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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. Centaur Man. I mean, Kintaro was a legit threat in the second Mortal Kombat movie, so Centaur Man should be just as threatening, right?
  2. Well, besides Rune Factory, Arc Rise Fantasia, Fragile Dreams, Muramasa, Opoona, Tales of Symphonia 2, Phantom Brave, Valhalla Knights, Super Paper Mario...
  3. Yeah, I think I will, along with Tales of the Abyss and Amalur. The niece will like it for certain, and it'll be a game I won't mind her playing.
  4. Tales of the Abyss releases on Tuesday, too. Yeah, it's a straight port, but it'll be perfect for whiling away the slow hours at work.
  5. Or he's just yet another in a long string of supporting cast members that everyone declares to be the awesomest thing to happen to Zelda ever. People said the same of Midna and Linebeck.
  6. Aside from a few notable themes Zelda's music has pretty much always been really simple or ambient.
  7. This is beyond silly.
  8. I finally, finally, FINALLY made it to the end of Cave Story 3D. Died on the final boss. This is gonna take some practice. Worth noting is that spikes tend to blend in well with the scenery, and foreground objects occasionally hide instant death ceiling stalactites. Still, a fun game, and it's nice to have made it this far. Wish I didn't bother getting the Nemesis, though...
  9. Because you lie like a RUG. YOU ARE A PRINCE OF LIES. Unless I entered your code wrong. *le checks* NOPE. So you must not have added me.
  10. It's Corey. I think you added me...
  11. Added you. A bunch of people haven't bothered adding me, resulting in a ton of blanks on my friend list that will probably never get filled BUT I'M NOT BITTER OR ANYTHING.
  12. oh my god how can you say that there is nothing wrong with strong independent women who want to bone all the guys with sex while wearing swimsuits and pasties while fighting crime riding dinosaurs through time. besides we see guys with ABS and TIGHT PANTS built like BRICK FRIDGES so really aren't us poor men dealing with constant objectification too those crazy women it's all about them amirite guys
  13. Probably not, considering a lot of these are difficult to replicate, and there's no way that around 50 playtesters can catch all the bugs. Of course it seems like a bigger, more obvious problem when you've got 2 million people playing the game.
  14. Arek's favourite game: HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION. I hear the ending is tight. Also sweet.
  15. Gotta get off 4chan. It's rotting my brain. Perhaps even in a literal sense. Also, I resolve to start walking to work again. I stopped when our family car became more available but I need to get back into the swing of it.
  16. Added Bleck. Also, I can share photos with swapnote? Uh oh.
  17. Bah, too hard for me, like every MM game besides 4 and 6. Maybe I'd have an easier go of it with a gamepad. But still, quality stuff and a great homage.
  18. "New" Tales of game, you mean. It's a direct port of the PS2 game. That said I'm getting it anyway.
  19. I liked 13, until I fought the final boss and he got down to like 500,000 HP and then killed me with a merciless onslaught of his super moves. Like, what the hell, man. Yeah, the areas suffered from some serious hallway syndrome, but I think the designers were trying to convey a sense of distance travelled. You're supposed to feel like you've come a LONG way between the Vile Peaks and Palumpolum.
  20. So I think there's an exploit at Maka Wuhu that allows a racer to get a full 30 seconds or more on other racers. It would certainly explain several instances of the race ending absurdly early, and some people trying to choose it all the damned time to up their online gamerscore. That said it's thankfully not everyone.
  21. Metal Gear, Xenosaga, and most FPSes are guilty of constant meaningless jargon.
  22. The new SNES Rainbow Road feature where you get a speed boost if you're near a thwomp when it crashes down is sorta neat. Anyone try first-person mode yet? Press up on the directional pad to try it out.
  23. @Bleck: No Waluigi, but Waluigi Pinball. And who you pick doesn't really matter anymore. @Hylian Lemon: Those 4 Wii tracks are the good ones, tho. I'm happy for their inclusion. @Derrit: The DS game seemed a lot harsher, since in that one I really only got A and B rank. Also, I'm not sure which is harsher: the AI who always targets you, or the online racers who always target you, and somehow always have starmen. One jerk STOLE IT FROM ME when I got lucky 7.
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