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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Rexy, has anyone ever used one of your examples as their decision? Because that would be amusing. And lazy.
  2. I'm thinking it must have to do with the current discussion at the top of the board.
  3. Handling seems to have some of the most varied designs. I did a weird little winding-up contraption after years of experimenting. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=679734 Fun game. I've done most of the levels, but a few near the end have me stumped.
  4. Hmm, looks like somebody made the title more official/clear while I wasn't paying attention. Nice, nice. And thanks for the comments. Yes, Skull Dungeon is one of my favorite songs, so it will be remixed for sure at some point. Right now chickenwarlord and I are putting together a house/Maku Road remix, and I have several other tracks in their beginning stages. Not to mention I plan on tweaking Ripples of Time a bit in the near future (I was told that it has too many breaks). School's started, and I have several work-intensive classes this year (aaahh), but I'll do my best to keep going. The worst that could happen is that I'll take a little longer than usual to come out with new tracks (I know, I know, "I didn't know that was possible").
  5. Here at OCR, you can embed a video just by copying the URL into your post without any tags. Which is extremely inconvenient because it just makes it impossible for you to do anything besides embedding them. D:
  6. Siggy time. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/PRC127.png[/img*][/url*]
  7. The whole reason I started to remix was because nobody ever did requests. I said to myself "nobody's going to do whatever I want for me," so I decided to try remixing myself. Now I would consider myself to be a moderately ok remixer, and I don't have to rely on the whims of others. Mahaha. But yeah, becoming well-known and respected in the community is another option, if all you want to do is organize a project.
  8. I've been working extra hard this week to bring you... [link removed] (Mermaid's Cave, Cave - Sources below) This one was inspired by Darkesword's amazing Metroid Prime work. That's not to say it's anywhere near as good, but I'm feeling pretty darn good about it. Anyway, there are now three tracks open for critique. Feel free to comment on any of them. Sources: Mermaid's Cave Cave
  9. Yes, yes, Ralph's theme is a must. Right now I have several other songs under construction, though. I have a lot of memories of Oracle of Ages, too, which is why I started the project. Huddled in the stuffy closet, straining to see the screen, using a pair of headphones because the speakers didn't work...but thoroughly enjoying it. It was my first Zelda game. Anyway, thanks for posting, and I'm glad I have pleased a fellow OOA fan. XD
  10. I've been feeling the same way lately, what with my Oracle of Ages remix project. You should try signature advertising for yours, rather than talking about it in all your posts. XD That said, it's good you're tackling an underremixed game, though I'm not familiar with it.
  11. Ah, this is cool. Good arrangement, and it sounds really pretty. Just a couple of problems for me: -The drums distract from the music a little too much. It might be the hard panning; you could bring them in a little closer to the center. Anyway, my right ear gets tired of hearing that snare all the time. Maybe turn down their volume a touch, I'm not sure. -The noise at the beginning and end. Take it out plzkthxbai. I think I remember the old version, and while it was good too, I'm pretty sure this is an improvement. Keep it up!
  12. All right, here we go: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/PRC126.png[/img*][/url*]
  13. DarkeSword's name has been typo'd more times than I can count. I think he's probably used to it by now. XD Also, I'm looking forward to hearing all this. I should have participated, but I doubted my speed-remixing skills.
  14. Yes, a double post, but with good reason! It is time to move on. Essence of Lime [the remix] will remain open to critique for a while, but after a while I'll lock it in for submission to places and whatnot. The big news is: I have a new track to present! [link removed] (Wing Dungeon - source in video below) This is a collab between chickenwarlord and me, and we decided to try something a bit interesting. We both created two or three short clips, completely unrelated to each other. We then decided on an order and fused them together into one song. The result is a remix with a variety of moods and styles that suddenly change into each other (hence the title). I think it's rather fitting for a dungeon in which your two most important items are so different - bombs and a feather. Because of this, I'm not sure if the judges here would even accept it after reworkings. However, either way, we are still interested in feedback, so shoot away. Source - Wing Dungeon
  15. SLyGeN: I'm not sure subpar recording equipment would be worth the effort, but thanks for the offer. After having received feedback on #ocrwip, I have made some changes, so here we go. Links have been updated. [link removed] Mainly I've added about a minute of new material in the middle. I've also altered the ending a bit because multiple people felt that the tempo shouldn't slow down twice in such close proximity.
  16. Well, the sound quality was great, and the whole thing is a rather epic musical journey. I like the mixture of the orchestra with the guitars. And while some tracks sound very cover-ish, you also have a decent amount of arrangement in some others. The sound effects usually added to the mood, but sometimes those LttP sounds were a bit out-of-place. I don't have much experience with mixing, so from my viewpoint, everything is pretty spot on. Some of these could definitely get on OCR, I think, but they might require adjusting. For example, the Great Fairy Cave sounds amazing and is arranged beautifully (and I usually hate this theme!) until about a minute in. Then it gets sort of midi-like and clustered; I'm not sure why you made the change in mood. But I have no doubt that if the whole remix sounded like the first minute, it would be accepted.
  17. A little late, but here it is: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/PRC125.png[/img*][/url*]
  18. When I finally finish the remix I'm working on now, I will submit it to OCR, have it rejected, and then submit it to R:TS. So it may be a while. But it's good to see some activity there for once! Also, yes, R:TS is teh awesome. You know you have a chance of being accepted when you see two Hylian Lemon remixes.
  19. GHOSTBU I mean, here's that topic I was referring to. I am too lazy to read it right now, but maybe it has information in it.
  20. I don't suppose there's any way to report it? I don't see anything obvious, anyway... At least you're credited, eh? And wasn't there a topic about this?
  21. At first I wasn't sure what to expect, as your grammar is rather lacking...but the music itself is pretty impressive, and there sure is a lot of it! How long did it take you to make all of it? Was it all within 2007? At any rate, I approve of this project. Loads of great music. Also, cool maps. For some reason I love maps. Oh, and if anyone decides not to give it a listen because of the filesize, they're missing out on awesomeness.
  22. I personally have never rented a game, but I know a couple of guys down the street who do it once in a while. If there's a game I really want to play, chances are I want to own it. Games are more replayable than movies, in my opinion.
  23. Oh my god I won yay! He really isn't too bad at it, although the banana peel incident got a chuckle out of me. But that's not even the same person, or am I missing something? Also, I have to be honest, I sing along to video games too. Just not on video. XD
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