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Everything posted by Dexie

  1. My Wiimote isn't working. No matter what button I push on it, all that happens is all four lights begin flashing. Tried resyncing. That was like....3 hours ago, and nothing has happened yet. Help?
  2. Well I don't have time to check right now, but why not try using a web-based java client? I believe java is a usable script on the wii. Got a link handy?
  3. Got a question. I'm trying to get IRC to work on the Internet Channel. I've been using CGI-IRC, but there's no send message or enter key, and no button on the Wiimote that functions as such. Anyone able to help here? Got a CGI-IRC client that has a send message button?
  4. Adder's CO meter is xxXXX, while Koal's is xxxXX. Doesn't look like it means anything, but it basically boils down to Adder getting to his CO Power faster than Koal, as well as being able to double Sidesliping. Koal's firing bonus on roads is crap. Who's going to leave a unit on the road, when it doesn't give any defense bonuses? It's pretty much saying "HAY GUYS COME KILL ME NOW." That, and most maps won't have roads in places that it'd actually be practical to fire from. So...go with Adder. He looks cooler, anyway.
  5. ... who's crying? Einstein?... Haha. Sorry for the pun, but those were my first thoughts when reading that sentence. Anyway, thank god DJP isn't making us write bios for "Cyber Peacock" or other results of a series exhausted. Nice work though, watkinzez. ...I'm going to laugh my ass off when he sees this and adds Cyber Peacock to the list. Could be worse, though. He could add Boogerman or Blasto.
  6. Haha, just watched the video on GS4 again. The guy in the beanie has to be Wright, it looks just like him. It is, it's been confirmed by Capcom. So, obviously something happens in the seven years between GS3 and GS4, that turns Phoenix into a bum. Gee, what a fall.
  7. Dragoon Class? HAH. All you need is Ramza's Accumulate and Yell abilities. Piece of cake. :/
  8. Cross Crush as a super move, anyone?
  9. I main with Young Link, Ice Climbers, and Kirby. Still hoping DeDeDe gets announced for Brawl.
  10. There's one out, with a wifi version on the way.
  11. ^^;; You find out that he's the one that built Zero in Bass's ending to Power Fighters 2. Wily also shows up in Zero's dreams very early on in X4. Not only that, but Wily created the Zero Virus, which would end up transferring from Zero into Sigma during one of their fights, thus creating the nasty Sigma Virus. *is quite a bit of a Mega Man fan ^^;*
  12. You could add in a bit about his repeated use of the Saucer as an attack method, add a bit about building Bass, or even add in a small bit about Zero, and how Wily is responsible for a large part of the X series. Might also be worth noting the alternate universe Wily in the Battle Network games, as well as his cameo as a good guy in Mega Man Legends.
  13. No one's done Dr. Wily yet? Gasp and shock. I'll do him, then. I'll try to have something up in the next day or so for him.
  14. Elite Beat Agents IS a sequel. It features new characters and liscensed songs. Livin' La Vida Loca and Walkie Talkie Man have already been confirmed. XD And yeah, GS4 has a new main character, but GS 2, releasing in the states of Phoenix Wright: Justice For All, still stars the title hero. Plus, the first game got rereleased, so it shouldn't be that hard to find.
  15. I don't know what it is, but since it's 32x32, and it doesn't look bad, don't forget to post it in the Avatar Thread when it's been guessed. Throwing up all the Stardroids while I'm at it, at least, the ones who are small enough. Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune, Saturn, Venus. And the Rockman Killers...Enker, Quint, Punk, and Ballade. And Tango! God, Mega Man V was such a great game. (Credit goes to www.mmhp.net for these, I didn't make/rip them.) LT: Very cool. Thanks for these. I grabbed a whole bunch more to replace most of the MM character sprites, since the coloring ideas are more sophisticated.
  16. Crystal Chronicles isn't a rumor, neither is Baiten Katios. How do you know F-Zero and Fire Emblem are coming?
  17. It bugs me when people say to combine the clones into one character. Using the logic they usually give, Ryu and Ken from SF should be combined into one.
  18. For those who still feel like submitting, Masahiro Sakurai will only be accepting submissions until June 9th at 5:00 pm Japan time. This is probably just the Square-Enix fan in me talking, but I'd like to see Sora make it into SSBB. That would mean even more "Link vs Sora" threads over at Gamefags. Sora's different special attacks would translate very nicely to SSB's controls, though, at least IMO.
  19. Fierce Deity Link, I'm willing to bet.
  20. I like the idea. Sorta like what they did with Peach in SSB:M (having a Daisy costume), but more diverse and more sensical. You mentioned the victory music, but what do you think the stage design and stage music will be for the Belmont clan, if they are included as one character? Speaking of, does anyone think Daisy will get her own character in Brawl? I doubt Daisy will get her own character. Who would want a Peach clone? Belmont's music.....it'd have to be Vampire Killer, with Bloody Tears as a possible alt for the stage.
  21. *whistles* I think I might have a new favorite mix, I'm lovin' this so much. Good work.
  22. Cloud's girlfriend is hotter, and doesn't get kidnapped almost every game. HAH!
  23. Cloud's been in FFVII, AC, BC, and DC, plus KH I, CoM, and II, and will probably make some kind of an appearance in CC. See also: Chocobo Racing, FFT, Itagaki Street Special, Ehrgeiz. I'm sure I'm leaving something out. EDIT: He's also in Last Order, and a sprite of him appears in the loading screen for the PSX version of FFV.
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