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Everything posted by Nase

  1. Are we talking remixes only? cause when it comes to making original music out of nothing but movie samples, Fagottron delivers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlS_Rnb5WM4
  2. Nase

    I'm Issac

    wow, models at my uni get about half of that. maybe you have to thank american prudery for a less crowded market
  3. Nase


    Huh? The relative controls are what make it good! It's clearly meant to fuck with your mind, and i enjoyed that. i'm pretty sure it taxes the brain twice as much as regular tetris.
  4. hm, careful with the 'job' thing. it's true of course, if you aren't getting your shit done but really want to, you need to show discipline. the problem with the 'job' moniker is, it's pretty firmly linked to monotony and routine as that's what most jobs on earth are all about, sadly. If you start 'working' on your music with that kind of unconscious mindset, it probably won't make you much happier or productive. so when you start treating music as a job, you also need to understand that it's a rather unconventional one. your mind has to be open above all. just keeping at it is a good start but not enough in the long run, and you might grow sick of it if you can't feed on any inspiration. i have to agree with the 'warm up' comment though, the first hour of sequencing or so is very rarely fun for me. in fact, i often feel like i have to learn making music over and over again when i start making a tune. the knowledge is still there, but the mindset is gone. then, as soon as i've found something that works and i start to imagine where i could take it, i go 'ah rite making music is pretty neat!'. i don't know if you're that kind of person, but if you are, it might be enough to force yourself to make music for 1-2 hours every day. if you can keep this up, there WILL be a day when you get so inspired that you can't help but work on it all night. best thing is, it doesn't feel like work at all ^^
  5. my mate's account vanished over christmas...anyone got an invite left? i've used all of mine.
  6. Win7 64bit, FL (extended memory).exe. FL9 ofc. one thing to consider is that i have 6GB RAM installed, and it seems like Win7 uses the RAM that FL can't adress because without anything loaded FL's RAM meter is @ about 150 mb. with only 4GB i could imagine running into problems beyond the 3GB usage mark.
  7. It works smoothly. it does with 3.7 GB loaded! CPU consumption is low as i have only sampled instruments loaded atm, but i have about half of them playing now and threw some wavs on top of it. guess i'm lucky, heh.
  8. hm, played it for 2 days i think, and while the diablo like item craze kept me going for a while, i found it too generic to keep me interested in the long run. the really interesting part imo is the editor software that's included. apparently it's the very same stuff the makers used to produce the game, but it looks very amateur-friendly. Looks like the studio aims to get fresh content from the fanbase, and i hope someone picks it up and makes a kickass mod/total conversion. maybe something a bit more immersive even.
  9. Genesis options: TFM Music Maker http://shiru.untergrund.net/software.shtml I'm guessing that you're not too familiar with the concept of trackers, so be prepared for a steep learning curve. Sound wise, it's unmatched though, i think. You can even find some presets ripped from Genesis games to get you started. No sampling channel as of now though, so you can't reproduce the Sonic drum sound, for example. just pure synthesis. VOPM http://www.geocities.jp/sam_kb/VOPM/ a VST solution that is reasonably close. the interface is cryptic though. It doesn't model the Genesis soundchip, but one similar in architecture (bit more versatile) If you're interested in the real deal, watch this blog: http://little-scale.blogspot.com/ the guy has a midi interface for Genesis in the works. 8bit-wise, famitracker all the way. http://famitracker.shoodot.net/ very good tracker, pretty much anything you could do on a NES is possible with it. There are loads of VST options, and they're ok, you can make chippy sounding stuff with them alright, but if you want to make true chiptunes, the chip's limitations are an integral part of that, and famitracker gives you those. If you don't care about polyphony limit or the dpcm and triangle channels fighting for volume (with true emulation come the same technical challenges that the composers had to battle against back in the day), here's a VST list: Magical 8bit Plug http://www.ymck.net/english/download/index.html YMvst(Atari ST) http://www.preromanbritain.com/ymvst/ Tweakbench (don't like these much personally but they're popular) http://www.tweakbench.com/triforce Basic 64 http://www.delamancha.co.uk/basic.htm this one's cool. it's just c64 inspired, but sounds good and is fun to tweak. I'll stop now ^^
  10. samples for chipsound? meeh. http://benanderson89.blogspot.com/2009/04/sn-emu-available-now-megadrive-vst.html here's an emulation of the SN76489 that is in fact the sound chip working inside the Master System.
