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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. The odd thing is he left some of them out. There are 28 tracks on my album, and he only stole 21. I would like to have him brought before me for two reasons: one, he stole the work of my remixers from my album, and two, why he didn't take them all.
  2. I once cried because of a video game system. X-Box, pinky toe. Wearing only socks. You damn right I cried. No man could do that and not shed a tear.
  3. Pics, please. Unless they won't let you take any... in which case, just be sneaky about it, and then post them.
  4. The thing about the Ambassador games is that they're not really that big a deal. There are maybe five out of the twenty that are worth playing at all. The rest are throw-away games that wouldn't do that well on the e-Shop if they sold them there. Oh, you want to know which five games I mean? Nope, that's a secret. Only Ambassadors get to know that. Letting everyone pay for what you got for free isn't going to magically dissolve whatever imaginary status you got for being an early adopter. You will still have the games for free (no, you didn't get them as compensation, they were free. It doesn't equate to having the money back in your pocket, you are still out the cost of a pre-cut 3DS), and everyone can still play them just fine without feeling like they were cheated somehow.
  5. Sorry, Call of Duty and Battlefield all look the same to me. Brown, some bloom, occasionally there's some tired exposition about the horrors of war while gunning down soldier after soldier... you can't blame me for getting them mixed up.
  6. Humerous spoilers, so it's a link instead of posted. http://chzfandom.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/fanart-cosplay-a-true-comedian-never-dies.jpg
  7. Yeah, dude needs to learn when it's not appropriate to hang out with other women when his girlfriend is standing right there. Yeah, he had feelings for Korra, but damn it, son, your current girlfriend is RIGHT THERE. She's watching you two all the time. Kids these days...
  8. I think we're approaching the point where no one will really notice or even care anymore. Photo-realism will be something that we get to, and it will plateau at that point. It may take ten years or more, but we will almost certainly reach the point where real-time interactive photo-realism can be done cheap enough to make it a commercial product. But the thing is, even the most realistic-looking game we have now aren't trying for photo-realism. They're trying for passable-realism with very carefully chosen visual effects, colors and other artistic aesthetics. Even the most recent Call of Duty games have gone for the (admittedly, over-used) bloom with lots of earth tones to convey the setting. They could remove a lot of those lighting, tint, color and shading effects for better overall performance and realism, but that's not the point. Adding all that stuff makes it look and feel the way they think it should. So photo-realism isn't really the goal, when you think about it. It's about near-photo-realism with lots of artistic flare to make it look a certain way.
  9. Well, to an extent, they do. So long as what they do happens to be a maintainable revenue generator as well. Sometimes, it does line up to be favorable for both the company and their customers.
  10. My location says I'm in Unova, doesn't mean I speak Unovian. Unoviese. Unovaianese. Whatever it is.
  11. NOo, it has to do with how a matter of when more advanced graphics matter. Games that drive graphics to be better and better while making them meaningless to the game are the problem. For instance, take any fast-paced FPS (or for that matter, pretty much any current FPS). You can have all the detail you want, but most of the players aren't going to sit there and study the grass and notice the incredible amount of attention to form and color and how it moves in the wind, because that's not what you do in an FPS. If you're using the scope on your sniper rifle to examine the rock in front of you, you're going to get killed by another player. That's not the point of the game you're playing. As someone that likes his FPSs, most players end up dropping the settings to get better frames-per-seconds. It does help, to a certain point, when you don't have to worry about lots of stuff going on dropping your framerate into something noticeably choppier. The first things to go are the prettier stuff, like shaders and detail levels. Better performance over better looking is key. On the other hand, games like Skyrim, where you can actually take the time to look at things, that's where that kind of detail can be appreciated. Not having to constantly look around to make sure you're not about to be shoot or blown up, not having to constantly move around to avoid being a target... that's where attention to design and detail matter. Journey is a game that looks great without being high-end graphics oriented. It's art-style certainly benefits from modern hardware power, but it doesn't define the game. It looks great, but it isn't in the same ballpark as something like Call of Duty or any of the other big games that drive the market for graphics. There are lots of games, series and genres that don't benefit from having better graphics, just as there are ones that don't suffer for it either. It's a matter of using them in way that actually adds to the game, other than "because it's better this way". I would ask you about people that were born and raised after that period, who say the same thing. Or for that matter, well before that same period. I doubt that age, birthdate, or "upbringing" are that big a factor when it comes to someone looking at the matter objectively and coming to similar conclusions. Developers from different parts of the world, from different companies, with different amount of experience in the industry, shared similar opinions about the state of the industry and its drive towards higher and higher end graphics. It may not be a consensus, but it does show that it is not only do people of different backgrounds, ages and experiences show concern about it, but also the people that actively generate the very games we play do as well.
  12. The English language versions have more room for naming pokémon. Six characters in Japanese, 10 in English. Also, that whole being in another language thing... if you don't know Japanese, you might have a hard time figuring things out, even with walkthroughs. As I'm reading about more and more of the features, story and everything else in Black and White 2, I honestly think that Black and White 1 was more of a place-holder game or something. I really think they could have put all this stuff in BW1, but the extra year and bit was somehow deemed too long a wait. Seriously, look at the list of stuff going on in BW2. You can get tons of pokémon with their hidden abilities in-game, without having to use that fucking Dream World bullshit. Lots of areas to explore. More post-game stuff. Better side-quests. No more Musical; instead we get a far more fun looking TV Show game. Custom themes for Gyms. More diverse selection of pokémon in more areas. Just everything about BW2 seems better. I honestly think that my BW2 cart will become my main game, and my Black 1 cart will end up being having everything dumped from it and used as some sort of backup file or something. Black and White 2 is just the superior version in every way.
