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Everything posted by Monobrow

  1. Sorry but no, I remember telling you you needed to do some things to it, so blue is withheld for now. It's, you know, done when I say it's done *_*. We should review it again in IRC and I can tell you where it stands better. Thanks for getting me a WIP before the deadline though
  2. Hey there Pong! Rare to see you around these parts! :J I also agree, the track just isn't mixed as stellar as it could have been. It's still fun though.
  3. Happy Birthday Sebastian! You're the best! Ari wishes you a Happy Birth :J
  4. ilp0 with our first blue status, and quite a few purples now. Awesome guys, keep them coming!
  5. Nice work djp. Actually this is a very cohesive cool mix. Honestly I was wondering how this would sound since it seemingly took forever, like if you were kind of just whipping it out all rushed, since you seem so busy all the time, but this is quality, and a very nice and atmospheric intro to the project. The low synth that pans around at about a minute in is sexy. I'm a sucker for saws, its in badass territory for me. I am also not a huge fan of full orchestral/electronic hybrids, really picky about those, but it seems like you made some good choices, the bells really add a nice touch too. Hell, good choices all around IMO. My only qualm is, the violin section about 2 minutes in, the string hits seem just a tiny bit late, I would have moved the notes in just tad earlier on the piano roll to compensate for the slightly late attack there... Just a tiny bit.. Other than that, real solid and congrats to everyone on finishing this project :J.
  6. I'd give it a couple months after the crazy paranoiafest is over, and the vultures have cleared off of Toyota. I'm really glad we've gotten as much out of our car as we have, we don't plan on selling it, we wanna ride it into the ground, that's how awesome it is... So for us, the value doesn't really matter.
  7. Yeah we got the 2010, and actually got it with Cash for Clunkers (traded in an old Volvo)... We actually got it before C4C became available, about a week or two before, the dealership gave us the deal early so that we could go on a huge roadtrip from AZ thru Cali to Seattle. Also we haven't really had any of those problems that everyone is going crazy about, or actually we have "mildly" experienced them and kind of think they are way overblown. We can reproduce the bug, but it's really pretty insignificant. We haven't taken ours in yet for the "fix" because we believe that the fix actually diminishes the efficiency of the Prius... Honestly I think people are overreacting big time. I highly recommend them, driving has been so awesome. The hatchback is also awesome, we've slept in the back on an air mattress many times during travel :J. The dash seems really strange at first but you get used to it... And believe me the money you save on gas is great.
  8. That's the spirit, as soon as we got ours, we basically drove 15k miles in the first six months of ownership, across America a couple times lol.
  9. Yeah, sorry dude. If you can get out here, we will certainly try to help you out with stuff and make sure you have a fun time anyway! :J Edit: Facebook event up!
  10. While this is a little bit still up in the air, aim for Aug 7-12th. (Hotel users most likely will come in Aug 8th or 9th). From what I understand, Jordan and Jade only have room for certain pre-invited people to actually sleep over. Let's leave it to them to work out the details of that part. Those that are getting in to stay with Jade and Jordan will be staying with them that weekend, such as Stevo (Sat 7th) For the rest of us, the hotel prices will drop either on Sunday the 8th or Monday the 9th (which is when the rest of us will get in). We plan on staying until Thurs the 12th before the prices are hiked back up on Friday. The rest of the plan so far is, whoever is coming to Mexico, drive or carpool to Ari's and my place on the 12th, hang out and rest, and then drive to Mexico on the 13th or 14th, and stay a couple days in Mexico (and probably drive back on the 15th or 16th)
  11. Small bump, just keeping this thread alive until things start picking up.
  12. Man I am pretty sore from my workout. I worked upper body last night. My only problem is, tonight a special martial arts instructor is coming to class and he focuses on upper body as well, with lots of pushups and such... Ahhhh! :U
  13. sixto claiming "Castle" theme from DQ3 (he gets an extension for this one)... ALSO YOU GUYS HAVE TWO WEEKS TO GET ME WIPS... CHOP CHOP! I ONCE BATHED!
  14. sup dude really nice and cheery my only qualm is: the lower mid freq sine that plays the main arpeggiation that comes in about a minute in is alittle too overpowering in my headphones... maybe turn it down a tad (or eq/filter a tiny bit) good luck
  15. I got to play that stuff, it was so cool. Doug really has the coolest apartment.
  16. Sylph Cave theme from FFIV in a lazy french pop voice
  17. I like Tori Amos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO7cSULO3l4 <--- here dudes in fruit of a loom randomly show up and move her around http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZWooHedsgk&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajJBwiZzc5M&feature=related <--- here she plays with snakes and rats Mostly her older stuff, her voice is not as great since she's now like 50.
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