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Everything posted by Nase

  1. Have fun haha. I don't remember it sounding that pristine or realistic, but it had some character. Btw, modelonia from the same dev is awesome for vaguely acoustic sounding stuff. Not sure if it could pull off convincing bagpipes though Esperado: I dunno which NI products include the bagpipes, i got em from K3 full.
  2. It's a bit older than Unreal the game, which interestingly uses tracker files as well. Now that you mention it, it's entirely possible that the game's name is demoscene inspired. Like the demo, Unreal showcased graphical peak performance for its time, and was frequently used in stores as a benchmark to make people go "whoa, computers can do that?"
  3. I think that has more to do with what the bass plays, just like with drums. You simply get a lot of bass playing in metal that's very supportive of the riffs or even verbatim. Even when you can't make out the bass sound very well, it's a fundamental part of making the riff pump, and you can hear the huge difference when the bass drops out and the guitars keep chugging. Lots of tunes use that for effect. I get what you're saying about keeping it transparent for your ear's sake. I guess it's all dependant on how metal it gets. There are metal albums that i like for their muddy, cranked up wall of sound. it can be appropriate, even though it leaves your ears numb and ringing after a playthrough on headphones..
  4. It's just a classic tracker tune from a classic demo. I think it's the one with the "GET DAUN" sample, if that rings a bell...
  5. If it sounds as scatological as it reads, then yes, haha. Skowronek is the name of a bird in polish, but it sounds so aggro, it'd work perfectly as a curse word. Regarding audiobus, if synth1 gets optimised like the pc version, it'll be great for that. Super modest stronk synth.
  6. Ipad, pretty sure it's the emu. The emulators you can get for winamp these days just sound really good. Listening to some chiptunes in modizer, i'm reminded of how chiptune emu sounded when i first became aware of it But hey, chiptunes yay! Plus, .mods and .its and all. So much to revisit and discover. .nsf sounds alright as well, if a bit thin.
  7. Lol, Synth1!! http://rekkerd.org/ichiro-toda-intros-synth1-for-ios/ Can't wait
  8. Oh! Vsts for Reason. Had to happen at some point! Or call em rack expansions, but that's what vsts are, right?
  9. The mid-centric eq cuts on drums...isn't that more of a pragmatic consideration because you'll get a shitload of mids with all the power chords? I can see how all the suggestions are helpful in creating classic metal sounds (the common denominator is probably thrash). But hey, why not use a more groovy, balanced drum sound for once, like black sabbath's, or something? But i guess that'd automatically make it hard rock/blues these days
  10. Just got it, wow, what a wealth of formats. I hope the dev keeps tuning it. Listening to monty on the run right now....the sid emu isn't so hot for one. But the direct access to some databases was just what i was looking for, thanks! Lol, Unreal ][.s3m on #1 of modizer charts. Big fucking surprise!
  11. Cool. I don't suppose there is a feature to download files from dropbox? As of now, i have no PC to use itunes, lol. Goddamn iOS console scheme
  12. GPO is really cheap as a download these days innit? Sound is meh, but it's quite playable and the patches load fast and stuff. From what i've heard, you.can do alright sounding things with it if you play to the library's strengths. That can be said for a lot of products though, right? ;d It's like, you could probably compose an equally strong/stronger orchestral library out of free stuff found all over the net, but GPO saves you the hassle of finding all that and setting it up.
  13. I have a mini, and i'm getting buffer underruns with some combinations of 3 or even just 2 apps. Like MS-20 and multitrack daw. It works well with some, but the whole plug and play experience feels a bit dampened for me when i can't use a few of my apps in simple setups. Not saying it's unusable, but it's probably the one music related app that benefits the most from a better processor. Ipad 4 does have twice the power of a mini, so... Tbh i don't care too much, the sequencers are all so modest in cpu use. I found audiobus interesting because it sort of brings the vst paradigm to tablets, but i actually prefer working in closed systems for the most part. As soon as beatmaker has audiobus support, i might use it sometimes if i really really want the input from another app. Can't see myself switching between apps all the time. Btw, your last name sounds way more polish than mine, wow.
  14. Well, if hobo is maxing both his ram and cpu he shouldn't be surprised about the crackling. Bridging 64bit plugins should help the CPU (utilise multicore support), while disk streaming should free up RAM at the expense of CPU. Maxing out both at the same time is rare in my experience, because usually, my projects are either more sample heavy or have more live processing (synths). I guess you could push it by putting loads and loads of vst effects over the samples. One more thing: adjust latency if stuff starts crackling. You cannot run a project that is fully taxing your system at 7ms latency or so.
  15. Very entertaining. Bit of a Satch vibe in some the soloing, no? Maybe it's just me. Some of the real fast bits also sound paul gilberty. Whole thing feels like a 5 minute tune. Chock full of stuff. Good wurk
  16. Np. Btw, i remember using sampletank with 2gb and getting along just fine. It's made to run on DAWs from a decade ago, and the RAM footprint mirrors that. Philharmonic in the sampletank engine is a different beast. The individual sounds are much larger. Truth be told, selling that library with a non-disk streaming rompler was a bit of a crap move. Wouldn't matter that much if you could use your 8gb. I was under the impression that the 4gb limit is set in stone and that the bridging only helps with multicore support, but i'm possibly wrong. If you can get all your RAM to work for FL/bridged plugins, you should be fine. Also, determine if the crackling happens just with bridging, just with 64bit plugins, just with the 4gb FL exe. Change one parameter at a time and see what causes it...
  17. Sampletank for one doesn't have disk streaming. It means that just a small portion of the samples is loaded into the RAM and the rest is streamed from your hd. It frees up RAM and eats CPU. When you largely work with samples and loads of them, it's always preferable.
  18. Check how many of your sampler/rompler plugins have disk streaming. With FL's ram restrictions, it's a bit of a necessity with large sample banks.
  19. Sweet! Coincidentally, it's Sunday 11 AM, and i just elevated my THC level. Rdy for takeoff :3
  20. It keeps flipping it over for me when i view it as a downgraded jpeg on a messageboard? Dat sum stronk software. For the record: (Don't tell me that one is reversed as well, lol)
  21. Ipad, that's what i was thinking. But that doesn't make sense, lol. Even if i took it upside down, it should look upside down for me as well when i'm looking at it in the browser. Or even in the pic folder of the ipad. Actually, the gyroscope thing should make any upside down pics impossible in the first place. I'm baffled. If this was a consistent gravitational anomaly (or retard mistake on my part), then i should see you guy's studios upside down, right? ;d So the remaining logical conclusion is... 666NUMBER OF THE BEAST666
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