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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Been following your stuff in DoD for a while, and I got nothing bad to say. Keep it up. Rawk.
  2. Why would you want something that stupid-looking to begin with?
  3. omedetou. shoop de woops all around, and I look forward to everything 'n shit
  4. Seriously. I've never had this much bad luck with something before. I think I'll open it in my car next time to make sure there's nothing wrong with it haha. I'm catching up to my friend who is on his 4th Xbox360.. fourth? jesus.
  5. Hell yeah! Tetris Attack rocked my 8-bit grayscale world
  6. I'm going to look forward to this when it's finished. SD3 was one of my favorite games for a loooong time. It's about the soundtrack got some more coverage. Good luck guys! I'd help, but I have pretty much no musical aptitude or equipment.
  7. I'm a big fan of the percussion in this song. I think it lends a nice beat to the song, and gives it a nice counterpoint to the ambient underwater feel. Props.
  8. I admit that I downloaded this off the main page and forgot to listen to it. But when I finally did, I was absolutely blown away. This mix was one of the most calming pieces I'd heard in quite a bit, and I found myself listening to it on repeat while I wrote papers. I applaude Destiny and Zyko for their brilliant work on this mix. I felt that the guitar was just fine, by the way. Maybe that's just because I like pieces that mix typically orchestral and rock instruments (The Rock soundtrack comes to mind).
  9. Haha, Comic ReMixes always get a thumbs up in my book. I love to hear that sort of thing. I though it was a riot. Anyways, I thought the music itself was pretty good, and I applaude you for the bit where Link has a false start on the guitar. It gives it a more human edge, and I respect that.
  10. It's freakin' sweet. Enough said. I used to believe that this was System of a Down, but I can easily see how it isn't. I think it's hilarious how people try to justify it being SoaD by kazaa and other sketchy lyric sites.
  11. Every now and then I come across ReMix that totally catches my attention and makes me think, "Man, this is freakin' sweet!" I downloaded it a while ago, but forgot to listen to it, but when it came up on my playlist, I was blown away. It's very soothing, and an easy song to listen to. I agree with Unforgiving Edges that there should be more vocal ReMixes, particularly when they hit this caliber.
  12. The first time I heard this game was, at the beginning of my first Final Fantasy six game, I was nearly moved to tears by how beautiful it was. Words cannot express how beautiful I think this remix is, but it definetly does justice to it.
  13. This song had me entranced, that's all there is to it. I put on before I go to sleep sometimes, and I find the thunder and rain effects utterly relaxing. I like this one a little better than the companion piece "All the world in one girl," but regardless they're both excellent pieces. The wingless does not disappoint me.
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