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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Type this into the console after activating cheats: give weapon_grenade_launcher It gives you the grenade launcher, but it has super-secret ammo: WORDS! They didn't include the texture orthe round in the demo so it shoots the word "ERROR" in bright pinkish purple. Much more fun than any old bullet.
  2. Shhhhuuuuuut uuup! You're making me feel bad. Done. See FAQ section 4.1 for the two links. Thank you, Emunator!
  3. Anyone else find the motions in the demo kind of... off? I mean, shooting seemed weird. It felt like the recoil was sort of... soft? Like, it seemed to float a bit more. Walking felt slightly odd, almost unresponsive compared to L4D1. It was like I had my mouse sensitivity down, but when I checked, it was the same as what I was using for L4D1. In fact, all my system settings for L4D1 were automatically carried over to the demo. Res, AA, everything. I have to find some settings that will emulate the feeling of motion in the first game. It's very weird going from the first to the demo, and I really think it fucked me up a lot like night while playing.
  4. Well,I guess it's not a rumor any more. Say hi to the DSi LL. Really? DSi LL? That's the best they could come up with? And no, there's no GBA slot despite it being a lot bigger than the DS Lite. Apparently, it's closer to the DS Phat in size.
  5. Wow. I heard they had tweaked the Special Infected AI, and they weren't lying. We had a few rounds where Smokers where pulling people into the Spitter's acid, Hunters where waiting for the Charger to attack first... I saw the fucking Hunter sitting there, doing nothing, and then BAM! Charger hits, Hunter pounces. Then we had Spitters and Boomers double teaming us. It's like playing against a moderately good Infected team in Versus. Also, the Magnum is my new default weapon of choice. Fuck the frying pan, I want a Magnum at all times. AK-47 is nice, but that Magnum... (insert swooning face thing here)
  6. OK, people who have been around long enough, think back: Has any demo release ever been this problematic, real or imagined? I mean, is this demo's issues as bad as they really are, and how would it compare to other demos releases. I don't think it's that bad, really. I just think slapping a big "TODAY IN TEN MINUTES!" on their page and then constantly changing it is setting yourself up for some hatemail. EDIT: And there's some videos covering the game from G4TV. I guess this will tide us over until the demo comes out.
  7. HAA HAA! It's another hour away now. I just refreshed the page and BOOM! Today at 4 PM. Fucking hilarious.
  8. Both. That way we get two sources of entertainment while we wait for the demo. Which, by the way, is not pushed back another hour, and requited another Steam patch and restart. http://steamcommunity.com/games/L4D2/events/55327883716288366 I have to wonder what's going on with it now. A series of hold-ups, patching the client it runs on... maybe they are having some really bad issues with the servers that are already set up?
  9. I just happen to have come across the virus that causes zombie-ism. Do you have a place we could meet? Well, having been old enough to remember how people acted 20+ years ago (soooooo old, I know), I can say that while there was childish behavior along those lines about just about everything, most of us just took what we got in life. In gaming, it was pretty much just that. Games were a lot different then; there was no internet, so community interaction was non-existent. Companies almost never heard the consumers reactions to anything about their games. Once a game was out, that was it; you played what you got and if you didn't like it, you traded with someone else you knew for something else or you just kept it. I honestly think gamers are spoiled these days. Online play, high-def, multiplayer games with 60 or more people, stats and bragging rights... None of this existed two years ago. What little there was was limited and rather primitive by today's standards. Kids got too many cool toys these days.
  10. Well, I might amend that to "Westerners" in general. As a Canadian, I can't say that only Americans are in that group; I've seen lots of people who are from North America and Europe in on the bitching and complaining. Maybe it's because of the lack of translated articles and sites, but I haven't heard anything from Asian players. Mind you, I have no idea what the demographics are for Asians and Left 4 Dead, let alone gaming in general. EDIT: Oh, if you restart Steam or right-click and select "view pre-load info" on the demo, it states that there is a new Steam update. I wonder if there was some problem with the current build of Steam and the demo, and this is why there was a delay. I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
  11. This. I honestly don't know where this reasoning comes from. Every game I have ever played, enjoyed or otherwise, I never got pissy because of "missing" content, or sequels coming out, or anything. I have to assume that this is some extension of the "instant satisfaction" mentality that people growing up with. I suspect that a lot of the whiners are 25 and under. Back in my day, if a game was pissing us off, we threw it against a wall.
  12. I already have. Personal attacks on Gabe about his weight (classy move, dickasses), people half-sarcastically threatening to boycott the demo, self-appointed experts calling it a bad business move (you already bought the fucking game, so I don't see how), and various other stupid ideas. So, basically, the same as usual.
  13. Well, personally, I don't think it's that big a time loss. But I would like to make it so that the menu doesn't drop down just by moving the mouse over it. I just click on it to go straight to the forums. Having it drop down is kind of pointless, and sometimes, it causes Firefox to hang. Maybe make it so that you have to click open the menu instead?
  14. Yeah,I saw that... maybe all the techs at Yahoo are busy waiting for the L4D2 demo to unlock?
  15. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=488 OK, so I actually have no idea who you are, but I hated it when no one said anything on my birthday. Every year. For five years. So... token happy birthday wish?
  16. Maybe if you posted some specs, like your computer, the browser you are using, stuff like that, it would help.
  17. You've never heard of Mr. T Versus Stuff before, have you? I'd suggest Google.
  18. It was more a question than anything. Oh, and I made you reply in a thread about you. Score!
  19. I will beat you, boy. I will beat you like a stepchild in a loveless marriage based forced upon the couple by social pressures, brought about by parents on both sides, as well as their co-workers expectations of them.
  20. EDIT: Confirmed, changed title to reflect news. One of the NeoGAF guys found an article from Japan that claims there will be a new DSi model coming out next year. It will feature a much larger screen, namely, four inches, as opposed to the DSi's current 3.25 and the DS Lite's 3. Wow. I know that Nintendo likes to put out slightly upgraded versions of their portable hardware, but up until now, Sony had them beat in that regard (four versions of the PSP). It was kind of nice to see Nintendo not doing the same old thing again. Well, I guess Nintendo is going back to their old strategy I wonder if we will see the next DS/GameBoy within the next three years, now. Newer hardware versions tend to push back the release of the next system in order to maximize sales of the current system. Discuss.
  21. Yes, today marks the last day of existence for Geocities. All those little sites with their little content, all gone. Oh no, that includes my Mr. T Versus Jigglypuff page! Go see it now before it's gone forever! All my hard work in May 2000 will never be seen again! Come on, some of you also had Geocities pages. Admit it. It was free, easy and fast to set up. Dig them up while you still can, and share your terrible, horrific design and content.
  22. Rozovian is cool and a dude, and don't afraid of anyone or anything. I once saw him the whole thing, and it was cool, bro! So, what kind of cake do you want?
  23. It's over ten years old, there's a time limit to spoilers. It's like asking people not to give away that Rosebud was a sled in Citizen Kane, or that King Kong dies at the end of the movie. Hell, there are fans of the game who aren't any older than it.
  24. It may just be made from the cinematics played during/between the five campaigns, but damn,it does look kind of nice. I love the end on the elevator.
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