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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Zing! Also, The Hulk was absolute garbage. Why is this shit even a topic for debate? It's not possible to construct a meaningful argument that defends this movie that doesn't revolve around calling detractors "little boys" with "butthurt".
  2. Hey risingforce. I may be a musically daft asshat, but I can tell that the way you try to argue is really, really irritating. I don't claim to know anything about the subject of the fits you seem to be throwing here, but the way you argue your points is really snide, arrogant, and generally befitting of an elementary school playground. You're not going to win any friends with this approach, but I half expect that was never your intention. Pull the throttle back to "reasonable and rational" if you want civilized debate. And don't play the "everyone's against me" card when you pretty much asked for it.
  3. spoiler warnings asshole.
  4. Days like this make me wish I could sage threads here.
  5. Why anyone would ever consider something as inane as getting the aerosmith guitar hero edition is beyond me.
  6. Shin Shoryuken thread over.
  7. Thank you for bringing this to my attention because it is awesome, and I commend you for it. But I must disagree with you and call you a fool, because I see the variety of percussion as a testament to their ingenuity.
  8. This is exactly why I'm not terribly impressed. It's awesome that he accomplished this feat, but the fact that he's attention-whoring it makes me not give a shit.
  9. Um...who cares? I mean, great, you beat all of the megaman games and now you want to show it off and have everyone tell you how cool you are. Go outside.
  10. Hey guys, I know I'm not contributing in any way, but great job with this. Seriously. Awesome.
  11. Holy hell, no way. Good song, but not conducive to bumpin' uglies.
  12. Disclaimer: For comedic effect only. Do not actually attempt to use this as mood music.
  13. Nope. Moral predicaments aside, the second game's final case was by far the weakest. T&T was the first game to weave a narrative that spanned first case to last, so for everything to come together in the end like it did made it shine. Besides, the game's were called "Comeback Courtroom" for a reason.
  14. bahahahaha
  15. Coop's idea sounds pretty solid. I wonder if there's a way to integrate the judges and mods in somehow, say, as powers for OCR-Tan once she defeats Que-snail and Ban-Mammoth (MMX bosses were furries)
  16. Good God, it's fuckin' fine! The sprites are AWESOME. Quit nitpickin'!
  17. This is a double post Pretty simple concept, actually. Don't do it.
  18. What the damn are you talking about?
  19. bahahahahahaha
  20. I tried doing a GG sprite of OCR-tan. I used Millia's sprite and I-No's guitar, but it ended up fugly as all get out, because I suck
  21. It's about damn time we got off this FF7 asstrain and started focusing on a game with a truly ingenious soundtrack. People may call this the indy game of the Final Fantasy series, but I just say FUCK YOU to that. You don't even know. Props to you guys, dammit. Dammit.
  22. Can I just say how happy I am that this thread has been resurrected?
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