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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. That's right. GTA for DS. http://www.joystiq.com/2008/07/15/nintendo-announces-gta-chinatown-wars/
  2. I'm just a little annoyed that DS got his "the guy hired his family to do the dubbing" post before I did. Like, one minute before. Curse you, Darkesword.
  3. Guys. This is old. Like, several weeks old. They had this one most gaming sites at least two weeks ago.
  4. Motion to rename thread to "Sony E3 2008 Thread".
  5. For that pun alone, you should be beaten with a two by four.
  6. Sorry for the double-post, but maybe it would be best to have three separate threads for the Nintendo, MS and Sony showings. It would keep the flaming and fanboyisms confined (mostly) to their respective threads, and cut down on individual posting getting out of control.
  7. I'm actually a little amazed at this whole "but it was an exclusive series! It's not supposed to be on other systems!: bullshit. Look at the history of the Final Fantasy series. It's been released, remade and ported to almost every system that ever came out, going from one system to another with the casual behavior of a slutty whore. This is like crying that your significant other is suddenly cheating on you, even though you saw they going at it with other people all the time. Is this some sort of revelation or something? How can it be when you've got twenty years of evidence to support otherwise.
  8. SD5 = 1 to 25 CB = 1 to 150 Seeing how they've had forever to do either one, I can't say it would be likely to see them.
  9. Oh my god... I just checked random game forums I know, and there's this common feeling going though a lot of the obvious Sony fanboys: SE has betrayed them! They're snakes! Traitors! Nevermind that the PS3 still gets the game, they see multi-platform releases as some sort of anti-fan thing. It's funny and horrible at the same time.
  10. Considering Japan hates the 360, and that Japan seems to be the market of choice for SE, I have to wonder if this is a new move towards higher international market coverage. There are more 360s in the rest of the world than in Japan, so that makes sense. And SE does seems to like publishing games on the systems that have the larger install base (see next Dragon Warrior game on DS). Or MS just dropped a load of cash on their desk and said "FF13. 360. Now."
  11. Wow. The Sony guys are already pissed. To quote one guy: Not putting their game on your favorite system is the same as not caring about the fanbase? Isn't it coming out on both PS3 and 360? If anything, that's more like giving your fanbase two systems to play it on instead of one. The SDF must be panicking over this.
  12. Ugh... what an annoying ad they put in the beginning... I wish there was some filter that got rid of ads in flash media. Well, that seems to confirm that they will keep the original US names, so that's good. Now to see if they keep the dialog or not. I do wish they would touch up the spell effects a bit, though. 2D sprites with 3D effects can look really nice. Nothing major, just redo them a bit to look nicer.
  13. No. Uses to many samples and not enough orchestral thingies. Also, lacks serious amounts of "bow-chicka-bow-wow".
  14. Most likely they will go one of two ways: 1. They will have a big press conference with all these slides about numbers and graphs showing something about all the Wiis and DSs they have sold, and then hint vaguely at some sort of surprise for the future. A few games might be announced, but will be nothing that hasn't already been leaked/announced in other places. 2. They whip out the next DS system with all kinds of this and that features, and then the internet collapses. Nintendo seems to like going to either extreme depending on the year.
  15. I swear to god, it's like Gamefreak watches the fan-made battle simulators (like Shoddy, and Netbattle before it) to see what's going on with competitive battling. Then they make changes in the next version or generation to fix what they see as "balance issues". Except they make sort of half-hearted attempt at it, and you get things like Banette (the only Physical attack oriented Ghost-type) losing it's best two attacks, while Gengar goes from BL/lower OU to full-blown OU because it gets Special powered Shadow Ball again. There were lots of pokes that got screwed over by the Physical/Special shift and sent even lower in the tiers than they were in 3rd gen. Meanwhile, all the OU favorites got moderate to huge bonuses and new moves. Gamefreak don't care abou' da UU folks.
  16. No, not Blind! He did too many remixes and albums I like. You better get well soon, Blind.
  17. Serebii.net has posted new info on Platinum. http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml Details include a release date of September 13th of this year, in Japan. This marks the second longest time period between the first versions and the "enhanced" third version in the series. Following the Japanese releases dates: Red and Green came out February 17th, 1996. Yellow came out September 12th, 1998. 2 years, 6 months, 26 days. Gold and Silver were out November 12th, 1999. Crystal was released December 14th, 2000. 1 year, 27 days. Ruby and Sapphire were released November 21st, 2002. Emerald was out on September 16th, 2004. 1 year, 9 months, 26 days. Diamond and Pearl were released September 26th, 2006. Platinum will be out September 13th, 2008. 1 year, 11 months, 18 days. BUT! If you go from Blue (really, was there any real difference between Red/Green and Blue? A slight change to some spites and one dungeon layout?), you get 1 year, 10 months, 28 days. That would make Platinum the longest stretch, between versions. Sort of interesting, but entirely trivial.
  18. Great... so the crazy lawyer is gone, so the next guy to go after video games will be some smooth, suave, intelligent sounding guy. As much as a douche-bag Jacky was, he did serve a purpose: to make anti-video game rhetoric look silly.
  19. Q, R, O, P, A, and D each have one, but only B has two. And now, it's not my laptop, it's the fact that my typing has gone downhill rather fast. But it's far easier to blame the keyboard than my fingers. Mostly because I can't replace those.
  20. Oh, fuck you, letter "I" button. You've betrayed me for the last time.
  21. Shhhh.... now everyone will want custom titles... EVERYONE. On a more on-topic note... where the hell is Pionko? I've e-mailed and no reply.
  22. Yeah, hit up Serebii's berrydex and find out which ones you need. Then go plant a bunch. You're going to need them.
  23. How's this? It's coming along, most songs are done, and we need artwork and website stuff done. The people for that are doing their own things right now, so please wait. It's coming out. It has too. Do you know how hard it is for the admins to add and remove those little titles from underneath our names? I asked. You don't want to know.
  24. Serebii's IV calculator is shitty. Use MetalKids. http://metalkid.info/Pokemon/OnlineProgram/IVCalculator.aspx Far better: loads faster, more options for levels and EV, more accurate...
  25. Can't compete with Nintendo, so they ignore them and go after someone else? Sort of fits with the whole "we don't see the Wii as a current gen system/Nintendo as being in the same market" mentality they have.
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