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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Welcome to Eshmasesh, our newest remixer. Hopefully, this guy (what, with his talent and all) will show us something awesome.
  3. I think he meant bestiality, when he really should have said anthropomorphism. Furry at the worst. And why not just use road flares stuck onto the propane tanks, and blast them with a shotgun. It worked in Dawn of the Dead. What about all those zombie games? They usually come at you with their teeth and hands. And hands have fingernails.
  4. doodz, what warezI needs to getz copiez of gamez and photoshop??!1 Oh... that kind of pirate.
  5. Fuck no. He's already got 55 to 65 percent of the video dedicated to ads now, the last thing I want is drawn out crap. His reviews are supposed to be fast witty jabs at the flaws and cartoony mini-lust for the good stuff. I do not need less of what makes his reviews entertaining in the first place.
  6. "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." The first time he did that was kind of... kind of like how Family Guy likes to drag out an shitty joke or gag for far too long. Like, thirty seconds too long. The second time was exactly like how Family Guy likes to reuse the same shitty joke later on, only this time it's even more shitty. I think this is proof that one of the Family Guy writers now works at, or near, the Escapist.
  7. Back in the Descent days I loved the Guided missile so much. I had an idea to expand upon it. The Guided missile is exactly what t sounds likes; it a missile you guide with your controls. I wanted to have it leave a white trail behind it. If another player (or yourself, of course) touched that trail, both the trail and the missile would explode, damaging anything near-by. It was far more suited as a deterrent for going somewhere than attacking, and the setup to use it would require that you have both ample time and a safe place to fire it off... but I think it could have been fun for at least a few levels.
  8. That was the thing back then, though. they didn't have fancy AI routines or pathways or any of that stuff we have now. The difficulty of a game was determined by what they could make the machine do. Games had to be practiced to win them; the only other way to do it was to get a cheat device. One day, when you're old, some kid will talk about some game you liked and say how hard it was. Then you can remember this topic and tell them about how in the old, old days, games were ruthless in their rigid, cold difficulty. Now get the hell of my lawn and get a haircut, ya hippy. Ya look like a woman. Maybe a tour in 'Nam will smarten ya right up.
  9. I liked flying the airship around... in fact, I had an idea for a turn-based airship battle centered RPG for the GBA. Sadly, a complete lack of any programming, design and art skills held that back. Oh well. Flying around was still fun.
  10. Why? This isn't a favorites thread, it's a thread about a specific game that other happen to enjoy.
  11. Come on, AS! Go for it! Do a remix to spite him!
  12. It's got some of the better Mega Man music. It's somewhat easier than Mega Man 1 (at least, I find it easier). I'm on Robot Master 6 and I've only had to go through about six continues, whereas Mega Man... I have yet to get past four. Even with guides and maps to give me some help, I suck at Mega Man 1. Also, if you don't, you're a fag. A gay fag. A gay fag who likes to do homosexual things. With other fags. Who are gay.
  13. Last I heard, there is no announced NA release date. But if it follows the usual pattern, sometime in Spring 2009.
  14. The Damned Used Max Revive! It's sort of effective... I guess. Any way, Platinum has been out in Japan for a few days now, and there's a flood of news. First off, those Rotom formes? Here are the answers. Next, pics and details of The Torn World. Then we have details on the new Battle Frontier. Lots of new stuff about the Gyms and the Gym Leaders. Infinite Gym Leader Rematches? Yay! But no more TMs. Sorry. Oh, and the order you fight the Gyms has changed. It looks like there have been some significant plot changes. Fans of the first Legendary Trio, Zapdos, Articuno and Moltres will be happy to know that once you complete certain steps, the three birds will be roaming around Sinnoh for you to catch. New Move Tutors! Not the greatest selection, but there are the Elemental Punches and some good support moves. All you need are those colored Shards you've been finding everywhere. There's also the new Battle Castle, much like the Battle Tower, except that you don't get to heal your team after each battle. You have to save up Castle Points and spend them on HP, PP and Status restoration. Speaking of the Battle Castle, it and the Battle Frontier have a new feature: the Battle Recorder. You can save each step-by-step attack of a battle for later viewing. You can use it for onlone battles as well, and save a favorite battle where you smashed your opponent's face in. The WiFi system has a new set of games and features in the WiFi Square. Play games with other people from around the world. Lastly, you are given a house. That's right, a house. You're ten years old, the champ, loaded with cash and a team of vicious creatures that do your bidding, and now you own a house. Kids these days... Spend you fortune on expensive furniture and show off your new life-style. I guess they saved all the good stuff for the last game (so far). Lots of stuff that make getting it actually worthwhile. I'll stick with my
  15. Ick. I go away for a few days and stuff happens. OK, first, a release date. Due to some unfortunate MIAs fro some of the remixing staff, we had to reopen submissions to get a few more people in. They have to do their remixes, as well as the other remixers that have theirs in development. So a release date will be announced when it's ready to go. As for the format and quality thing, those posts were from AGES ago. Seriously, like... eons ago. They are not relevant now.
  16. I've heard that song before. It's a terrible song to have stuck in your head, humming it all day. It's even worse when someone else hears you and knows what the song as well.
  17. What part of "/troll on!" did you not understand? It was another system that had poor timing and marketing against its competition. I've played Dreamcast games, they were nothing special. It's just a video game system, get over it people!
  18. And Fishy shows why he's OCR's guitar guy. Fucker. How dare you show off your talent and skill!
  19. I never understood why people feel the need to celebrate a failure. It's like "hey that flying machine that came out just before the Wright Brothers', the one that crashed and broke the pilot's leg, it's turning 106 years old today, let's celebrate it!" /troll on!
  20. WINNER! Use it, the power of yellow and dull gray compel you!
  21. It's pretty much whatever you see in Private WIPs and Finalized Remixes. Everything else is free. I know, I know... "The Dammed, do a new tracklist", "that's your job amongst other things", "stop emailing me pictures of your crotch", "I'm serious, stop it"... OK, first page updated with a tracklist.
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