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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. You... you have no concept of how radiation works, do you?If it was particulate radiation, like alpha or beta particles, then yes, it might slightly increase the chance of radiation affecting you. But even then, you would have to be either licking it constantly or shoving it into your body somehow over and over before it even did begin to affect you. Hopefully, neither of these actions are a regular part of your day. The type of radiation that cell phones are dealing with isn't ionizing radiation, it's just regular radio frequencies. You're exposed to this 24 hours a day by every satellite and radio station in the sky and around your city. It doesn't cause cell damage. Even if they did, the amount is nowhere near enough to cause any significant amount of cellular or sub-cellular damage, even over long-term, constant use. You're going to get more cancer from standing out in the sunlight than you will from any portable device you'll be sticking next to your head. And to those that are going to link to any number of studies showing evidence that cell phones do cause damage, I'd like to point out that several of those studies were done with lacking quality control, and a few were funded by private lobbying groups in the US and Europe. Hardly unbiased, I would say. There are also just as many reports countering those ones, and they were also done by independent labs. At best, the "does so cause cancer" side's argument is murky and unclear. I'm The Damned, Canadian General Standard Board member, and trained in the use and containment of radioactive materials for non-destructive testing of mechanical devices. I've also been participating in a long-term study on the biological effects of low-level radio and ionizing radiation sources on industrial workers since 2007. I hope this info has been helpful to you, and that you're no longer afraid to use any cellular device in the future.
  2. This is too fun a thread to let it slip away. http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/340/1274802016284.jpg Linked, because it's a large image.
  3. Wait, I think I can make a name-pun too. Hold on. Ahem. Enjoy your youth. When you're older, you'll look back upon your Halcyon days with fondness. ... Did it work?
  4. I'm mostly concerned with any 3DS and DS game news. Wii isn't going to show anything we haven't heard about yet, and Sony and MS already showcased their motion systems last year. PSP? Haven't really heard anything aside form some new games. They already did their hardware revision last year, so that's not going to happen. I guess Nintendo has has the newest thing to be interested in this year. Portable 3D display? We'll see how it turns out... if they even show it this year. We might just get a mock-up or two in a display case and some slideshows showing how it's supposed to work.
  5. Hell, even I had one. It only got to eight pages, but I had one.
  6. The opening does sound rather harsh. Too loud, it sounds distorted. The idea of a metal and moody orchestral is a good idea, but I fear your execution of it is lacking a bit. Namely, the transition from the piano and strings to the guitar is a little too sudden, and could be drawn out a little bit more. Just a touch. The ending is weak. It needs to be fleshed out more. Good start, keep going.
  7. 26? He ain't nothin' but a youngin'. Come back when you're old, like... 28 old. Then we'll talk. Until then, go enjoy your McHappy Meals and Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Or would that be Pogs? Shit, what do kids like these days?
  8. Fuck that, it's a band name. What they would play, I have no idea, but it's a good name.
  9. I was honestly expecting some sort of Sega Genesis being powered by compressed steam. Like, maybe a little turbine or something to generate electricity. You have no idea how disappointed I am now, Coop.
  10. I obviously don't hang out there at all, or I would have known this. Sexy chick, right? Oh, HELLS YEAH!
  11. Well, I only have to pester about, six or so people. First page has a list of what's handed in and what's not.
  12. If I had a good picture of bleck, I would shop it onto the boxart. Sadly, no one seems to have a picture of him. I suspect he is actually a bot. The world's most advanced bot, yes, but all he does is troll. And when you say "troll", the bot activates a plug-in that tries to make a come-back about people using the word are trolls, or something. It has a list of pre-made sentences it goes through, so each use is different from the other. Like I said, it's an advanced bot. It's a wonderful piece of software that is used for the wrong thing.
  13. June 30th then? One month, which is halfway-ish between two weeks and two months (sort of).
  14. Fuck jetpacks. Tank Run. That's where the fun is. I just played all five main campaigns with three total strangers, simply because outrunning hordes of Tanks was that much fun. Also, swearing. Lots of swearing.
  15. Yeah, not your best rebuttal. Are you tired, bleck? Do you need a break? I can wait for you if you want to take one. Oh! Pokémon Bleck Version. Someone 'shop it up, please.
  16. Meh. Voice actress blogs about something she may not really know anything about, and then they have to pull it because she's giving out false info. Or she's right, and they pulled it because they didn't want to release that info yet. Or, they set it up so it looks like it was an unintended leak. Either way, nothing really important. Typings and that are secondary to things like the plot, a map of the new region, maybe some more footage of new areas... As soon as the game starts publishing, someone will leak the ROM and then we'll find out every pokemon type and name in a few hours.
  17. Ahh, forgot about that. I had to go back and find it. I should have bookmarked it. Also, I'm going to download any other stuff you have, because you've got some good stuff in there. Files obtained! Wow, did you really go through 13 versions of Blue Haze?
  18. Yes, it uses "TWL" which is supposed to be the code for DSi software. Now, if that means it's "enhanced" or exclusive... An old article from joystiq mentions: Now, neither Platinum, nor HG/SS, had that code on them, even though they were out after the DSi came out. Though, if I recall correctly, none of them used the cameras or extra RAM or processor power for anything. So, if these games are DSi-enhanced, it may very well be something like using the camera on your trainer card, something that doesn't affect the game in any real way. If it's actually DSi-exclusive... then we got a problem. I, and I would think lots of other people, are not in the market for another DS, especially one with shorter battery life and no GBA slot. Yeah, the DSi may have some stuff that makes it different, but I like my GBA games from time to time. There's also the idea of carrying the Pal Park over to Black and White, which requires the use of the GBA slot. They kept it for HG/SS, so why not for BW? I suppose we will find out in the next few weeks. It seems that Nintendo and GameFreak are letting out a steady flow on info this time, rather than little bits months apart like they did with the previous games.
  19. I was under the impression that "serious business" was. Mind you, with that many random people, they can churn shit out non-stop.
  20. Uhm... where would that be, exactly? I don't see it on the project boards.
  21. So people can see them? White on white and black on black makes it hard to distinguish detail. Having the background color the opposite not only makes it easier, but also kind of spiffy looking.
  22. Lucky you. As far as I can tell, there is no official Banette or even Shuppet (it's pre-evo form) merchandise anywhere in the world. Maybe a few cards from the card game, but that's it. Why, oh why, must I like the ones that no one makes any stuff of?
  23. I really wish they sold those over here... actually, anywhere outside of Japan. I have a Japanese Clefairy that I found at a store once... but that's it. I would kill for a plush Banette. Seriously. Kill. Pick a person and a time and place, and have it ready for me.
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