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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Not here, but on other sites. About a third of what I've read so far seems to be typical genwunner hate and some random trollers. I just wanted to cover it before it started showing up here. Crisis averted? Probably not, but better safe that dealing with genwunners.
  2. Well, they did put in the disclaimer of it not being final footage. We may still see some changes here and there. I wonder how many people are complaining about the move to 3DS, because Game Freak once said some time ago they prefer sprites and now they're liars and betrayers for not making the next gen 2D with only spites. Also, why are the German names for the starters better than the English names? Fynx? Froxy? The fuck? I want those names for my language group. EDIT: Oh god dam it, internet. It's only been a few hours, and there's already rule 34 of the starters. Fucking fansites, stop posting that shit with misleading titles.
  3. Made by me back when gen 5 was hinted at, but evidently, still valid. WAIT! This being on 3DS means my router will actually work with this game. That means I can finally trade and battle again!
  4. Agreed. Upon my second play through, I found there was less importance on who was saved and how it changed things. For instance, there's one part where you have to choose between saving a young man and a little boy. The outcome doesn't change at all. I had hoped that the cast changes would affect the story more. It's still all one hell of a ride the first time through' though, and I eagerly await the next one.
  5. I did get them, it's christmas. Everyone is a bit busy.
  6. That, and the request tossed in a "kiddy" remark before halfway through the first sentence. That alone puts people off. I'm sensing just a tiny bit of snobby, modern gen console elitism there. Just a bit. Like, maybe 50 millifans.
  7. Considering that the DS carts don't use batteries to keep track of time or save data, I think they would be safer. Also, I have not had a battery on a GBA cart die lose any game data. Only the clock events are affected, and that isn't a big deal, as being able to get access to a mediocre Leftovers wannabe and some berries which won't affect the story or team building in any real way won't ruin it. GBA carts don't use volatile memory like the GameBoy Color Pokémon games. Those used a battery not just for the clock and weekly calender, but also for storing the save data. GBA carts don't do that, they use a more stable form of ROM. It was also more expensive, which is why bootleg GBA carts tended to use cheaper battery-powered ROMs that tended to die most of the time. The choice is yours. Eventually, any storage medium is going to fail, but it looks like the GBA carts are good for at least a few more years. Besides... if all goes well over the next few years, we may be seeing either more GBA games (including some pokémon ones) or 3rd gen remakes on the 3DS. If we get remakes, you might just be able to transfer all your favorites over and have them live in a reverberated Hoenn.
  8. Fuck, I am playing it. Stop telling me to play something I haven't really stopped playing. On a slightly related note, I do wish I had kept my 3rd and 4th gen main games intact, because it's a pain in the ass to set up solo runs/mono-type/etc playthroughs in them with only the in-game pokémon. I decided to transfer everything over to the next gen as they came out, leaving only a few items and HM pokes for travel. When I had all of them, it was easy to just throw a few eggs over and play with whatever teams I could imagine. Now... now I can really only do that in 5th gen games. And that's fine, but sometimes I miss stomping around on the 3rd and 4th gen games with pokémon you normally can't get at all.
  9. Sarcasm doesn't carry over well in text, does it?
  10. I see no reason why not.

    Unless you're an assassin, trying to lure me out with promises of remixes.

    In which case... I'm on to you.

  11. M. Night Shyamalan was once considered the golden boy of Hollywood, and he could do no wrong. I'd like to point out that the Del Toro, while he may have made Pan's Labrinyth (a true orgasm of style and artwork, with a compelling story), he also made Mimic and Blade 2. His is hardly perfect. Even if it is a giant homage to old monster movies... I don't like old monster movies. I don't hate them, I just don't have any interest in them. So this movie is already below the threshold of interest. And now for the "you just hate it for no reason" comments... In fact, the entire point of a trailer is to show me something that will make my brain go "hey, that's interesting, let's go see that, and I will release some of those neurotransmitters you like so much". This trailer did not do that, regardless of the intent of the director or the plot. I just have don't want to see it.
  12. Yeah, so far, everyone is all "GLADOS IS IN THIS MOVIE! OMFG!! LOLOLOLOL!", and ignoring the trailer's content. So I don't have high hopes for this movie. I might see it after it comes out, like... on netflix or something.
  13. Ah, yes, a few sites I visit have been showcasing these. I liked the Kirby and Zelda ones the most, so far. Any pokémon ones coming up?
  14. You... you can use regular SD cards. You know that, right?
  15. No. The border guards won't let those into the US.
  16. Who's OverClocked Remix? Some noob? What? Someone was going to say it.
  17. Dark Souls 2. And Mountain Dew and Doritos took "Best Snacks For Playing Yo' Games, Yo" by a landslide.
  18. No. And I shall tell you why. Several years ago, I was visiting my family for dinner. Free dinner is nice, so why not? On TV, they had the previews for the VGAs on Spike (someone at the old house liked the thirteen hours of CSI they air each day, I guess). Before the commercial is even over, my mother, a woman that has played more than a minute of Tetris on my old GameBoy, who has never taken an interest in anything more than solitaire on Windows, who has never been able to tell the difference between a "Nintendo" and a "Nintendo Sega"... coldly says that she thinks that award show is a joke. When your mom thinks it's bullshit...
  19. Just to point it out, the 3DS can take a 128 GB card if it's formatted correctly. Yeah, I tried it out.
  20. Both are good games. Get the patch for MK7, though. If you plan to race online, it's required. I think it's under the eShop somewhere.
  21. Wow. Nine remixes from this album in the first wave of the remix flood. That's gotta be a record.
  22. Because I can. And the fact that the last one was acting up didn't help any. So, new video card.
  23. It's not a matter of discounting it, so much as it is a complete lack of desire to play anything these days. Even my favorite games are taking a back seat to other interests.
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