  13. Does the CCP cut out any of the other controls or does it actually add extra controls? I have never really heard one way or the other.
  14. It's about Black and White 1, not 2, but it does explain why you can still battle the Elite 4 Champion in every game over and over.
  15. I have to assume that he meant to say 3DS instead of DS. There's no way anyone could make that mistake.
  16. Yeah, we have a much more current and up-to-date 3DS thread here. The thing I don't get is how you managed to skip right past the current 3DS thread while it's on the first page, while this one had its last post over a year ago. that would have pushed it at least ten pages back. You would have had to gone through page after page of threads, looking for it. Or you did a search for "3DS" and didn't see the most recent post for each one, with the current one benig higher up. Come on, soma, I would expect this from a new member, not you.
  17. Alternate plan: Season 1 is Korra and her adventures in Republic city. Season 2 is the next Avatar in around 100+ years later. This Avatar is the first person to go into space (MOOOOOOOON BEEEENDIIIIING!) and there is some awesome stuff about having to stop comets and shit from killing everyone on the planet (COOOOOOMEEEEET BEEEEEENDIIIIIING!). Think about the progression from those steam-powered tanks from Aang's time to the cars and airplanes of Korra's. It's not that big a leap in either tech or imagination. Season 3 is the next Avatar, about 200+ years after the last one (hey, Avatars tend to live long, look it up) and is the First person to set foot on another planet (the Avatar universe's equivalent of Mars, perhaps). When they get there, they discover that bending doesn't work on this planet, and indeed, it weakens considerably the further you get from their world. No aliens, because they still have their own problems back home to deal with. Season 4, 400+ years after Korra takes place, the next Avatar is just beginning his/her training. The world is reverting back towards a pre-steam-engine level of technology, ever since the last Avatar had to break some McGuffin to balance the world or something. Ash Ketchum turns 13, and still hasn't evolved Pikachu. Remnant technology is rare, but the main cast comes across it occasionally and has to deal with its misuse and/or accidental malfunction. Someone finally fins Sokka's old space sword, but it's quickly tossed in a bag and never mentioned again. Season 5 is almost 1000 years after Korra. This Avatar is an old man/woman, and just wishes for Nickleodeon to end the show with whatever remaining dignity is left. BEST. SERIES. EVAR.
  18. Yes, white-out text (or if we ever get a spoilers tagging system) is required for this kind of stuff. Now that I have watched it (behold my TORRENT BENDING!), I have to say, that was a pretty good ending. But now what? Like Subz1987 said, I was expecting the net season to be her regaining her other bending back through training again. We would get to see her develop a bit more, maybe see more of the other descendants of the original cast (like Zuku's daughter, who is supposed to be the current Fire Lord, and more of Bumi, Aang's other son). Maybe even have Amon come back later on for a second try. But no. Now we are left wondering what the hell they're going to do for the next season (and I think there's also a third season as well being discussed). What am I supposed to look forward to every week now?
  19. Damn it, if only there was one more birthday, we could have a M-M-M-M-M-MONSTER BIRTHDAY DAY day day day instead of a boring triple combo. Well, you're all older now, so I guess it's time we started to tell you about the facts of life. I'm too old to talk about it, but this link should prove useful. Read it, learn it, understand it. It could be useful someday.
  20. I don't have to explain my poor comprehension skills to you or anyone else.Stop harassing me!
  21. Part of me wants to say that it would fuck up pre-second pad games, as anything made before wouldn't be able to use it. But then another part of me says that since older games couldn't use it any way (as in, they re not programmed for it, it wouldn't even register on those games), it's a moot point and they could still put a second pad any way. Older games would be able to run without using it, and newer games would work just fine. The only problem is people having to get a new 3DS to play newer games (which is normal, as most people tend to do so at some point any way). Another part of me wants to say things were simpler in the GBA era, as that was the bestest era, and you kids with your analog this and touch-screen that can suck it. 240 x 160 for life! Anther part of me is asking why I bothered to type all this out.
  22. Yay, the first big floods of news from people that got their games in Japan are out. There is just simply too much to post here. Hit up http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml and click on the spoilers button instead. Things I do like: lots of move tutors. Fire Punch, Thunder Punch and Ice Punch are available, as well as Iron Defense and tons of other moves. You can trade shards (like the ones you find on the beach and in caves) for them. Are they re-usable, or one-time? No info yet. And the rumors were right, Iris is the new champion, and Achroma (the guy with the weird blue hair thing) is a Plasma boss. Not to mention the number of older legendaries and pokémon available not only after the main quest, but also from the beginning. Another cool thing is a new difficulty level. After the normal game is complete, you can choose Asist which is supposed to lower the difficulty, and Challenge, which makes the game harder. So far, no more info about this. Black and White 2 might be the most feature-rich version to date. It really makes Black and White feel hollow and short in comparison.
  23. Fake. It sounds almost exactly like the various DS game-based sountfont remixes out there. I suspect someone just made it up and claimed it to be real. Even if it was real... so? That doesn't mean anything. Several of the games have had unused music from other games in them, but it didn't mean anything, even years later. It could simply be leftover music that they never got rid of, as is a habit of GameFreak.
  24. You know what I really like about DA? That she doesn't just disconnect from IRC when we have conversations like this one: That is the mark of a good woman: her ability to tolerate someone like me.
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