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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. FF VII was/is a really great game and I agree with a previous poster that it is due for a remake. (possibly even with added story content to make it tie in more perfectly with Crisis Core) I wouldn't call it the most enduring game of all time though. You probably should have thrown in, "In my opinion.." in front of that. That's a pretty serious pedestal your setting it on.
  2. I think he's hacking on you for your handle dude.
  3. I doubt it's in violation of anything. Either way that's neat.
  4. Demi Lovato. I don't care what anyone says her last album has some great songs on it.
  5. If you're going to play MMO's (or any online game really) you have to learn to ignore the haters. I've been playing HD Remix online a fair bit lately and most people are quite cool. They enjoy having a good chat or being decent when they win or lose. Offering tips to improve your strategy etc. Then there is always the occasional asshole who taunts and pokes makes fun of other people who are just starting out. In short, what Malaki said.
  6. I'm liking the female Robin Hood idea you're doing. I'll be dressing up as a cool guy named Jacob. lol I never dress up for Halloween.
  7. Yeah, sometimes hacking on noobs was just mandatory because they wouldn't even try to learn how to be effective. That's the nature of FF XI too. It's more about cooperating with other players in order to advance. I can't tell you how fucking mad it would make me when I would wait for 3 hours to get a party or spend 2 hours trying to set one up myself and then some noob that won't listen to the more experienced players gets everyone in the party irritated and it disbands before you even have chance to get anything done. When in reality if they listen to the party rather be an indignant fuck everyone involved would have gained a lvl and had a great time doing it. Arrrgh.. Why did this thread get me thinking about that blasted game.
  8. It's the anonymity that does it. People from the US are more snide in general though; internet aside.
  9. This is one of my favorite tracks from the game so this remix makes me happy. Very, very well done.
  10. Instant favorite. I like it all the way through but then I like pretty much everything by BGC. Excellent colab guys.
  11. I really like this one. It somehow seems very fresh. Great job.
  12. When I played FF XI I had to scruff through it pretty hard for my first job. After that I had connections and I definitely took advantage of having friends to help me with gear and power leveling. Why shouldn't I? That's what friends are all about. lol
  13. I would quite the game based on that alone. Especially the running at half speed thing. What in the name of fuck were the game designers thinking. Honestly I'm with the other medium. I think dieing should hurt. MMO's should be a dangerous wide world that you don't carelessly venture out in. If you get killed, though, you should have to face a heavy fine. Running at half speed though? Are you fucking serious. I would seriously forsake the game for that alone. Spare yourself.
  14. It's true. He is kinda a namby-pamby. Who would you recommend?
  15. Orlando Bloom after 5 or 6 months of steroid weight lifting.
  16. To be honest I thought the guy they picked for Terry didn't look right either. Isn't he supposed to be a young bad ass?
  17. Luke is all in control'n shit now. He doesn't get mad he just does a one liner or posts a random image like the rest of us losers. Even when you tell the hippie to cut his fucking hair.
  18. Jessica Biel is a better actress though. Up there with Kate Beckinsale. So that's going to earn her some points.
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