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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Right, I'd still allow people to seek feedback elsewhere. #ocrwip is usually a pretty good source of criticism, for anyone who wants more than they're getting. Mainly the forum will be to help keep things more organized, though hopefully it'll allow contributors to more easily comment on each others' tracks. So there we go: Project forums (yes, it's proboards, and no, I don't care if you're one of those people who demand high-tech, pretty message boards for everything) I'm putting it in the main post and contacting the contributors now. We may continue to post new tracks in this topic in order to keep it alive and visible to people who might be interested in joining, but contributors should focus their feedback on each other's tracks in the project forums.
  2. More like stopping the boat to do anything. X_X I agree; the automatic steering (as long as you have some control over where you're going) makes travel more interesting. More enemies can show up, since you're allowed to blast them on the move. TWW's overworld was really sparse, and when enemies did show up, it was annoying to momentarily stop and deal with them. Same with OoT. PH condensed things, threw in more random enemies, and allowed you to attack without interrupting your travel. And it looks like ST will be similar in that regard, so I'm happy about that.
  3. I thought it over last night, and I think we'll go the traditional route and make a project forum. This topic is way too disorganized, and at the moment we're not really getting much feedback from anyone outside the project anyway. Hiring one or two co-coordinators is a good idea; I can provide feedback to people, but I'm not perfect. I'd ask Rozovian, but he's already tied up with the SD3 project. What we need is a Rozo clone. So I might ask around. Whoever is reading this, if you're good at writing critiques and you'd be willing to help out, let me know.
  4. I'm debating whether this is the best setup for feedback. There are pros and cons to all the methods I can think of... One topic for the whole project + Keeps the project contained and frequently bumped with updates. - Gets a bit cluttered with all the WIPs, so they don't get all the attention they deserve. One topic for each track + Each track may get more individual attention. - Seems like it would clutter the WIP board, and the main topic would sink. A project forum + Contained and lets each track have its own topic. - Tracks wouldn't get much exposure/criticism beyond other remixers on the project. If anyone has any thoughts on the matter, feel free to speak up. illidari, it's already starting to sound more unique, though I noticed some off notes in the background around 0:54-0:56. Go ahead and continue working on the length/originality, and come back with a title!
  5. Pros: -Production is pretty good as far as I'm concerned. -Changes in instrumentation over the course of the track keep it from being too repetitive. -Dropping the melody for a few seconds starting at 0:58 is a good idea. Even though those background notes have been going on throughout the track, bringing them to the front makes them seem fresh. Cons: -Despite the alterations you made in terms of instrumentation, the arrangement is too conservative. If you've kept most of the midi's notes intact like you said, you need to do some changing. Don't rely on a midi to do most of the work for you. That said, Ralph's theme is awesome enough that it deserves to be played conservatively once or twice. Just not for the whole track. -The soundscape is a bit sparse. Filling in some other instruments would be a good opportunity to flesh out the theme and introduce some original material. -It's so short! Yeah, Ralph's theme is pretty short to begin with, but you can fix that by adding original material or changing the melody every once in a while. You could get this at least over 2 minutes. And you need to come up with a title! Anyway, it's good to see this creepy burst in participation!
  6. For some reason, I get more interested every time I watch the trailer. My first reaction was somewhat "meh," but now I'm starting to really look forward to it. And now I'm randomly wondering what kind of warping system they'll use. A train flying around in a tornado would be hilarious. I'm with you there. Even just the mountains in the background. Aaahhh. Mountains. And you just reminded me of snowboarding towards the distant Snowpeak Ruins in TP. That was quite possibly my favorite moment in the game. Seeing it so small and distant and then getting all excited as it got closer.
  7. Nope, there's no genre restriction. I'll make sure to emphasize that in the main post. Any illusion of one existing is probably the result of me being involved with most of the tracks at the moment.
  8. A graphic designer, a web designer, and a new Zelda trailer all in one day! By now my homework has given up on trying to get my attention. I'll send you a detailed private message tomorrow; I don't have time for it tonight (the internet cuts off around 10pm at my house). But thanks for offering your help!
  9. We can change that. The translation came from my mom and younger sister, and they didn't have fancy words to back it up like you do. And could I get some clarification on the EQ issue? Is it just that the strings are too quiet, or do you think the frequencies need to be separated or something? My production-sense (as well as my understanding-people-sense) is still rather weak. And I had to stop myself from using the tomatoface smiley AGAIN just now.
  10. Agreed. Though Phantom Hourglass's trailers also had hot music, and the game turned out to be a bit subpar in that department... However, those trailermusics were just remixes. A lot of this sounds original. Hopefully a good sign?
