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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. On the positive side... that means that the number of 8 to 14 your olds calling you various things will be non-existent. That's something I don't mind at all.
  2. Yep, just as much as Apple, Microsoft, Asus, Samsung, Toshiba, and any of the other people that use Foxconn year after year. Hell, there's a good chance that the device you're reading and posting here on was made by them. Isn't it wonderful to know we're all a small, but still relevant part of the problem?
  3. Cool to see we're starting off the next big batch of remixes with something this smooth.
  4. Considering that Foxconn is already under various investigations for far worse things, your attempts at counter-arguing these reports likely won't work. The best you're going to do is pointing out that the same company does the assembly for Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, and many other large companies. So really, if anyone is at fault, it's everyone. Us for buying these products from these companies, the companies for not doing anything about it, Foxconn for not fixing anything... And yet, here we are, using the very devices and hardware made by these workers, and all we're doing about it is slightly complaining about how the truth is out. Yay us.
  5. http://pokegts.us/5thGen_Selector.aspx y helo 31 in all IVs ditto wat u doign heer? wat u wanna be babby makr 4 mai game? OKLOLOLSKI.
  6. I haven't confirmed it myself yet, but apparently, all of N's pokémon have IVs of 30 across the board. That means you have high stat pokémon without having to breed for them. If you want to, you can use them to breed you own, and those high IVs will carry over to yours. Combine that with the various other post-game catching, breeding and training stuff they added, and it's looking like this is the game for serious training.
  7. Ha. Millions of Japanese players say "私は今までやった" at you. Any inaccuracies in that Japanese text is entirely the fault of Google Translate.
  8. I'm finding the first three or so gyms and everything that happens up to that point to be kind of... unguided. Sort of. I know it's pretty much a linear path throughout the game, but at some points, I honestly had no idea where I was supposed to go and do. I didn't recall anyone saying anything about a place or a person I was supposed to go to. I just kind of wondered around until I found the next point along the path. Once I got to the mainland and started going around the old routes, I found them to be really uninteresting because one, they aren't that different, aside from some pokémon appearing that weren't there in BW1. But I do think the plot won't be what I play this for. I think the access to move tutors, special in-game events and some useful post-game items like the thing that makes shinys appear more often are what I'm really going for. Being able to breed, train and customize your team in BW2 seems to be easier and with more more options than in any other game to this point.
  9. My understanding of it is that you have to be a contributor to the site to get a custom avatar. Like, album director, staff, admin/moderator, etc. I think I'm supposed to get one, but I never really bothered, because it's such a tiny size and really, they don't add anything to your experience here. Now, sig images... THOSE you have to get, otherwise you're just a filthy townie and will be on the receiving end of many a turnip throw.
  10. Genesect and Volcarona: godly dual Bug-type team of DESTINY! Yeah, yeah, I know... using legendaries... but Volcarona isn't actually a legendary, and Genesect was a freebie. Besides, for the first two gyms, he barely did what I wanted him to do (due to traded+higher level), and he really helped with some of the tougher earlier battles where I had no other type advantages. Also, alien bug monsters are cool.
  11. Ugh, genwunner. Anyone else find it funny that a guy calling himself "creativemindframe" chooses to ignore 80% of something?
  12. Don't forget! IF you go online with your game, you can get a free Genesect. Why would you want one? Aside from the fact it's super-fucking rare, it's also an prehistoric-alien bug with a giant energy cannon on its back, genetically altered by Team Plasma as the ultimate weapon. Plus... Aliens.
  13. I just like that each gym has its own remix of the Gym Theme used throughout the series. That's one of those little touches that make it all the more enjoyable.
  14. Did you hear the English version of Roxy's Gym Theme? Here's the original , and here's the new ., according to half of the fanbase. When you localize, things get changed. Deal with it.
  15. In case any one was wondering what they were... Most of them are simply ones you will get just by playing the game normally, and just require you spend some time doing them. It's the ones that require you to participate and interact with lots of other players that might be difficult, seeing how most of us don't live in large cities with high enough population densities that might result in such occurrences. In the 15 years I've been playing Pokémon, I've only ever met about 4 or so other players, and I only ever managed to trade/battle/exchange game info about twice. So it seems kind of bullshit-unfair to be excluded from certain parts of the game simply because we don't have other players nearby. And of course, the fucking Global Link bullshit that should have been in the game to begin with, and not some webpage... that still annoys me.
  16. They receive and deal normal damage to each other, without the use of modifiers in battle. Other than that... But yeah, technically, Aerodactly would have been a bad choice based upon tying... when you factor in that Aerodactly has a far better base Speed stat (and this would have been before natures that might have affected stats), even if the Raichu had higher DVs and proper EV training... it wouldn't have mattered, Aerodactyl was going to win that fight. You should have used Earthquake, as that not only would have been more powerful then Rock Slide, but also would have been super effective against Raichu.
  17. Well, that's not funny so much as what I said, but OK. Anyone know when the last issue is out? Usually they publish and distribute magazines weeks in advance. I want to see what they did for their finale.
  18. In which case, keeping Nintendo Power would be a better idea, as they would also have far more control over it. But then, Nintendo learned long ago about using your fanbase as free marketing...
