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King Matt I

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Everything posted by King Matt I

  1. hey check out this bitchs remod i found http://www.check out this bitchs remod.cakearmy.org
  2. A vote for Oddllama is a vote for justice.
  3. I don't know, man. Suck his dick AND smell his balls? I'm not saying he could stump AD, but I certainly wouldn't want to get into a debate with this guy. He's obviously pretty good at formulating sound arguments.
  4. Ah, so THAT'S why Link always tries so hard to save her.
  5. reported!!
  6. I adore this remix. Can't say as I've heard the original, so no comments on how it relates (not that I really ever make them when I review anyway...), but I absolutely love this. I CAN say this: Even if I had no idea this remix was even loosely inspired by the Wolfen crew or Star Fox in general, I would have instantly, definitely, absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, been reminded of the Wolfen dogfights in StarFox Assault upon hearing it. It has an identical feel. It's superb. Excellent. Wonderful. I only write reviews for remixes I really appreciate, and I give this one a 10/10, hands down.
  7. I can't believe I haven't thrown in my two-cents worth on this song yet... If I have and I just missed it, whatever. This is freakin amazing. Maybe it's personal taste, but this song just rubs me in all the right ways. This ties Stray Donkey Strut for my favorite DJP mix. The guy is freakin incredible. I love the way the instruments mesh and how the individual parts play off of each other. It's all genius. 10/10
  8. Very enjoyable. You wouldn't want to listen to it if you had a headache because it has a lot of slightly harsher sound schemes, but it's definitely an excellent remix. I especially like the piano samples at the end. Very good.
  9. Gad, man. You blow me away. All I can say is that this freaking rocks. You are one magical musician, my friend. I guarantee you 9 and a half out of 10 people who listen to that will not hear a single mistake. Even if they're trying to pick them out. It's excellently done, man. Excellent.
  10. Very few songs really blow me away when I first listen to them. Since I'm writing this review, obviously this song is one of them. This song is excellent. It maintains a feeling of emotional drive throughout the song, while not departing wildly from good structure or the basic spirit of the original piece. Most excellent.
  11. ... ...Absolutely amazing! This song rocks. If I could play piano like that, I'd never leave that piano bench. Not even to eat. I'd probably die very quickly (not to mention in my own biological waste), but I'd die on a piano bench, so I think I'd be worthy of mention. Basically, awesome work. Thumbs up all the way.
  12. hehe, beating sephiroth is hard, but far from impossible. Personally, this was the most rewarding thing i've ever done in a video game. It took me around 15-20 goes, but when i finally did it, i was so overcome with joy that i ran and hugged my little brother (who had been cheeering me on) and proceeded to run out of the house and roll around in the grass laughing. It makes me smile evan thinking about it. Sephoroth maybe hard, but try beating camp on extreme in Metal Gear Solid 2. That my friend takes dedication and co-ordination. btw, i think kingdom hearts is fantastic, flame me if you must, but you're not changing my mind Agreed. It only took me about 10 tries though. it would have taken me less, but I didn't know where to get curaga. ...I beat Sephiroth on the first try, with level 43 Sora, 42 Donald and 44 Goofy. You newbs. Get out of my sight.
  13. This song pwnz. End of story. No, but really. 9.5/10, because I can't understand a small fraction of the lyrics. Otherwise 10/10.
  14. This remix is stunning. This remix is the sole reason I ever came to this site in the first place. I am no stranger to Dr. Fruitcake's work. As a matter of fact, I am listening to "Ridley's Revenge," also by the great Doctor, as I write this! It's a long story, but I actually came to this site from a FRENCH site. That French site had a remix page with about 30-50 great pieces, but this one was my favorite, HANDS-DOWN. At any rate, I loved this song, and noticed the "ocremix" blurb under the listed song. I decided to pay this site a visit, and badda-bing, badda-boom! But I digress. I am amazed every time I listen to this remix at the flawlessness of it all. It sounds very professional, and it's a perfect medley of some of my favorite video game music. Anyway, Dr. Fruitcake is my hero, and this remix ROCKS. (Now listening to: The Occasional Beat (Strong Bad), by... Dr. Fruitcake! What a strange coincidence. )
  15. Hmm... When this song first started playing, I reeeally wasn't too sure about it, but by the end of the song, I just put it on "loop" and left it there. VERY well done. My original skepticism was, for once, completely errant. I give it two thumbs up.