  11. If the ingame music is as good as the trailer music, then yay! Already better than Phantom Hourglass in one category. Though I don't know about the whole train thing. Hopefully there's still opportunity for some free exploration... Phantom Hourglass was like that too. Not all of them, but some. Assuming you mean "not in top-down view."
  12. The video's credibility was pretty much shot around the time the first title appeared.
  13. Well, not entirely; part of the waiting was to make sure Jazz is Undead got enough attention. But all right, I'll post it. This is a collab between Zorlaxseven and me. He did the arrangement, and I did the production (what little there is ). The title means "time conquers all" in Latin. [link removed] Sources: Sadness, Lynna Village Remixers: Hylian Lemon, Zorlaxseven Comments? Suggestions? P.S. Space has run out in the first post! From now on, you can only access the full track list on the site.
  14. Yeah, we probably do...I'm just naturally hesitant to call things done. TheKrow's off getting critiques on #ocrwip and I'm just sitting around with a bunch of unfinished tracks. XD Anyway, a small update to [link removed]--fixed the clipping issues at the beginning. In other news, I just finished a Nayru's Song WIP, and Zorlaxseven and I have a Sadness/Lynna Village collab that's been waiting to be posted (I'll leave that to him, since he did the creative work on it). I'm also working on updating some other tracks, so I'll post those after a while.
  15. Also, the Lite's stylus can be differentiated from a sewing needle.
  16. That's hardcore. My GBC has broken speakers, but once in a while I turn it on for nostalgia's sake. I won't be getting a DSi yet. Maybe in the future, but the Lite is fine for now. Some of the new features do look interesting, though.
  17. But there is! The only requirement for involvement is that you post your track here and accept critiques. I checked out your site, and I enjoyed your Silver Mountain remix; it'd be cool to have that kind of sound on this project. You're a bit overly modest, though I can relate to that. XD If you decide you want to be on the project, just let me know what track you're thinking of doing, through private message or otherwise. The track list is at the bottom of the first post. Not that I'm trying to force you into it or anything.
  18. I read a complete walkthrough before playing Ocarina of Time for the first time. >.< And Kirby's Adventure is the only NES game I've ever beaten (excluding remakes).
  19. Yay, outsiders! You get imaginary stickers for posting. So, prog, what you're saying is that the synths sound fine, but some instruments that should be realistic (like the sax) sound too fake in comparison to the other realistic instruments? I don't disagree with that. We can look for some better sax samples or make it sound more synthy or something. And we'll bring the ocean volume down a little when music is playing on top of it (I assume that's what you mean). One of these days I'm going to have to go back to all these tracks I haven't updated yet, haha. Once I'm not so busy with collabs and the SD3 project, I guess.
  20. Time for a new track. TheKrow and I finished the first draft of our collab: [link removed] Source: Pirate's Gigue Remixers: Hylian Lemon, TheKrow As the title suggests, it is a jazzy remix of the pirate theme. Thoughts? P.S. To those of you who listen to this stuff and then run off somewhere, we ask that you take the time to comment on any of the tracks, no matter what you have to say about them. If you don't have any criticism, you'll make our day. If you don't have any praise, you'll make us better. While we'd like something in between, we'd prefer the extremes to nothing at all.
  21. I've been told that before several times, sometimes on songs I thought were completely obvious. I'm not really surprised here; both songs have been altered more than usual (I squished them both into 4/4 and changed the chordage a lot to make them go together better). This might help a little: 0:00-0:07 - Maze 0:20-0:48 - Ancient Tomb 0:55-1:08 - Maze 1:35-1:49 - Maze 1:49-2:17 - Ancient Tomb 2:17-2:31 - Ancient Tomb and Maze TOGETHER (oooooh) 2:45-3:12 - Ancient Tomb and Maze back and forth (low vs. high, respectively) 3:12-3:33 - Ancient Tomb and Maze together again 3:33-3:40 - Ancient Tomb As for the brass at the beginning, I see what you mean, so it's not your "lame ear." I can try to fix that up. And I'll work on electronifying the drums a bit, TheKrow. Also, thanks for the unwarranted compliments, both of you.
  22. Is it just me though, or is it possible to differentiate between VGM and a mainstream song of the same genre? I don't know. In some cases, maybe not. But I feel like VGM does have an overall "feel," regardless of genre. Of course, I might think differently if forced to take some kind of test. It's possible that being aware that a song is from a video game triggers associations that lead me to perceive the music as more video-gamey. But that kind of relates to what AmazinJason said, which I agree with. Part of what makes video game music different is the fact that we more frequently associate specific memories with them.
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