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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. I think the girl they picked fits the bill pretty well.
  2. Unless we're talking about a different movie. I don't recall it being that terrible.

  3. If Failure to Launch is the worst you can do then you have poor taste in movies. Failure to Launch was better than The Legend of Chun Li by a far margin.
  4. I'm confused. Why are you comparing those two movies to one another?
  5. Bet you anything it will be a better film than 'The Legend of Chun Li'. The chic they're using in this movie would have made a better Chun than Kreuk. Actually it has a pretty high caliber casting. But yeah, make sure you bring crackers when you sit down to watch this one because chances are you're going to be inundated with cheese.
  6. Yeah. It looks exciting but why didn't they just do this in the first place. Kinda feels like they're trying to squeeze undue money out of the fans.
  7. Owl City Any of you guys tried out their albums? They're really good.
  8. Yeah, how big does it need to be? lol Mine is a 37" but 32 isn't so bad.
  9. I used to play Age of Empires II, and C&C all the time. Those really the only ones I ever got into.
  10. I'm almost always with friends when I play games. Right now my brother and I are winning Tales of Vesperia together. Pretty fun. My only complaint is how annoying one of the main characters is. Story would be much better if he wasn't in it.
  11. I started visiting in 2003 but I didn't join until 2004. I got more active in the forums in 2006.
  12. Yeah, the hits keep on coming. I thought he was a pretty good actor too.
  13. Damn you Durr. The'hell you sniping me for? S is for Shinobi.
  14. Q is for Quest (one of the worst games ever)
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