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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. Nope, you gotta switch over to her or else the familiars will just run.
  2. I purchased Little Inferno and The Cave recently, and beat the latter first. Both games are excellent! Neither game is particularly hard but their narratives are captivating. The Cave is all about how much you're willing to destroy for your own gain, and Little Inferno is a cautionary tale where the world is slowly icing over.
  3. I'm dead now, so I can't even be here to enjoy it.
  4. Fire Emblem froze on my last night. It froze and the game crashed, forcing the system to restart. The only other time it happened was with Virtue's Last Reward, and it ended up corrupting my save. Hopefully that doesn't happen in this one.
  5. Too bad that strategy doesn't work on Hard and Lunatic so well. Reeking Boxes get a significant price hike that makes it near-impossible to use them to grind. Instead, the DLC maps can provide some grinding needs, but not as much. Or you could just wait a day and see new encounters spawn.
  6. It's the SNES one.
  7. For me, the Wii was a chance to branch out and try games I otherwise would not have paid much heed. I found a lot of gems that were loads of fun well through the entire system's life. Not every game was perfect, of course, and I didn't finish them all (or, in a few cases, play more than 20 minutes), but they covered nearly every genre. Sadly not everyone tried to do the same, so a lot of games I ended up liking a lot sold poorly. Overall I think I played about 80-100 games for the system. For me, it was a great success and nearly everything I expected.
  8. Pikmin adventure stage 11.... x_x That is one tight as hell time limit.
  9. I personally wonder about the logic of Sony or Microsoft releasing a system in the next year. To me, it just doesn't make sense. Sony's stock is in shambles and the company seems poorly managed. The sheer COST of making console games these days is what is putting a lot more content on tablets and phones. It seems, with a new console, there will be a jump in visuals and rendering and all that, but somehow I doubt devs will want to risk that much more on yet another unproven system. It'll be even worse if the visuals aren't as significant a jump as people hope. I just don't see Sony having much to gain from releasing a new console at this point. Microsoft, however, can probably just go on doing whatever they want. They have their audience.
  10. Sully by far is my favourite. But there's also this late-game character named Henry, who is just so hilarious. Imagine a completely innocent, happy-go-lucky version of Kefka. That's Henry.
  11. Maybe you can assign neighbours to do yard duty when you're not around, and being better friends with them means they work more efficiently? Wishful thinking...
  12. I checked out that WiiU Street View. It's pretty cool! I checked out Antarctica -- it has a few "roads" there. I also checked out Midpoint Island in the Pacific Ocean... And it's pretty boring and urban! Who needs to travel, eh?
  13. Grinding is not necessary all that much, but if you ever want to change up your team and get the new familiars up to par, THEN you'll find you gotta grind. Also, since recruiting is random, you may fight many, many battles trying to get that one familiar you desire. I fought well over 100 Boneheads in the desert trying to get one. Well worth it, though. Also, go back to Ding Dong Well and get a Danglerfish. They are absolute brutes. I gave it to Esther and she never comes close to dying now.
  14. Fun fact: EB broke street date and I've had the game for a week now. On chapter 9, playing Normal Casual (commence heckling) and allies STILL die with disturbing regularity. Sumia and Miriel get it the worst for some reason.
  15. I beat the game and started over. I felt unhappy with my final teams and figured starting fresh would help me plan better. Very fun, but also pretty grindy, and the story falters at the end a little. Ally AI also leaves something to be desired as they tend to blow all their MP quickly and too readily favour defensive familiars but do nothing with them. One of my allies had a Monolith, which would've been perfect for tanking, but he'd pull it out and it would JUST SIT THERE. He wouldn't use Yoo Hoo (ie, drawing aggro). But it's still fun and has lots to do and see, and I really am having fun.
  16. Ni No Kuni has an awesome, fully-orchestrated soundtrack. There aren't an enormous number of songs (as an example, the first dungeon and the final dungeon have the same music) but they all sound wonderful.
  17. I mean we're pretty much all white guys with short brown hair, some sort of facial hair, and glasses.
  18. Looking at our Miis.... We really are homogenous in appearance.
  19. I was just teasin'. But thanks dude. See you online.
  20. People like Calpis and Bleck are non-friend-adding no-funners. They've been provisionally registered since I got the darned thing and quite frankly this is a repeat of my 3DS friend list and a total injustice I demand justice.
  21. Poor Senegal (tiny country in West Africa) is surrounded by Wiiless nations.
  22. Funny, though. Everyone I know who's played Wind Waker called the visuals "timeless". You'd think a game more prone to graphical aging would get the HD remake first. Like Majora's Mask. But I guess we'll see that on 3DS before long.
  23. Haha, oh wow. SMT X Fire Emblem? Never thought I'd see that. If it's a fighting game of sorts though, that'd be pretty wild. Wind Waker HD remake sounds neat too. Hopefully there's some little extras added (like maybe a larger film reel for the picto box). Oh, I beat Scribblenauts Unlimited in its entirety. I did all the object shards, which wasn't very fun since 99% of them never got solved in the main story. But I did it! You get Maxwell's parents as playable characters for doing so.
  24. God of War. Went it was released, I wasn't big into the hyper-violence. But playing it was a real treat thanks to Kratos's character development and the environment puzzles.
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