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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. He discovered how is babby formed.
  2. Guys, you're talking about breaking immersion in a game where some of the first things people did was get caught stealing by chickens and put baskets on bystanders' heads to murder people without getting caught.
  3. May your transformation into a Gastly be far off.
  4. That's basically it. With this there is essentially a modded version of Smash Bros for every kind of fan out there. Brawl+ is for people who liked Brawl, but wish it was a little more like Melee. Brawl- is for people who love random silliness. Balanced Brawl is for people who just wanted a balancing patch for Brawl. And Project M is for people who wanted a direct upgrade from Melee. Now everybody's happy and there will never be another flame war, ever, for the rest of our days!
  5. Did you do the quest about rescuing the 2 High Entia from the mountain? I have no freaking clue how to get enough air to get up there, and missing means you have to go back to the start and run the whole 2 minutes back to the ice slope.
  6. Mass Effect 1 ended up feeling very empty to me. The ending rang a little hollow because all those choices and interactions really didn't add up to anything. Maybe it would've been different had I played 2 and then 3, but with the uproar over the endings I probably won't ever bother. Incidentally, Folklore, while fun, offers almost no incentive to level up your mons other than 100 percent completion. They do get stronger, but better ones become available seemingly with each new map to travel into, and the final boss has a fixed strategy like any other boss, so having every single Id is made even MORE pointless. Fun, but... yeah.
  7. Filthy, impatient, and the only person in my town who actually owns a damn device. I make stops at EB in Victoria for streetpasses since it's really the only way to get them.
  8. Has anyone ever actually gotten puzzle pieces from spotpass? I thought they implemented this feature with the Kid Icarus puzzle but I have yet to receive a single puzzle piece aside from the gifted ones. Also I need 2 more pieces for several puzzles and it's driving me mad.
  9. Remember when we waited like 5 years between Mario platformers? Now it seems like we get one roughly every 2. Which is awesome, I guess, but it sorta makes each release not as special. And a friend brought up a pretty valid point: with having explored space, there's nowhere else for Mario to really go. Every Mario game we see now will be a lateral shift, and not really an evolution.
  10. 29 playable characters...? :\
  11. New ideas are the same thing, no new suck, it's always the same pokes.
  12. Well, I finally started playing it last night. Seems pretty standard fare, but it's enjoyable. I can see where they borrowed elements from Shattered Memories. Nightmare scenarios often have you running for your life against some enemy that cannot be killed and must be slowed down. It's refined from the aimless fleeing that was in Shattered Memories. No guns yet, and I'm done the first area. There was only like 5 enemies and I had to beat them to death with a wrench or rake. So at least this game, so far, is not really a run 'n' gun like I feared. As for characters, Murphy seems interesting and emotive. He sounds genuinely freaked out, and the background noises are top-notch. There's some choppiness in the frame rate, sadly. Not so terrible as to make it unplayable, but it's noticeable, especially when you round a corner tightly or otherwise do something that forces the game to render more than your immediate surroundings. Overall it's fun, but not terribly scary. We'll see how the story develops.
  13. I thought they were saying "boat show". That said I still haven't gotten past Monkey Watch. Goddamn thing only lets you miss like 10 times. Brutal.
  14. Really gotta preorder this now.
  15. Gotta go pick up my preorder tonight, but I won't play it until I beat Tales of the Abyss.
  16. I raise this thread using the forbidden arcane art of necromancy! I bought Downpour the other day. I didn't even know it was to be released, but I loved Shattered Memories to death so I snatched it up. Anyone else got it yet?
  17. You ever checked fake mons on deviantart? Some of them are actually really cool ideas.
  18. Zekrom for Brawl.
  19. Yeah, he's missing out on all the awesome swapnote action.
  20. Are... are these ALL remixes of Splashwo Man's theme?
  21. Totodile fo' lyfe, yo.
  22. But Capcom wants to inflate their Christmas season profits so they look good for the shareholders!
  23. We need more basic water types and normal/flying types.
  24. So, did anyone else get this? It's a fun little game but also freakin' hard! I didn't think I'd be having this much trouble. I'm stuck on that freakin' monkey clock. That one is killer.
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