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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. I've heard this rumor too. It would be surprising considering how unpleasant he is on the boards. Honestly though I'm jealous when I see picks of peeps at their meet-ups. They just look like they would be a riot to attend. I live in Arizona and traveling long distances isn't really an option for me. It would be fun to run into someone who is familiar with OCR. I don't know about instantly trusting them though. Ducky how come no one in your pic is holding a drink? That's just wrong.
  2. Fratto would get out a big Texas Ranger gun and kill us all.
  3. At least it isn't Darke judging it. We'd all go to hell wholesale. j/k I wouldn't trust people I haven't met in my house period and definitely not if I wasn't going to be there.
  4. Don't be scared, it's excellent. Also it sucks all the OCR action like this happens back east. I would love to attend something like this. And zircon prepare for battle in SF HDremix. May the best Ken win.
  5. I'd have to drive 6 hours to attend. Doesn't seem to probable.
  6. Jake and I just matched up and it came down to the 9th round but I managed to win him. We had a bunch of fun he seems like a pretty cool guy. Lets play again sometime Jake. A few fun facts: He and I are both named Jacob He and I are both from Arizona He and I are both left handed He and I both favor zircon as our favorite remixer He and I both use Ken What the fuck Zircon... How'd you do that?
  7. Bryan Adams is an obvious one. Belinda Carlisle probably has some stuff up your ally. Roxette is late 80's early 90's but they have a very 80's sound and I've always enjoyed them.
  8. I use Ken and I wish was more fluid at it. I have a really hard time doing it at a desired moment.
  9. Jordin Sparks - Battlefield and I like it. I'm a wuss I know.
  10. Damn boy. What are you by now, like 40 or something?
  11. I have a 7 year old little sister who goes nuts for Feeding Frenzy. She can't get enough of it.
  12. Did anyone ever win Jaws on the Nes - like ever?
  13. Yeah, I absolutely love cooperative games and they have come a long, long way.. Even RPGs are delving into it a little. Tales of Vesperia for example.
  14. This is also why you should check out all of the HD remakes of the classics on XBox Live Arcade.
  15. Yeah it really sucks he was the heart and sole of the difficulty and the bad assness of Ryu. I hope Team Ninja holds it together without him. There is rumors Itagaki is developing something though. There may be hope yet.
  16. You gotta admit though, Tecmo did the right thing going the route they did on the second and third gen consoles. Anyone who considers themselves a hardcore gamer and hasn't won Ninja Gaiden Black on at least the Normal setting should denounce their title. I'm just kidding but I'm serious.
  17. Check out XBox Live Arcade. They are remaking a lot of the classics with improved graphics, sound, and even game play and I must say I've been having a blast with them the past month. SF II HDRemix Ninja Turtles IV Re-Shelled (tons of fun if you have someone to play it with you) 1942 Joint Strike (An absolute blast if you have someone to win it with you) R-Type Geometry Wars HD Puzzle Games (tons of them) and many more. You should really go browse through them. That said, I'm with you on the newer game thing. Ninja Gaiden II and Mass Effect.. Ahhhhh, yeah buddy. Good memories tied to those.
  18. Mostly A but both of the above. I want improvements, however; I don't want it to break the mold. Final fantasy for example I like for what it is. Honestly I think SquareEnix is getting to flamboyant. Just write a cool story make the main character a bad ass with a sword and give me an incredible sound track. All the futuristic stuff is giving me a headache. Lets look at Smash Bros. Absolutey stay the course. Brawl was an awesomely well done game. I dare say that the only reason I like Melee better is because they incorporated tripping. There is no need for them to wander into another genre of fighting. Just make a new neat soundtrack, improve the graphics, new levels and characters and I'm sold. They don't need to change the aspects of the gameplay. Edit: Also, strongly agree with Alexis. I used to love Sonic but they changed the gameplay way to much now I don't even raise an eyebrow to sonic games. I won't even rent them and my brother has a gamefly account. That's how badly they broken new ground.
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