  16. Well, this ReMix didn't exactly have me laughing out loud, but I wasn't repulsed by it either. Actually pretty... base, but semi-entertaining stuff. The type that would be funny- to people the singer knows personally. I don't think it caters to most people. Really, though, it's not hurting anybody, so... Although I may not LOVE the song, I salute you and your groin for whatever effort was put into it.
  17. I HATE the Chappelle Show, but I DO remember this much: "N-I-G, G-A-R! It's the Niggar family!" ...and boy, wasn't that a jolly tune to hear. But yes, in fact, it was Niggar, and NOT the n-word. Come on, Chappelle has FAAAR too much racial sensitivity to use the n-word in such a careless manner! Heh... I really do hate that show.
  18. Now, I normally am not the biggest fan of such laid-back songs, despite my extremely laid-back lifestyle, but this remix rocks my face! This stuff is amazing! So very peaceful... When I have a headache, I'm gonna listen to this remix. I love the general feel of the song, but I think it's the little things that get me. The "ebb and flow" feel created by the birds and soft percussion is REEEEEEALLY nice. It kinda swells in your head, then floats away gently. It's really indescribable. Well, since I sound like a moron whenever I review great music, I think I'd probably better just give you the two thumbs up and shut up!
  19. Oh, this is great! Heh! I love the silly mood that this song captures. It pretty much portrays the feel of the game... Although I can't say that game ever had that much of an emotional impact on me in the first place. Definitely a keeper, though. I love the duckish, cheesy-sounding (in a good way- it just contributes to the mood so well) whatever the heck that is leading the song! I wish the bubble-popping sounds starting at 1:14 had been elaborated upon just a bit- they could've been in more parts of the song and I would've loved it... So good job on the bubbles, although I do wish there had been more of them. And yes, I realize that there was the occasional popping sound throughout the entire time, but if you don't know what I was talking about, you are a complete idiot. As far as the variation in instruments is concerned near the end of the song, I loved it. The song would have been borderline boring if they hadn't been integrated, but with them, it was the perfect amount of ducky-sounding thing. Hahaha! This song is so silly, though, that there's really not much to argue with. Two thumbs up. Because I can do that. I have two thumbs.
  20. First off, let me say beforehand that everything I type is a matter of my personal preference, but there is SOME amount of universitality to anyone's taste, so... First the negative, since I like to end on a positive note. This song starts very slowly, in my opinion. The intro seems almost dragged out. I wouldn't just sit down and listen to this song unless I was trying to fall asleep. That's not to say it's boring- but it IS very peaceful. Also, I don't think the "real music" kicks in (or rather, slides in) until a little more than halfway through the song. Now for the positive. I'm definitely a Scott Peeples fan. "Facility (Hacker)", "PheartheMonkey" and "Gerudo Peeples" are all some of my favorites. I listen to them quite frequently, actually. This is not one of my favorite Peeples' remixes. This song is doubtlessly beautiful, however. It was done better than anything I could have done, for sure. This song is pretty good background music, as well. It's just a bit slow and uneventful for my taste, I suppose. At any rate, it's not his best work in my opinion, but Scott Peeples is still the shizzle.
  21. Wow! I've been a big fan of McV for a while now, but this song is MAGIC. I recognized this song, no problem- this was one of the songs my neighbor used to play on his TV when we were little kids to TORTURE me. No joke, I'd leave the room whenever this dumb song came on. I absolutely HATED the original song. That's why it is so amazing that I listen to this remix and LOVE it! I'd give this song at least a 9 out of 10, based solely on my personal preferences! Do you realize how amazing that is, considering the fact that I absolutely abhor the original song!? The orignal song gave me headaches- this remix CURES those headaches. Wow. All I can say is that even more so than before, I am a big believer in the magic of McVaffe.
  22. HOLY-FREAKIN'-COW! This is PERFECT! Perfection embodied in a song! Daaang, everyone around me is going to HATE me come Christmas time, when this is the only song I listen to and anything anyone sings or hums or whistles reminds me of this song. Hahaha! I can just see myself walking around in the grocery store, in the mall, in my house, humming this tune, wearing a santa hat and blue overalls. Amazing stuff. I give you all the thumbs-up sign.
  23. Wow. This remix was done quite beautifully! It makes excellent background music. Very soft, very peaceful... Very nostalgic, as well, since, like an idiot, I sold my copy of Chrono Trigger a few years back. At any rate, this remix was great. A fantastically-done remix of a fantastically-done song. I'd recommend it to anybody having a bad day, or anybody who just needs to calm down a bit. Or... anybody.
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