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Everything posted by Nase

  1. well, this is undeniably a good change. still, another wasted bit of memory muscle i'll probably keep pressing a+rightclick for a while just out of automatism.
  2. is there something remotely like rampage in dota?
  3. it's kind of fun tbh. it even has parallax scrolling... edit beat it XD 00:09
  4. not better than humans. precisely as good as humans. you're a filthy speciesist ^^ hey, peta is hilariously retarded, but their logic isn't that hard to understand. they don't like animals being exploited. neither do i. but i don't care enough because i've eaten meat for most of my life. i don't care enough because there seems to be more pressing stuff happening all the time than labrats dying. still, there are people who become militant about it. pardon the cheese, but reevaluating our relation with the rest of earth's inhabitants should be on our long-term to-do list. the biblical paradigm ("subdue the earth") has had its time. thought to be honest, i don't know if peta is helping or hurting this cause :S it's because in the eyes of peta, everyone appears as a heartless monstrosity. you sick tyrants of the food chain, brainwashed by video games too! see, they're not 100% off. if everything we bought in supermarkets were completely transparent about its origin, raw materials and manufacturing (utter utopia ofc), it would become impossible to buy there and feel good about yourself. you'd have to concede that it's either time to grow stuff in the garden or admit you suck as a human being. which is exactly why publicity stunts about dead animals in video games suck balls. it's just fucking unimportant but still more of a headline than 'humanity continues to rape everything 24/7'
  5. lower range quadcore, 6 gb ram, gefore gt 230 (qualifies as not-so-good). you can get it to 30 frames and have it look decent. i've often thought about upgrading my gfx card to 'match' my overall specs, but i think playing this game with 7/10 graphics instead of 8/10 won't spoil any of the fun. the most important thing is...you want to see those mountains meshing into the horizon. lowering the max viewing distance is going to make exploration less fun. thankfully i didn't need to
  6. i know what you mean, but that separation doesn't really exist. there are only aesthetics. then there's the question if the engine can pull off the envisioned aesthetics. the point is, good graphics don't exist without a good sense of aesthetics. engines don't look good by themselves. anyway, if you really have issues with this game's aesthetics, i can't imagine you've played either morrowind or oblivion. because they look like utter crap in comparison. and as pretty much always, it was NOT down to the stupid engine, it's down to graphic artists using rotten potatoes as reference for the model's faces. it's down to the lazy prefab feel of the world, and all that.
  7. they're not special at all if you compare them to some linear fps full of scripted shit meant to disguise the simple linear pipe-like levels. standards for huge ass open worlds are different. it's more about continuity and believable design. apart from that, it's a matter of taste ofc. if you had played dark age of camelot 10 years ago, you probably would've joined the colorful fairy world of hibernia. i on the other hand would have been that concrete bosomed troll warrior in black that crushes your pretty elf skull once you venture into the borderlands. midgard was the place to be. while dark and depressive, it simply was the most immersive realm. dark and moody fantasy is something i definitely haven't seen too often in games. if you were talking about shooters and how boring their brown/greyish attempts at realism are becoming, i'd have a more open ear.
  8. I am definitely more excited than bleck.
  9. i'm 99% sure i won't like it, but i won't blame you for it. it's just a really hard to arrange tune that oozes funk and playfulness. i don't have any bias against trance but i think it's a poor genre to represent those qualities. that said, anything's possible i guess. hope i will be pleasantly surprised, and good luck
  10. NOOOOOO PLEASE DONT not...trance......plssss..not that song...............doesn't...work...... *dies*
  11. simon bisley or if not someone amazingly bisley lookalike
  12. i think both comments you gave as example are potentially ok comments, even though they might be poorly worded. i usually want my mix to sound like the original. not COMPLETELY like the original, but it's nice to have a similar kind of timbre going or really nail down a part of the composition you like a lot. sometimes you wanna pay max homage and just sound like whatever you're paying tribute to, even if it's just for a couple bars. There are also mixes i just 'don't enjoy as much as the original'. Maybe it's overused, but i know it applies for all of us. sometimes i just like something about a tune so much that not properly honoring it in a mix can only seem like a bad decision. that doesn't mean the arranger failed, it means i think he failed to capture something essential. it's subjective, but not subjective to the point of meaninglessness. apples and oranges rule applies when there's no sensible measurement available to compare...like, what's better, 2-step or polka. in the case of arrangements...you can compare arrangements!! They can sound wildly different, but you still can compare them to the OST. there's nothing wrong about deeming a tribute worthy or not. hey, maybe you just don't get it and some people are gonna yell at you to go back to DoD or FF trance mixes. maybe you can respect and grow to love what the mixer did on some later listen. i still think it's a valid thing to say. ofc it helps to elaborate just a little and not be a retard.
  13. Invite plspslslpsllsplps i'll even bake you a cake. and eat it for you.
  14. for wavetable purposes, i really like SQ8L (also free). http://www.buchty.net/ensoniq/ being an emulation of an old wave synth, the sound is pretty lofi/cheesy, but also full of character. lots of great funky mono patches too. plex doesn't seem that great in the cutting lead/bass department tbh, i'd rather use it for softer stuff.
  15. haha, ok this is fun (Ninur). it doesn't completely amaze me from a tunesmith perspective but it's hella entertaining and varied. actually has an ocr sound to it...sounds like a bedroom nerd producer taking what he understands to be a dance genre and going batshit insane with it. ^^
  16. at the same rate, the life bar segments will remind every noob lina not to waste her burst on that fed bristleback. so while mana is obscured, focusing your dmg will be way easier in the heat of the battle. from my experience, failure to focus dmg is the 2nd most significant factor for losing games (right after lacking map awareness/TPs). i really don't get it. i liked those life bars when i first saw them but by now i think they're way too analytical!
  17. eh, i've played around with it again. it's a good synth for what it does, even tho i can't imagine using it for many sounds. wavetable sounds tend to be soo cheesy 90% of the time
  18. i remember getting it from a warez cd in like 2004, right after picking up FL well, now it's free, yay! might be worth checking out as it has a pretty original concept rather than being just a dated VA synth. http://plex.seib.info/
  19. any1 playing tonight? i'll be playing all the time after 3 months of basically no net
  20. there's enough house in there to make it somewhat catchy
  21. I like the sounds. the tunes though? i just can't keep em in my head. i haven't heard a dubstep tune i'd call 'catchy'. not sayin music has to be catchy...but when i listen to hours of stuff and nothing sticks in me ear...meh. might as well be listening to chillout zone. i'm sure it's awesome for just going spastic in a crowd. from a creative perspective, most of it just feels bland. i can't help but think that someone took one single tune from some IDM album he particularily liked and decided to construct a genre around it. it doesn't sound all the same, but it sounds like the same idea mostly.
  22. similar to witch slayer/lion stun in principle. you get more range by risking a missed stun. with the blink, it does seem like a pretty forced attempt of making it more skill based. still, i've always liked how most of the blinks are handled a bit differently in dota/hon. if the dota hero has been around for so long some people probably enjoy him a lot. idk, lots of things sound stupid in theory and you just have to play the hero to see if it makes sense in action or not.
  23. oh youre posted! not much of a surprise either i'll listen when i have dsl again (which should be this afternoon, yay.)
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