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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Just play Crystal Method's Magic Carpet Ride remix over and over. It's all you need.
  2. And say hello to our next newest remixer, halc. He also bites, but in ways you'll like. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
  3. Oh, this is going to be interesting. Incidentally, I already had a bowl of popcorn ready before this thread started.
  4. There was a Sarcastro in The Tick?! Awesome.
  5. I was originally going to use the name "Sarcastro", but I didn't want to use a shitty edited pic of Sinestro in my sig. OR of a snarky Castro.
  6. Say hello to our newest remixer, Rozovian! He bites, so don't try to pet him.
  7. Wow, another anime-looking, cel-shaded, generic Asian MMORPG. Yay. The video for it made it look like it was a farming MMORPG, and this made me all ! But then they showed the same mining and random fighting, and that made me all Pass.
  8. Maybe I'm not making my point clear. What I'm saying is that Braid is a pretty good game, free of glitches, that is under $20. It's not discounted, it's not a demo, it's a full game. So why are people bitching about the price when it's actually far lower than other games? Look at Heavenly Sword(s): it's only about six hours long, and it's priced at about $60. Braid is a far better deal at $15. Maybe it's not fair to compare a "big" title against an "indie" game, but when you think about it, the price is perfectly agreeable. I'm starting to wonder if people are feeling like they have been overcharged because they can't take Braid to (uhg) Gamestop and trade it in. It makes sense. You buy a game that you don't like, you take it back and (stupidly) get a small amount of money or trade-in value for it. Braid, if you don't like it, you can't do anything about; it's just there, on your system. There's no refund, no exchange... So you can't take it back and put it forward to something you thin you would like more. I guess there really is no pleasing people.
  9. Change the visualization to "tank". It's like watching some sort of flash about war in the Middle East.
  10. And yet $15 for one game is still an outrage, even though most games range from $30 to $60. I guess no matter what you do, you can't please anyone. Even if Braid were completely free, people would bitch about it. "I can see why this is free lolololololo!"
  11. I guess a lot of people don't recall how expensive games have been in the past. NES carts were upwards of $70 back in the 80s. THE 80S. When things were cheaper and life was all about being able to buy things. Look at prices for everything these days: food, gas, housing, clothes. Almost everything has gone up in price over the last 20 years, except video games. Consoles have generally gotten cheaper and games have generally gone down in accordance. I'd also like to point out that there are games of similar quality and length that charge full prices out on the market. Braid gives you a game at a price that is not only reasonable, but digestible.
  12. Bitch, remix project director.Nocontributionsatallsayswhat?
  13. Oh god, a Descent remix. There's only a few in the entire world, and most of them were part of The Vertigo Series CDs. I am a huge Descent fan, by the way. This mixes a little bit of a stereotypical "far east" feel with the zither together with the industrial metal-ish sounds that frequented the redbook audio tracks of the game. You have to keep working on this one. There are so few Descent remixes, especially these days, so many years after the series has been shelved. Even if Interplay does renew the series, it won't be for a long time. Again, please keep on this one. I want more Descent remixes.
  14. You can't make fun of atmuh's writing. He's not from an English-speaking country, he's had a hard time coping with the stroke he had a few years ago, and there's that mangled left hand of his that we're supposed to avoid bringing up. So cut atmuh some slack, god damn it. Are you picking on a guy because of his physical, medical and geographical limitations? Are you? That's just rasict. And languagist. And injuryist. Rasict, languagist, injuryist assholes, all of you.
  15. You never disappeared, so why would I need to list you?
  16. Me, Prophet, DA, Chrono26, Fishy (on and off-ish), Cerrax, Pocketman, and some others I can't recall off-hand.
  17. He's a little all over the place on that one. He's kind of jumping from on idea to the next... sort of like a platformer. Like Braid. Coincidence? Nah.
  18. I would hope so. You're the second-in-command. The Spock to my Kirk. The Starscream to my Megatron. The Zergling to my Hydralisk. The Great Ball to my Ultra Ball.
  19. Got it. Just need to have the pink ball/block/whatever.
  20. Air line score! So, will they be playing it during the crash-landing, or just when they serve the terrible and overpriced food?
  21. Well, they aren't water (or sweat) resistant, but the Sennheiser PX 100 line is light-weight, holds on well, and they fold up. Sound quality is excellent, and the price has come down a lot over the last few years.
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