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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Yes because its still about her. Her powers denote her personality. The emotional instability of Peach is implied. Even if its harmless seemingly it still immerses itself in the "women are emotionally unstable" stereotype and plays it up.
  2. Back to the trope. I never knew that's what happened with Krystal. Makes sense because I always saw her way super sexualized on the net for years. I also remember being pissed at Star Fox Adventures for not really feeling at all like a Star Fox game. It makes sense now.
  3. Exactly to Ash. Shes not a poor example though. She's a very interesting subject because she's a long running staple who has pretty much stayed the same. Her affect as part of the trope is practically perfect and so widely accepted that it baffles me why no one wants to talk about her. Blatant or not, she's part of a societal tapestry of how we perceive women and talking about where she falls and good vs bad is at the very least, a point of reference. To you she's not important. To me she is because I've already seen first hand how her character is perceived by a child with zero notion of any of this just like how I am sure it affected me. Also luv u Val
  4. I'm sorry but I really hope you're kidding. The better question is, how is she not? How patronizing. To a six year old, Peach was easily seen as a role model she should gravitate towards being (Halloween, dress up, role playing). Much like Barbie or a Disney princess. Her sad and perceptive conclusion at seven years old that Peach is boring and she only wanted to be her because she was pretty and Mario's girlfriend (who she admires) should be enough to show you gow she is perceived as an instant role model to young children but has no inherent traits to retain them unless the child holds onto vapid ones as enough. Keep the intellectual dishonesty coming. Edit: also everything Radiowar said x10. Edit 2: I also bought her Super Mario RPG on request for Christmas :D
  5. Hence my prev post for a case in point there Ash. Dunno why this stuff isn't obvious. In the case of my niece its pretty clear.
  6. My niece was Peach for Halloween when she was six. Her reasoning: She's pretty and Mario's girlfriend. When my niece was seven she was Mario for Halloween instead. I asked her why and she said Peach is boring and Mario is "awesome sauce". This is straight from the obvious observations of a little girl and you guy are trying to say Peach is a good role model or shouldn't be seen as one even though they market her as such? Just no.
  7. Haha. OMG I forgot. My song from 2005 is on there. I remember vague plans to redo it in a completely different way but yeah forgot. Well, enjoy lol. The rest of the album is sounding awesome. Glad this is finally done despite its many setbacks. Whew.
  8. Well... I have an old WIP of Narshe that actually was pretty promising... So maybe I will revamp that. My biggest problem is I'm going to SF on the 21st so that gives me 3 days to do it *_* And I already have another deadline for something else. BUT NOT A PROBLEM.
  9. Send an e-mail to SNESology@gmail.com and I'll send you back what you need to know/have to make some music.
  10. Here's our newest entry! Txai - Twin Jupiter YouTube Link MP3 Link Writeup! Really awesome work, true to that Konami sound.
  11. Long overdue post: Check out these two previous entries to SNESology: Pongball - Preschtale Variations Get the album here! Here's the YouTube video! __________________________________________ Shael Riley and the Double Ice Backfire DOWNLOAD THE MP3 Here's the YouTube video! Enjoy!
  12. Congrats you two. Love you both and I wish you both the best! <3
  13. I definitely think you should have a resume handy. Only sure way to get a job nowadays.
  14. Well Mirby... you gotta realize that this was when it came out before it became popular. I never had a conversation with someone who had heard of it before I acquired the internet and even that was rare for a while. In 1995 aside from the enormity of the game box, it looked like it would be a little kids game to a 13/ 14 year-old me. I think I only rented it because I had run out of rpgs to play and the ginormous box had me curious.
  15. Agreed w/ OP. Earthbound was definitely one. Just the huge case and the way the characters looked was really off-putting to me, I was into many other RPGs at the time and it looked way too different. But I'm so glad it got my curiosity, even if I didn't expect much, at the time, which was when it first came out, and I rented it from Blockbuster lol.
  16. Oh I'm just glad you're okay! I am not 100% sure of what is going on but I hope you make a fast recovery and things get back to normal. I know you say that it's not worth knowing etc. etc... But those of us that knew, we were very worried and we DO care a lot!

  17. Newcomer Mari Lascelles has provided us with an imaginative version of Final Fantasy VI's Mt. Zozo. Check it out! Writeup! Sorry for the hiatus, however we will be back in full swing (with contest results) for the new year (if the world doesn't end am i rite?).
  18. I find this to be a good starting point for choral/opera: http://youtu.be/1S2NI0AIP3E <--- go through all of Requiem
  19. I don't really understand. He's a professional composer that is trying to make a living lol. But they also need money to make the game in general. It's not just for music composition.
  20. Whoa, thanks for posting this in the flood, I didn't expect that, and I'm very touched and flattered by the writeup. Just want to say that I'm also really glad you guys left in the extra seconds of the song at the end for the OCReMix version. In the album they fade into the next song so my extremely quiet last notes (and nod to a part of the original that I had left out until then) don't get heard (its not a problem though, because that's the nature of the cool seamless playback they have going)... I had thought they would just go unheard, and I know it sounds kind of silly but that mattered to me... I spent a lot more time on my fadeout than I should have lol. Anyway, Wes did a great job managing this album, its so huge in scope and he's really a cool guy that deserves a lot of credit for handling it all in a really happy/calm stride, who NEEDS to come over and finish Silent Hill 2 with us now that he's not busy anymore. Also again, thanks to Lukas for playing the flute. I dunno if he even remembers it, but it was that night a couple years back when I just really needed someone to play a part I had written live, because no matter what I did, the samples weren't cutting it for what I had in mind. So he plays them and records them for me within an hour before bedtime, even though some notes I wrote were out of range and had to be manipulated later, and the playing is really genuine and came through so nicely. The live stuff made all the difference... And gave me enough material to even create new melody out of his existing recordings later in the song... I also layered some other flute samples around his stuff all over the place to fill in any gaps. It's amazing what music software can do these days. <3
  21. Here's a bump for good measure, I hope you guys can reach your goal!
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