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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. But we had fun, and we ended up playing 29 matches after wards so I'm glad I took zircon's advice and joined.
  2. Congrats to an OCR legend and a toast to happiness.
  3. Bahamut and I should be going head to head sometime tonight.
  4. How come you never visit us in PPR and Offtopic anymore?

  5. On that note, didn't Team Ninja pitch in on the production for this game or am I thinking of something else?
  6. Yeah it is. Enjoy your stay. I went to highschool with a kid named Ben Steed. He wasn't from the UK though.
  7. Owl City - Fireflies Anyone else heard this song. It's awesome. I love the lyrics.
  8. I've been practicing but I'm pretty sure I'll get destroyed. Be fun to see who wins though. Go Djp!!
  9. Yeah, definitely. I wish melee was online. I'd play it for days. Who do you use? I use Link and Falco. Roy when I'm in the mood to get my ass kicked.
  10. Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden II, Mass Effect, and Crisis Core if you have a psp are what come instantly to mind. Of course, I can always go back to SSB:M because it's made of complete awesome.
  11. Just an update. I'm sitting outside drinking with a friend, the skies here cleared up and we're seeing tons of action. Better than yesterday even. So if you live in the southwest and it's a clear sky, get outside and check it out you're bound to see some fireworks.
  12. Here at my pad we built a fire and stayed out late watching. It was clear and we some some really awesome shooting stars. Some that made it a very long ways across the sky. I believe there is supposed to be a bit more tonight but I doubt we'll be able to see them here because clouds are moving in.
  13. You should make a list of people that wish they could attend.
  14. Ok, I'll join in. Even if just for the participation aspect. Gamertag Flare4War.
  15. I don't think I'm anywhere near good enough at HD Remix to compete in something like this.
  16. I should swift Square Enix in the nuts for making this game. I fell into FFXI for over a year and a half and I really had fun playing it. I played it constantly. I just quit cold turkey because it was taking too much from other areas of my life. It still sounds fun to me all the time. I had a 75 Sam a 68 Nin and almost all of the other melee jobs lvled to 50. I played on Fairy server. So now this. A whole new level of appeal. Make no mistake this game looks like it would be a blast especially now that I have a more stable infinitely faster internet connection. I will not buy this game, no way, no how.
  17. Reminds me of Splinter Cell. I was hoping to see more fisticuffs action than stealth action. Then again this is just one video so I won't rush to judgment.
  18. It does sound like a good plot for Ace Attorney.
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