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Everything posted by Fenrir

  3. I've had the game longer and I know more! Ask me instead!
  4. Wasn't there supposed to be a Blu-Ray extended edition coming out soon? I remember seeing a trailer with extended fight scenes (which would hopefully rectify the disappointing endgame standoff), buy I haven't heard anything about it lately.
  5. I wish. Congrats, are in order anyway!
  6. Adding ".mp3" manually works.
  7. I don't care. I wouldn't be exhibiting flagrant disregard for all the other stuff you've said if they didn't reinforce my point to the far end of redundancy and back. Also, find a new word. Everyone falls back on the "I'm not perfect" line when their argument runs out of steam; that's not a point to your credit. Further, you haven't explicitly corrected me on anything. You tried to tell me that I couldn't find proof for my assertion "anywhere in this thread" but then I went and did. Then you try to wiggle out by calling foul, despite the fact that I did exactly what you said I couldn't, and I called you on it. Addressing me instead of my argument. Logical fallacy +1 BACKPEDAL BACKPEDAL. At least be gracious when admitting someone's right. Also, resorting to insults again. Logical fallacy +1 Look, I can tell that you're the kind of guy who just can't leave an argument alone, and you've always got to have the last word. So take your time with the rebuttal and I'll see to it after I go to dinner and a movie with a lady (provided the thread hasn't been locked by then. I won't complain).
  8. I never claimed to be psychic, but even if I was, I wouldn't have to read your mind to get to your thinly veiled point. You say I can't prove my point, so I'll indulge you by referencing your FIRST POST. The underlined parts are hints. EASY MODE: the bold is a dead giveaway. Edit: oh you're such a victim
  9. Finally jumping on board and playing Persona 3. Though, getting Final Fantasy Dissidia is a real close second.
  10. I don't need to be psychic to know your intentions when you're as bad at camouflaging them as you are. Seriously. All I did was read your posts. You aren't subtle.
  11. I think the fact that you don't know what the edit button does leads me to believe you're full of shit. Oh, and resorting to name-calling when you can't come up with anything punchy is not winning you any points either.
  12. The only reason you want this changed is because you want to play modded smash bros. Darkesword had it right; there's nothing noble here.
  13. You can "disagree" with Nintendo's rights to shut down the Smash Bros hack all you want, but that doesn't change a thing. Everyone in this thread has provided hard evidence as to precisely why it was within Nintendo's rights to do what they did, and all you've come up with in reply are trivial technicalities and I-don't-agree-with's.
  14. Oh so true. The gullibility's coming out of the woodwork on this one.
  15. lol subjectivity
  16. I can't wait for this.
  17. Still thy tongue, heathen.
  18. Heartfelt congratulations to the two of you! Hope you have a joyful engagement and an even more joyful wedding!
  19. I literally just bought some audio technica Art Monitor headphones, ATH-A700
  20. People that still think Duke Nukem Forever will actually get finished in the next ten years give me a bad case of the lulz.
  21. I'm a little disappointed that they're not taking the opportunity to have sky fights and gigantic laser beam energy cannon kamehahas. Thanks for contributing.
  22. It's projects like these that make me wish I had any sort of musical aptitude.
  23. Welp, time to troop on down to Shinsaibashi and pick up Final Mix+ then.
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