and that alone took a while. I FEEL YOUR PAIN on a microscopic level.
  13. I fixed the bricktown canals, even though they'll only last a few more days. You're welcome, THE NINJA (whoever you are). Also, fireslash, if you made all those travel canals the peasant way, without admin powers...I'm so sorry.
  14. Haha I had no idea there was a 3D setting. Just tried it, and it was kind of awesome. I knew those Spy Kids 3D glasses would come in handy someday. Also, you guys and your hard mode. I guess I don't usually feel compelled to get my ass kicked.
  15. wat Also put me on the whitelist please.
  16. It's an interesting idea, but you might get a bigger response without the one-medley-for-each-chapter idea. A lot of remixers around here are already devoting their time to other projects, and the idea of remixing an entire chapter of Paper Mario (especially for a project run by someone unfamiliar) could be a little exhausting. That said, I don't think there would be enough interested orchestral remixers to cover all the tracks individually. We'll see. Of course, I'd love to help out with anything related to the Mario RPGs. I'd be interested in a bonus track at some point, or I'd be willing to collaborate with someone who's better with orchestra stuff but doesn't want an entire track.
  17. Super Scribblenauts? Proto, get over here; there's a French laser banana with your name on it.
  18. OCR: The Movie 2: Fill Me Up With Snacky Happiness
  19. How could you miss the best casting ever? I've heard both Orlando Bloom and skinny weakling version of Christian Bale for myself. I don't really have a great match. Maybe Brad's terrorist friend is an actor. That could work.
  20. Hooray, wooden pickaxes. If we wipe the server, fireslash should at least flood the map with lava or blow us all up first, if only to give us a really good excuse to leave it. Also because it would be awesome. Hemo, schwaltz and I have already witnessed some of his magical powers.
  21. Yeah, in the middle of the stone compass arrow. :/ The mountains between me and Tensei are pretty TNT'd, but our bases seem ok. That stuff was done at least a couple days ago, though.
  22. Uh Oh! The Beat Have Started to Move! always cracks me up.
  23. The server doesn't seem to like me right now, even with tiny draw distance. But I saw ground zero. Lucky I don't live there.
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