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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. I think we're losing touch with what would be a good character, versus a good item/level mechanic/etc. Pac-man would be a good item. Not a good character. As for namco, KOS-MOS came awfully close to being in Soul Calibur 2 as a cameo character, so I wouldn't discount her (even though it's super unlikely)
  2. This is quite possibly the stupidest idea in the entire thread.
  3. ah you beat me to it.
  4. Fenrir

    Halo 3

    Yeah, I don't see what the fuss was about the assault rifle. I wasn't that impressed.
  5. Yeah, I didn't play Final Fantasy 7 until a few years after it came out, so it was already spoiled for me. I just never got attached to her since I knew she gonna get off'd by the end of the first disc. Also, the statute of limitations is up on this game. Everyone ought to know this by now.
  6. Dammit .
  7. Dear God it's the entire front page
  8. It's a sprite music video to Jose the Bronx Rican's Vega cover from Blood on the Asphalt.
  9. My computer's name is Lenneth.
  10. Should we get Judges to play the part of the council?
  11. So the general idea that I'm getting here is that we want to tell a story that parallels to a mixer submitting a remix to be judged. Next time you guys get together to brainstorm, my AIM and skype are both LokiSeraph. I'm generally free in the evenings (eastern time) but I won't be around this weekend. If I could get a couple of examples of stuff we're modeling the project after, that would help me out a ton. I know there's some confusion as to what exactly our style or genre is, so maybe this still needs clarification.
  12. Yeah, it looks like it's got potential, but thee really shaky camera is keeping me from being able to zero in on the details and stuff. Don't get me wrong, it fits in with the action, but...
  13. Surely you jest. At any rate, homeless English major here. Perfectly willing to work with you guys and write stuff, if that's what you're looking for.
  14. Okay, that's it. I'm not posting in here anymore. I want to hang on to that $250...
  15. It won't be long before I'll have to stop checking this thread, for fear of spoilers or of driving me to buy a Wii just for this and consequently failing out of college in my senior year. dammit all.
  16. I wasn't a fan of the visors or ammo-based beams in Echoes, but I did love the worlds and the lush detail that went into everything everywhere. My one problem through the Prime series has been getting 100% logbook scans. I always missed that ONE LITTLE BASTARD THAT QUITS SHOWING UP AFTER A CERTAIN POINT. He's not even a boss and he still goes away! DAMMIT.
  17. Yeah, I really had fun coming up with that character description. A pity you never got the chance to pop up again.
  18. Yeah except for that whole Fantasy Story, right? RIGHT?!
  19. Dammit, now I actually have to go get a wii. Shit I needed that money.
  20. Really the only reason why I'm pissed about UnMod is because deleting it killed the Epic Fantasy UnMod Story. I can't understand why people are saying that nothing positive ever came out of UnMod, when it spawned a project of at least seventy stories by twenty-two different users (from all over OCR).
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