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Everything posted by Flare4War

  1. It's all True. Aladdin is proof that being a fucking petty thief pays off Big. And hey, if you think you need something just take it even if it isn't yours. Disney morals are fucked up.
  2. I already told mine in the Gen Disc thread. Ehh, what the hell. Last years resolution was to read more and be more kind to my siblings. I think I have met both of those goals. This year I would like to reinstate my goal to read more and add to it that I would like to do some writing of some sort. Still brain storming, though. So I'm not exactly sure what kind of writing it will be.
  3. I know we're not suppose to say such things but you are and always have been my favorite remixer. So even though you're stepping down from the judges panel I hope you'll continue to make remixes for us. Also, I played Street Fighter IV on X Box live once with Andy. He was very chill and a lot of fun to talk to. Give Pixie a kiss for me.. Ok, maybe not for ME.
  4. Not saying it won't be enjoyable but it looks way too busy to me.
  5. Just partied a lot with great people so far. My family doesn't do presents until new years. We do the name drawing thing.
  6. A lot of socks are being given this year it seems.
  7. Bless anyone and everyone who mentioned Brainlord and Blast Corps.
  8. A very good ReMixer we might add. Happy borned day DarkeSword!
  9. Diabetes (and a plethora of other diseases I'm sure) can also end things early.
  10. 32 is too young to die. She could have done a lot more.
  11. Last year my resolution was to read more and be nicer to my siblings. I definitely did a lot of reading. I think I met both of those goals. Similarly, this year I want to continue being resolute about the reading thing but I also would like to do some writing. I'm not sure about what just yet.
  12. Love the guys music. Me and my brother have talked about how great it would be if he entered the OCR community and mixed some shit up. Someone go tell him we're waiting.
  13. Congratulations you two. Yes, yes remember. Pics or it didn't happen.
  14. For me a controller, just because that's all I really know. I don't game on my pc at all.
  15. I've introduced to probably a dozen people and a handful of them come here for the music. Some of them were people I talked to playing Street Fight IV HD Remix online. I don't know that any of them are active forum posters though.
  16. Definitely. I'd like to see the final list you organize as well.
  17. 600 AD in Piano - Klutz Blue Skies over Guardia - DarkeSword Zeal Love - Unipulator Metal Man Goes Clubbing - Disco Dan Snake Man Getdown - Disco Dan Within the Fable from Seiken Densetsu also comes to mind.
  18. I'll drink a lot and listen to the old remixes that I heard so long ago that got me hooked on this place.
  19. Yeah. That and Paladins that have their heads shoved so far up their ass the lump in their throat is their fuckin' nose.
  20. The end of Crisis Core pulled on my heart strings pretty hard, but I held it together. Aside from that just tears of rage and laughter back when I played FF XI online.
  21. So I take it you've already played through as a female Shepard?
  22. A guy, since I am in fact male. I have thought about playing through Mass Effect again as a female just to mix things up and brush up on the story before Mass Effect 2 is released.
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