Maybe I'm not making my point clear. What I'm saying is that Braid is a pretty good game, free of glitches, that is under $20. It's not discounted, it's not a demo, it's a full game.
So why are people bitching about the price when it's actually far lower than other games? Look at Heavenly Sword(s): it's only about six hours long, and it's priced at about $60. Braid is a far better deal at $15.
Maybe it's not fair to compare a "big" title against an "indie" game, but when you think about it, the price is perfectly agreeable.
I'm starting to wonder if people are feeling like they have been overcharged because they can't take Braid to (uhg) Gamestop and trade it in. It makes sense. You buy a game that you don't like, you take it back and (stupidly) get a small amount of money or trade-in value for it. Braid, if you don't like it, you can't do anything about; it's just there, on your system. There's no refund, no exchange... So you can't take it back and put it forward to something you thin you would like more.
I guess there really is no pleasing people.