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Everything posted by Nase

  1. i feel that's as good advice as you're going to get. but don't feel overwhelmed. just start with developing your relative pitch (learning to recognise the intervals), and all the other things will follow logically if you stay curious. plus, the same thing i always end up saying in these threads: use your built in melody maker. hum away when you feel like it. if you find a melody you like, determine the root of the key you hear it in and analyze the intervals. practice it with songs you hear on the radio. music is everywhere, that's what makes it so easy to have a lesson every day.
  2. Yeah i used the density thing and do remember getting some use out of it on the master channel. Never stuck with any of those secret mastering weapons though. Didn't understand them well enough to include them methodically. Btw, the SoM mix i have on here...that one had Soundgoodizer on the master, lol. Against all expectations, it turned a pretty crap mixing job into a passable one. I'll just post some more freebies i find noteworthy. I like creative delays. FreqEcho by Valhalla: http://www.valhalla-sound.com/ Tal - Dub 3: http://kunz.corrupt.ch/products/tal-dub
  3. Add some subtle sploink and a hint of authentic kronkoblorp to your platinum mix! Never understood what half of his plugins really are, haha. But i remember the GUIs being good, and everyone on KVR liking them. I fear the subtleties of mastering are entirely lost on me. Might try the exciter sometime, maybe it's exciting!
  4. Well, funky is so elusive to define, it can be pretty much anything rite? Stravinsky is ultrafunk as far as i'm concerned! Ok not really, but in a metaphorical sense Thanks, yeah i'll continue when it sounds fresh to my ears again.
  5. maek sum mixes bitchezz! i listened to some of the other tunes from the game, and it seems like a jolly ripoff fest eye of the tiger was just one of several obvious ones. but i really like the sample selection, and it seems like a unique game. i read you can smash the speakers in the stages, which causes the BGM to stop playing. that's awesome.
  6. always wanted to do a more or less faithful mix of this. here we go! i don't have kontakt on my laptop (except the clav that works with k5 player), so this presents a solid challenge. squeezing the most out of my good ol soundfonts. looks like it might break the 5 minute mark. not sure where to take it @ 3:00+ yet, but i'm planning to get somewhat more interpretive after the first straight runthrough.
  7. Whadaya expect? On here, i AM OLR. Mwahah Or atleast its chief representative. Unless brunzolaitis decides to join the forums. Then i shall be his humble servant. Any mixes coming? I was gonna do the obvious thing after my first impression and do a C64 cover, but then i started something non-asterix. Might be able to do something at the end of the week, dunno yet.
  8. If they only span a semitone or less, you should be able to get pretty realistic results with pitch wheel automation. You just have to experiment a little with non-linear curves. In FL, i prefer to draw them manually for more control.
  9. Yeah the whole post had kind of an anal touch to it Explore ARSE with Massive buzzing plugin! Rectal anarchy guaranteed!
  10. multo bene tres bien sehr gut! nice vibes. good ending. very enjoyable! one thing i might change is give the piano a little boost in the lower mids and cut the bass down there a tiny bit. the piece's freq spectrum as a whole is satisfying, because the full sounding bass is on permanent duty. but if you focus on the piano alone, it sounds a tad tinny. i already dig the bass, but i'd enjoy a few subtle slides into notes, and maybe a couple ghost notes. i think the walking bass during the vibe solo would be an especially good place to work in a few touches like that. that's all i can think of. this will get accepted 100% ^^
  11. Massive is way too new and commercial, but you get the idea. Forget massive and use the rectal anarchy buzz machine from 2001, and you're good to go! I made up a name for the compo: Ancient Relic | Sonic Explorations The relic being the plugin you're meant to explore sonically.
  12. That made me think of another compo concept...the winner picks the source AND the most obscure free sound generator he can find on the webs, like a 5 mb GM soundfont from '97, or a 10 yr old synthedit synth that was just meant for FX. Then everyone has to use just that. Sort of an extreme, cross platform version of the FL challenge. I'll stop now.
  13. Cool track. Pretty C64 sounding, europeans sure loved their bubbly arpeggios. I like the premise of this compo. Haven't used midis in a long time, but maybe i'll load it up for some quick fun. I had this stupid idea way back about a pure midi rip competition. The difference would've been that while you have to keep the rip intact with as little rearrangement as possible, you're encouraged to completely alter and destroy the original feel with wacky sound choices and drastic tempo changes and the like. I used to enjoy making some midirips that were so transmogrified no one could tell it was a rip. Well, that would be less fun today because seemingly everyone and his mum has EWQL orchestras and the like. You need a collection of cheap soundfonts and wonky synths for the best results
  14. So..he possibly isn't deaf, and could potentially have been an impostor since way earlier? What if he can't compose at all? That'd be crazy. For now i'll assume that he is an experienced composer (maybe not a really good or consistent one) and did at least suffer substantial hearing loss, resulting in more and more ghostwriting. Anything else would be very confusing..
  15. Nice and easy tune, great for adding stuff on top. I started something!
  16. i'm just thankful i stopped looking at the constant barrage of new synthesizers and samplers at some point. somehow software always brings with it that notion that you have to upgrade it, or move to the next better thing. i demoed/bought a lot of shit over the years, only to get rid of most of it again. There is no reason to not use 10 year old software if it resonates with you. it's just the same as hardware. Synth1 was good in 2004, it's good now. just as the Nord Lead is still good today. it removes a lot of hassle when you realise that the only thing you absolutely have to upgrade is yourself. i dread every fruity loops update because i'll have to remove 80% of its content again. bloated piece of crap. but at its core i love it
  17. well i don't even know the guy, but i wasn't completely "meh" about it. it's not that it's such an outrage and appaling and all that...not shocked about the morality aspect. but when i tried to picture that guy's story and how it might've developed into this trainwreck of deception, the feeling of loss, grief and shame was tangible. honestly, i hope coming out with it helped him in some way.
  18. i'd be interested in some random fun with several people participating, yeah. not interested in being ambitious about it from the start. haven't used ft in forever. we did an .flp passaround thing ages ago, and while the result sucked as a song it was still great fun.
  19. you have a way with your imagery. ...ever tried to picture an actual collective butthole? i hadn't until now. first image that came up was multi siamese twin style, but i suppose you could approach it from a centipede angle.
  20. making a big frankenstein famitracker file could be fun.
  21. semantics, we're talking big picture here. old players know how it works for them and are more consistent than anything. of course they aren't getting lazy collectively. nothing changes a game more than new players, except when the new ones mostly stick to old tried and true strategies. that causes the whole thing to water down over time.
  22. more cookie cutter themed games > more successful cookie cutter game composers. course the market is where it starts, but if there's no clear feedback demanding more risks taken artistically (dropping sales), the bland game makers and composers increase in numbers. which means more lazy composers. the ratio thing is obvious.
  23. heyy ichitootah i entered my first PRC about a decade ago. feeling nostalgic. amazing to see it still going!
  24. delete all threads except one by chimpazilla, titled: MAKE MUSIC YOU LAZY SELF-INDULGENT SLOBS!! but hey, she has a point. edit: o luv, now you are wasting time
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