  11. I used to be a hardcore budget man with music from 04-07, and i still sort of am with synths, because freewareland is just so vast when it comes to them that it's mostly enough for me. When it came to samples of acoustic stuff though, i quickly changed my line of thought. you can of course make wonderful music with 1 mb soundfonts. hell you can make awesome music with 0.5 second 8bit samples, and we all know enough examples of that. But there's no way you can even come somewhat close to the vast options of, say, making sound with a cello, without a large pool of samples (disregarding physical modelling, we'll see about that). exploring those different sounds without having the actual instrument is simply fun and can even spawn off entire songs, based on a sound you didn't have in your sf collection. in short, i like doing a lot with little, but doing a lot with a lot is great too if you can manage the huge number of options. if you can envision how you want your music to sound, it doesn't really get easier with that at all. it might just sound more to your liking in the end. the only thing i'm somewhat opposed to are loop-based construction sets and the like. you can get just as creative with those, but with the way those libraries are crafted it's usually clear that they're not really meant to be used very creatively. anyway, i'll give the samples a try now, thanks for the heads up!
  12. nah, you can compose in garageband. It has midi and AU (a mac only virtual instrument format) support, and with a wrapper you should be able to load VSTs (a mac+pc virtual instrument format) too. I didn't like it much either after a quick test, but it can definitely get the job done.
  13. man, the shit you have to put up with in pubs sometimes. i just finished a relatively short game with kraken 8/2/17, helped the team win most of the major battles in midgame, and 2 people of my team keep slamming me for not -tanking- properly, because boohoo they died and i didn't. any further attempts to tell them about kraken's role fail. next minute they feed 2v5 after i and another guy called them back. so many worthless opinions you gotta ignore...
  14. Ah, right. Sounds like a good compromise. Could I get a clan invite? I'd like to see when you have matches coming up, growing a bit tired of pub games here.
  15. http://tindeck.com/listen/dbwj Mixing/mastering nonexistent ^^ nothing too personalised. more of an exercise/sample test. Still, went down pretty well.
  16. I did an incognito match against some of you fellas yesterday, playing as Kraken. Shame I couldn't do shit with that 300 ping...owell, Nymphora and Jera still made for an easy win, needless to say ^^ Of the names ingame, I only recognised Vilecat though. Who's Senji/Desumetaru? forgot the other names. Anyway, I go by 'Skoshu'. Just out of interest, are you US people getting decent pings on, say, a UK based server?
  17. just dropping by to confirm that i successfully loaded 4gb of samples into FL9_extended memory on Win7 64bit. 4 instances of battery, 2 fully loaded sampletank instances, 1 kontakt loaded with 16 of the most ram heavy patches i could find on my hd. I don't think i need jbridge for now...maybe when i get trilian. But 4 GB seem pretty hard to max out on a single project unless you're only using super detailed multi articulation patches for everything.
  18. oh wow WOW I never listened to this before. Insanely brilliant. This fits right in with the DoD spirit while bringing more than just shredding to the table. The shredding is awesome nonetheless mindyou. Wonderfully diverse guitar work here. Weak ending though, shame. But I had enough of a blast to forgive you for that.
  19. the thing is, it's still annoying enough to discourage me from doing it more often than not. I don't know why the IL folks aren't doing anything about it. maybe they treasure FL's reputation as a hip hop/oontz machine... 'time sig changes? we don't want yer proggy wank in our sequencer!'
  20. way i do it, i finish one part, then change the project's time sig, put the new patterns right where the ones with the old time sig end (might have to zoom in to get it right) and continue writing. the bar divisions in the piano roll wont make sense in the end when you look at the project as a whole, but atleast they'll be correct while you're working on each part.
  21. i think i've heard more impressive examples of simulated 3d sound. What I love about it is the barbershop theme. These days, i just shave my hair myself every year or so. But I remember really liking getting my hair cut back in the day. The cold sensation of the scissors, the sweet sound of it...I think I'd buy a cd with nothing but those scissor sounds in pristine stereo. Better yet, I should get me a gf with some haircutting skills. Oh man, rereading this, I think i may have a peculiar fetish
  22. I think i'm in. Virt's and Harmony's demos are a MAJOR selling point for me btw. Shit, let Virt do demos for a multisampled belch&fart library and i might just end up buying it. Can't wait until Friday!
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