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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. I'm listening to my brothers ramble on about old times. Seriously. I am.
  2. lmao. I was wondering when this would happen. Cry me a river and get the fuck over it. The load times on the XBox were fine. I promise I won't say anymore about this. Otherwise, I agree with you. I have way too much invested into this gen console to see it go so soon. I'd rather spend time playing the fuck out of it than wasting time thinking about how I'm going to embrace/afford the next generation. Ouch, my head hurts!
  3. That's what I would like to see as well - the titles getting more and more polished up.
  4. There's still a lot that can be done with the current consoles. I agree with Malaki as well. I'd rather just play what I have for some good experiences.
  5. Joe Satriani - Surfing With The Alien The guys is amazing.
  6. You know what the problem with the Forty-Niners is? They won't ever win anymore.
  7. Smile Empty Soul - Don't Ever Leave Good rage rock song.
  8. I've always kinda liked the 49'ers but apparently they suck these days.
  9. She looks like she's trying to use mind control on you.
  10. Hey FR, you're basically pretty cool. So don't be a fucking asshole. Just sayin'.
  11. Ok, I been posting regularly for awhile now. Waiting and watching for someone to tell the Ugoff story so the rest of us can be in on it, and no one has. I think I'm entitled to ask now. Someone please tell us all the Ugoff story.
  12. The Protector (The plot is cheesy as fuck, but the martial art choreography is awesome.)
  13. I recently bumped the propaganda spouting thread you know.
  14. Dig in and include yourself. Feeling bad about it won't make a difference because it's likely no one knew how you were feeling. Plus making the effort to be included a little is how you make friends. I would be all over that shit if I wasn't on the other side of the country.
  15. Rubbing all the Magfest awesomeness in our faces you mean. Bastard. You guys have a great time. Drink one for me.
  16. This made me burst into laughter. This and the liquor I'm drinking probably.
  17. And what about the part in the Lion King when Simba flops down in the grass and the dust and leaves whisk away in the wind spelling "SEX".
  18. That's the worst/best idea ever. Just curious though; what makes you think you or I would ever be invited?
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