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Everything posted by Imagist

  1. I'm a little confused how in the hell X-Men is better than Batman Begins in your mind.
  2. This. Although I have, after years of fighting it, discovered that I have little to no problem with iTunes (other than the fact that it won't register some of my music at all, because it must not be proper mp3 format even though it's labeled as such?) and actually like it a little, were I to discover a problem I would use this in a heartbeat.
  3. lurkers schmurkers is it bad I didn't know that FLAMING DRAGON PUNCH meant shoryuken
  4. Your lack of reading comprehension scares me.
  5. That made me laugh quite a bit.
  6. Right. I think we used similar logic when we switched poetry and freeform in the first place, saying that most people were fairly busy during November and as such it was sensible to allow them to submit whatever they had time for, but seeing as we got half poetry, half randomness and no term papers, I see no benefit in having poetry over freeform. Back to the original rotation it is, then. May's poetry competition will begin this Saturday. Ready yourselves!
  7. Wow. Is it really the 27th? Just a few more days until the May competition should be starting. Now, here's what I'm wondering: since we did poetry in January, we should (theoretically) be on freeform now. However, we did poetry in January by switching it with freeform in November to begin with, so if we return to the original rotation it's poetry time again. Now, I have no preference, so which you guys would prefer to do this month: poetry or freeform? I'll go ahead and post the time frame now, anyway.
  8. Okay, I'd better get this done before studying for my last final consumes me. So here goes: THE RESULTS ARE IN! Runners-Up: GA Jedi Knight, Imagery, & just64helpin 1st Place: Ubernym Yeah, this contest has a way of producing wacky results. For a while there I thought it was a close bid for second, but then the last few votes had to go and prove me wrong by making it even closer. Here's the vote spread: Barnsalot - 2 GA Jedi Knight - 8 Imagery - 8 just64helpin - 8 Manic Cinq - 1 Ubernym - 15
  9. The cc is a big, fat, stinking lie and I hate the liar who told the lie.
  10. Voting is now closed. I'll have the results up when finals give me a break--if you'll notice, I've extended my own deadline by a couple of days just in case.
  11. All the entrants have voted, but for everyone else, there's still a little over a whole day to get those votes in. For those like Jam that missed out on submitting, you can still influence this competition one way or another!
  12. your signature it has taken control of my mind SIR THAT IS MY MIND SIR
  13. Mechanical hammer is kind of a terrible move IMO. At least, not nearly so useful as his other moves. But I may be missing its usefulness. As for up-B, you have to kind of roll the control stick to either side once you've initiated the move in order to make him do any horizontal motion. Also, you know you have to cancel it (press down) in order to grab ledges, right?
  14. My only issue with Dedede is really an issue in general with my ability to accurately control my tilts and smashes. I f-smash with him when I mean to f-tilt far too often, and f-smashing with Dedede in the wrong situations is a terrible, terrible thing to do.
  15. Yes. Exactly. Especially when all this falls during finals for me.
  16. stfu judg u r a vapid n worthless caricature
  17. Oh god, just take my $30 now why don't you...
  18. Yeah, I'm out of this. I don't have the time any more and I probably would've lost anyway. Sorry for not letting you know earlier.
  19. You'd think Nintendo could come up with a way for the computer to kick it up a notch that doesn't involve flat-out cheating.
  20. If you read what he linked, I think he is referring to your notion that "if Boll's movies tank again and again no one will want to back him to make more." This is probably untrue, because unless his movies actually net negative income at the box office, Boll's German financiers will still be turning a profit thanks to the government's little incentive program.
  21. This just pisses me off. Seriously, Nintendo, I can see some rationale for some of your other dumb moves, but why oh why do you hate people who are good at your games?
  22. Heh! You're not the only one. Don't worry about it if you can't. Like I said, I'm just asking a favor.
  23. That doesn't explain the thread title.
  24. Why do you have this fascination with adding "e" to words and names that do not end with an "e"? [/sarcastic reply] I don't understand why people want him to stop. For one thing, there are clearly people who pay to see his movies, so why oh why should he stop? You don't actually think anyone would stop doing something that sells just because the people who don't buy want them to? And for another, I find some of the things he's made a good laugh. Not everything has to be taken so seriously.
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