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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. I once tried remixing the two songs together. It was pretty weird when I first noticed the similarity.
  2. Who still hasn't sent the mirror info? Someone needs to track them down and threaten to kill them.
  3. I really liked it. I wouldn't say you need to add any more, because I think you got enough cool ideas across in the time you have. It's a satisfying length. One thing I would suggest is getting rid of the final chord with the cymbals and two piano notes directly before, then drawing out the new final piano note to last longer. The final chord sounds a bit cheesy, and I think having more of an open-sounding ending like that would be cool. ALSO, the weird slowdown at the beginning takes away from the remix more than it adds. Maybe just a matter of personal taste, but those are my thoughts. Besides that I can't say much. Good arrangement. I don't have the best ear for production, but it sounds fine to me.
  4. I was about to say that it was too tall, but then I rechecked and it turns out I've been operating under a false memory of a 150 pixel height limit for signature images. Weird. Anyway, sweet picture! Now I don't have to go search for stuff, yay.
  5. I wouldn't say it's going strong, but it's still...alive. It's just in hibernation at the moment. I have no intentions of abandoning it. It's been hard to come across good remixing time lately. Once I finish tweaking the current tracks (maybe before they're all done) I can work some more on the next tracks. Chickenwarlord and I have a skeleton of a House/Maku Road remix that needs to be fleshed out, and I'm about halfway through an Under the Sea/Zora Village remix. Those will most likely be the next releases, although I can't guarantee anything.
  6. Doesn't fit the style you were looking for, but here's another Good Egg remix I like: germonte - Egg Planet
  7. Well, here we go: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/PRC133.png[/img*][/url*]
  8. You're welcome :3 Congrats to just64helpin! You people had better enter the next round so I don't have to make another last-minute submission. Of course, if 64's choice is awesome enough, I'll be forced to enter anyway...
  9. I'm pretty sure that's only if other things (pressure, temperature...) are held constant. So, if the moles in the bottle decrease, different things could happen depending on what you're holding constant. Assuming the bottle maintains its shape (constant volume), the pressure in the bottle should go down.
  10. You're not decreasing the volume of the gas. That would be if you were crushing the bottle or something. I think what you're affecting is the mass (moles), though chemistry is kind of fading from my memory...
  11. All right. Finally got around to working on this. New version Were my changes too much? Not enough? Did I do something completely wrong? Did I miraculously do something right?
  12. Really short ninja entry! Oh ho ho ho, didn't see that coming, now, did you? Yes, I just made it in the last hour or so.
  13. The source sounds like it'd be fun to work with, but this is an awful week for me. :C At any rate, I'm on time with the sig... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/PRC132.png[/img*][/url*] By the way, Bundeslang, the link in the rules list is for round 131.
  14. Oh, the wonders of written sarcasm. Either you missed mine or I missed yours. Whichever is the case, one of us fails. Probably me.
  15. Nutritious, there's this thing called not giving everything away. You should try it some time.
  16. All right. I still have to work on the main synth, but I didn't want to look dead, so I made several other updates: Fog Factory v2 -Intro is quieter -Next section has better industrial sounds and overall quality -Added a few of these new sounds here and there throughout the mix -Removed strings from ending And I had questions about the main synth. I'm attempting to learn a little about all the knobs and stuff, but in the meantime, could someone be a little more specific about the change it needs? So far I have "less disruptive" and "higher quality." What makes it "disruptive," for example?
  17. I have about 36 projects that I started and will probably never touch again. They range from a few seconds to over a minute. Some of these were just sudden "ooh I need to get this stuff down!" moments, others are failed competition entry attempts, some are just random personal ideas I lost interest in after a while. I'm taking a creative writing class this year, and we've talked about pretty much the exact points analoq made (but regarding words instead of notes, of course). They do help.
  18. Thanks for the comments. I'll try to incorporate some of your ideas, Spakku; they generally do make sense. Except how does one classify the difference between mechanical and industrial? And to be honest, I really only came up with the "story" when I was almost done with the remix. Would it be better without the step-by-step guide?
  19. I know, I have other projects to attend to, but I made this for a friend's birthday. So here we go. This is a remix of Mushroom Gorge from Mario Kart Wii. We will be following a fresh mountain stream as it passes through a cloud-making factory! Fog Factory v2 (Oct 19) Source - Mushroom Gorge
  20. The thing is, I would consider Paper Mario to be a fairly popular game. That's why it's so strange that there aren't more remixes. If I wasn't doing a massive remix project, I would definitely be working more with the whole Paper Mario series.
  21. Sorry about the lateness! I put off the sig-making while I was chipping away at a mass of homework over the weekend, and then I guess I just forgot. But thanks for the images. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/sawdead/PRC131.png[/img*][/url*]
  22. PRC Forever Forest round That's about all I know of.
  23. So close... XD I wasn't expecting to get that high...we had a bunch of quality entries. It was insanely hard to choose my top three! Anyway, congrats to the winners! I'm so glad this round ended up being a success.
  24. Hey, nobody says your entry can't have anything in common with another.
  25. Well, I'm done. Hurray. This is like the one thing I don't procrastinate on.
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