  19. Bah, back in my day, they had Ganguro pokémon. Sure, there's some resemblance to both Nordic and Japanese legends, but it's obvious as fuck that they're based upon Japanese girls trying to be black and/or heavily tanned white girls. It's not like Game Theory did two episodes on it or anything. I'm up in the air about which version to get. There doesn't really seem to be any bonus to one or the other. You can unlock that hard or easy mode on either version by connecting to another player, and the exclusive areas are essentially identical, save for how they appear. Other than that, it's minor graphic touches, like certain colors in the interface, which has no bearing on anything. The list of differences from one version to the other are listed here and here. Some people say that when you link your Black/White 1 game to your Black/White 2 game, and open some of the little story elements, it's supposed to "be better" somehow if you stick to the same color, but I have never found any evidence of any kind to support such a vague rumor. I guess I'll flip a coin or something. If only they had kept the Pokétch in Black and White 1; I could use the Coin Flip app.
  20. Friend Codes: DusK: 2667 0962 3914 [Malaki-LEGEND.sys: 1464 4889 9623 Mirby: 4556-7785-0033 Sansato: 3053 5393 2815 StreetFlare: 2752 8974 6529 Oh hey, did you know the last version of this thread is, as of this post, back on page 8, and hasn't been posted in or updated since June? That's a dead thread. I don't believe in using Max Revives, so I'm going to make a new thread instead. Seriously, fuck Max Revives. you shouldn't be able to use those in multiplayer battles. So... less than a week away for the North American versions... Yay. THE CHARACTERS: You can be the boy, or the girl. They have names, but you're a communist if you use the defaults. Name them something cool. This cocky bastard is your rival... but not really a rival in the sense that he's out to get you. No, he's more out to get Team Plasma, because of something to do with the plot. Look at this asshole, he's clearly up to something. I suspect he's planning to steal the worlds supply of hair gel. I suspect he's using prototype microscopic anti-grav technology just to keep his hair/feather loopy thing in place, and needs the pain and suffering of pokémon to power it. Or he could be a nice guy, but fuck that, LOOK AT HIS HAIR, IT'S NOT NATURAL. THE POKéMON: "Hey," you're asking, "what the hell are those new pokémon on the covers up top?", to which I say, "you're stupid, those aren't new, they're just new formes of Zekrom, Kyurem and Reshiram". Remember all those times in Digimon, where they would call for some sort of McGuffin and then two Digimon would combine and become one bigger, more powerful Digimon? Well, they stole that from Pokémon, by way of time travel... which they also stole from Pokémon. You can look that up, it's on Wikipedia. At some point in the story, you get to combine Kyurem (the grey Ice Dragon) with either Reshiram (the white Fire Dragon chicken) or Zekrom (the badass black Electric Dragon) to form... somthing that is the same type as Kyurem, Ice/Dragon. But it learns a few new moves doing so, and you can undo the fusion at any point. But it's also not just Dragons. Other legendary pokémon also get the fusion fix. Serebii.net has the whole list with details. THE PLOT: It's Pokémon. You're not really here for the plot. If you are... I don't have the heart to say anything that would hurt your feelings. THE NEW STUFF: Oh, new stuff, there's lots of that. Instead of those stupid dance contests, you get something called Pokéstar Studios, where you "act" in a movie by battling, and for the first time, you can actually battle non-pokémon opponents, like machines and props. And then you have the Pokémon World Tournament, where you can participate in an elimination-style tournament, in place of the old Battle Frontiers they had in past games. Fight against any of the Gym Leaders, Elite 4 and Champions from any of the prior games. Use the points you win to get items. Then there's the 3DS extra, Pokémon Dream Radar. You play a Pokémon Snap-like camera-based AR game, where you find and capture specific Pokémon, which you can then send to your Black 2 or White 2 cart. Sorry, no such app for your DSi: it's strictly 3DS. And I guess that's about it. All we have left now is to discuss the game before it comes out, discuss it more when it does come out, and then discuss it more after it comes out. Oh, and Friend Codes. I guess we could grab those as well.
  21. Not having played Black and White 2, I can't say. And we do have a Pokémon Black and White 2 thread already. But it is several months dead, and it hardly contains any new info since then... maybe it's time to make anew one with better info in it?
  22. The 3DS connectivity is limited to one specific 3DS app, Dream Radar. If you play your Black/White 2 cart on your 3DS with Dream Radar on it, you can play a little AR game that lets you catch pokémon in Dream Radar and then send them to your BW2 cart. It's $3 for Dream Radar, and it's strictly an add-on that could have simply been replaced by an extra post-Elite 4 quest. But since they started with that fucking Pokémon Global Link bullshit, Nintendo seems more and more keen to augment the game using outside methods rather than expand it. I fear what may come over the next several years... Other than that... there is no real benefit to using a 3DS for it. Unless you use it for WPA wireless instead of WEP on a DS or DS Lite. But that's nothing new.
  23. Some fans are trying to make their own Nintendo Power magazine, called . And they only need $20000 of you money to do it.The part that personally makes me shy away from the whole thing is that it will be "made by fans, for fans", which tells me it will be even more bias than Nintendo Power was. Nintendo Power, after all, was a publicity paper, designed to market Nintendo games. Now you'll have the fanbase trying to do the same thing... and we all know how fandom can foul things up... Also the promise of exclusive reviews, previews and interviews seems unlikely, as the reason why Nintendo Power got those exclusives was because Nintendo themselves arranged it. I don't see how an unknown number of people with unknown connections (if any at all) will somehow even approach the same number of exclusive anything that Nintendo could push on its own. But hey, whatever floats your boat...
  24. Wait, you replaced your 3DS with an XL, or you still have both 3DSs? I ask because I don't know if I should replace the one you gave before or just give you two Friend Codes on the first page.
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