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Everything posted by Nase

  1. That's weird...I bought it with FL back then, but i distinctly remember an image line update news bit declaring it part of the free suite.
  2. IMO, think about including one free workhorse like Synth1. 3xosc is capable of enough, but ehhh, that multi mini page GUI... Isn't WASP free now though? That one is quite underrated. Try the different filter types, great for acid...
  3. Hm, can I make a mix in lsdj? Also L99, which track from tmnt2 are you doing!! Omg that OST is so kickazzsz! Skateboard stage!!!
  4. Ok, calculated my stats in US format. I learned that a pound is actually less than half a kilogram 179 lbs 73 in Fat 30.3% Muscle 41.1% THW (water right?) 50.8% Bone 13.4% I guess I'm the dehydrated large warrior type or something. Apart from the obvious difference in fat (I was surprised myself), the difference in bone mass is outright freakish when compared to OA's values. 13.4% of 179 lbs are 24 pound. 7.28 lb of Bones, OA? Really? Either one of our scales is off (or I'm not using mine right yet), or I had no clue how different human skeletons can be. I have no real clue, but 7 lbs of skeleton on a 165 lbs man doesn't sound that realistic to me. Maybe the bone marrow makes up the larger part of a bone's weight, heh...
  5. Get out and buy one of those fancy scales made of glass. ~20 bucks around here. They calculate all that data by touching your feet, somehow. Mine is lacking one or two features of OA's though. Or maybe he got his stats elsewhere.
  6. Hi d00d. Reading your posts, it looks like you brought a good deal of puberty behind u since your signup date. Then again, being human is pretty much constant puberty, lol.
  7. Teenage years? Not like OCR hasn't had enough high school drama already. Then again, next generation :3
  8. <3<3<3 When is Nice Work Guy's birthday anyway? You of all people should know....
  9. Also, it's a bit like being judged by a prof at uni - if your reasoning behind the medley decision is sound and can be experienced as something deliberate in the piece, your professor is probably gonna shut up and let it pass, if he likes it or not.
  10. There must be some good open review sites around. I only ever found some for music though. You know, some place where other reviewers see your review and review it. Good training grounds.
  11. I love the assistant remixer idea.
  12. Yeah flp sharing is awesome. Sad I'm out for now. I'd really like to see something lighthearted, like a vocal edition of DoD with the option of whistling, humming, beatboxing, freeeestylin', scatting, talking gibberish. Or opera if you insist, who cares. Mouth and throat based sounds. Once people become comfortable with a format like that, you could do duet or ensemble editions where people draw numbers and come up with unlikely match ups. But yeah, all in a fun spirit. Like a marriage of overclocked and overlooked acapella.
  13. Podcasts and game journalism could be the perfect marriage. It'll be like the good old gaming tv channels, but more modular and tailored to the individual. Plus less neon colored and more laid back. Way better basically.
  14. In this case I was aiming to extract opinions, which I got. I practiced sarcasm for a very long while. Can't be sure whenever it's coming out. Certainly feeling less of it these days tho.
  15. Funny typo. WouldN'T, no? Not even arguing as I'm down with u. Books are great. I think school has a way of killing people's enjoyment of books though. People confuse open sources of inspirational concepts with end all be all manuals they have to grow attached to. That is why theory and technique are a bit dangerous. You need to put it in the right context for it to enrichen your experience, not limit it.
  16. You're all talking about the power of Intuition that comes through doing stuff with your gut. It's just that intuition is such a big bloated word Think of the jazz music mantra of 'no mistakes'. Whenever a good jazz muso plays something that sounds like a mistake to him, he plays around it until the mistake vanishes, becomes integrated, or is transformed into something deliberate. All amounts to the same thing. That is the exact opposite of sticking to the preconceived plan. You work with mistakes until they cease to be mistakes. Works with both improv and compo, only in different ways. Composition is more intricate timeless sculpture, improv is more like a split-second real time decision making game. But it's all intuitive. Happy accidents and all.
  17. I'd like to see award shows awarding award shows though.
  18. All this is true only when taking into consideration that the border between classical and pop is like the border between nations - a dividing conceptual line that is mainly good for logistics, though ultimately illusionary. Yeah, Dr Wily!! Finally.
  19. She probably has a decent grasp of what games are or are meant to be, and can see that these award shows are another poor way of copying the movie making industry to get some of its glitter. People who understand games know games are too punk for art awards. In other news, Jean-Paul Sartre was too punk for the Nobel prize.
  20. Awesome. I'll share my first real encounter with choral. http://youtu.be/OvvceL4GB6E
  21. Yes. The funny thing is once you do that, the analysis stuff comes through more naturally as well. If you have a disposition for that. Bach didn't bang his head against a wall to do his intricate compositional number games. He was just playing around on different levels.
  22. Ha, yea, it is amazing. I am still saddened however about Daknit, Bard of Tarot, leaving the building. There was some magic to his crappy music maker productions. The Sims Acid mix and the Diablo Recitative Techno of his shall always be faves of mine. They were remixes of in-game poetry though, not of in-game music. Alas...
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