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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. I honestly think that these things were added to make things more interesting for veteran players. And let's face it, the majority of people playing this game already experienced it before. New content to keep things fresh.
  2. Updated first post with ZIP of other remixes. If anyone can recommend a better host than rapidshare, I'm all ears.
  3. You mean Christmas Sailing? It's up there under the other category
  4. Dammit. Hate when something like this happens. Prayers and thoughts to families of all involved.
  5. Nobody cares what you think. Go away.
  6. Ah, I hadn't even thought of that. I'll see if I can get around to compiling a zip of those sometime tomorrow.
  7. I'd link to the songs, but the only ones I know where to find are on OCR, and if you can't get to them yourself, you've got no business being on a computer. VGMix is a mess, so that's out. I'll put some up on rapidshare or something if enough people want some of the other stuff.
  8. All things come full circle. I'm mainly just interested in making a Christmas playlist, so I figured the sooner this shows up, the longer I have to enjoy it.
  9. Thanksgiving ain't officially over yet, but I figured that if the retailers could do it before Halloween ended, I've got no problem jumping the gun by less than two hours. So, post any wintery, Christmasy, or holiday...y ReMixes. Here's what I've found in my vast collection: Christmas Nights MerryLittleChristmas - Dale North Donkey Kong Country Chekan Winter - Prophecy Donkey Kong Country Christmas Cave - Deim0s Final Fantasy 6 Death on the Snowfield - AmIEvil Lufia 2 Christmas in the Village (Silver Bells) - Dale North Mega Man 6 Flurry of Frozen Fury - Vurez Metal Gear Solid LiquidMetal - Vigilante Metroid Prime Just a Little More (Prime Edit) - DarkeSword Secret of Mana Cry From The Forest - Mustin, Kassie! Secret of Mana Dirge for the Frosty Plains - mp Secret of Mana IceCrystal - Zeratul Sonic 3D Snow - Jivemaster Sonic 3 MemoriesFrozeninTime - DCT, Just Us Super Ghouls'N Ghosts ICE MTN Symph - McVaffe Super Mario World Super Mario's Sleigh Ride - OneUp Mushrooms Wild Arms Not Alone in the World - Dale North, Jaxx William Wobbler AWilliamWobblerChristmas - Slow Poison Megaman 8 Frosty Delight - DjChako Megaman Zero 2 Cool Mind - DragonLord NiGHTS into dreams... Soft Museum Jam - McVaffe Mario Kart 64 - Party in the Snowland - DarkeSword Final Fantasy Adventure Wish Upon a Wendellian Star - Big Giant Circles Final Fantasy 10 Summoner's Love - DragonAvenger, EFields Super Ghouls'N Ghosts Ice Mountain Symphony - McVaffe Final Fantasy 7 Frozen Landscape (Buried in Snow) - Tweek Ducktales The Amazon Session - Gux Terranigma Blue (Shooting Star) - ziwtra Terranigma Aquamarine - mv Perfect Cherry Blossom Icy Peaks - Justus Johnston Zelda Eutopia Pegasi - the wingless, Destiny Secret of Mana Tidal Sequence - djpretzel Secret of Mana Aphrodite Oceanus - the wingless Zelda Twilight Princess Tattered Slippers - DarkeSword Shadow of the Colossus Snowfall on Forbidden Lands - ceilli, sephfire Final Fantasy Adventure Gifts of Mana - Ziwtra And a few independant of OCReMix. Some of them came from VGMix before it went down, and consequently have incomplete tags: BAM! Zip of the following songs is now available! Mirror'd once for your convenience, and again! Final Fantasy 6 All is Calm - Dale North Final Fantasy 6 Lonely Christmas on the Veldt - (Unknown - VGMix) Final Fantasy 10 Far North (Glacier Mix) - abg Final Fantasy 9 Memories, Frozen In Time - Sefiros Final Fantasy Carol of the Final Fantasy Belles - Ashaman Final Fantasy Christmas Sailing - Dale North, Kaijin (Tim Sheehy) Final Fantasy Tactics Dawn over Ivalice - (Unknown, Darangen, perhaps?) Harvest Moon Frozen Crops - Joel Sim Metroid Prime Drifting Away - (Unknown, VGMix) Secret of Mana Winter Secret - Musharraf Star Ocean 2 Frozen Dreams - Destiny Suikoden A night before Christmas - (Unknown, VGMix) Zelda 64 O Stormy Night - Darkesword/Shariq Ansari Zelda Wind Waker Carol of the Windfish - Happy de Guzman Post your seasonal ReMixes, and I'll add 'em to the list!
  10. Bahahahaha
  11. shut up thanks.
  12. So, uh, what is this?
  13. I know that the cast is mostly new, the cameo thing is what I meant. Continuity of the narrative and intertextuality and all that.
  14. Being the huge fan of narratives that I am, I personally can't wait to see how the story will continue. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of familiar faces, and I can't wait to see how they update the looks.
  15. There was another reference somewhere that I thought was rip-roaring hilarious, but I can't quite remember what it was. It was after the SPARDA one, tho'. Probably fifth case. The weird thing is that I don't remember any typos in JFA, but I caught the ones in T&T quick. Strange.
  16. I dunno, there was a SPARTAAAAA reference in T&T, so I think they're doing pretty good with the localization. Only a couple typos this time around, but nothing too bad EDIT: Yeah, you're just going to have to wait and see, pal. Ain't nobody going to spoil it for you, but you'll know when it happens.
  17. Holy shit, I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers those! My grandmother had a video with a bunch of them, but I can't seem to find out anything about them, no matter how hard I look
  18. I'll be going as a Shorinji Kempo student. Yay white belt
  19. No, you're all wrong.
  20. I don't remember saying Fantasia was shitty. And I wouldn't consider that to be a children's program, since it was a movie arguably geared towards all age groups.
  21. I remember a lot of cartoons being shite before anime came along, so it's really just the same principle with a different look, as far as I'm concerned.
  22. I absolutely loathe iTunes, and so I stick with winamp for music, Media Player Classic for video, and Creative Media Organizer whenever I need to rip a CD.
  23. Yeah, those're the lyrics to the opening of Lucky Star.
  24. Actually, there are a lot of cases where they'll let you use multiple pieces of evidence to make an objection, which I hadn't noticed before. Hey Steben, I hope you didn't completely ignore everything in the first case, pal.
  25. I'm pretty disappointed in this. It's like AMV hell, except with far less funny and a lot more looped footage of old video games. I can only watch you get knocked out by the black guy in Kung Fu so many times before I start getting pissed. And it doesn't bode well when the old commercials that were put in to transition are funnier and more entertaining than the actual videos.
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