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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Dengeki_magazine_reveals_further_B2W2_details Tons of new info, including a basic walkthrough of the first part of the game.
  2. You guys, don't talk about her that way. She's like a little sister. It's all creepy and shit. Ha ha, Deia just got sister-zoned.
  3. Because I'm from outside the US, the site won't let me. Besides, the HD feeds you get from torrents are far better quality. The issue isn't the player, it's the file from that one group. Like I said, I tried to ply those files on multiple computers on multiple players, and nothing worked.
  4. I see 9 games that looks lie they can be played, with a virtual hallway timeline of the entire series you can look up and explore a bit. That's two cool things in the same game. I would like to purchase this.
  5. Yeah, so I've been having trouble with some of the video files from a group called [secludedly]. I've downloaded episodes 9 and 10 now from them and I can not get their files to play without either crashing the player or freezing on a frame. I end up having to find another version by another group that works fine. I tested the latest video for Legend of Korra on my desktop, my home theater PC and my laptop. On each, I used three different players. I updated both the players and the codecs. None of this has solved the playback issues. But every other video I have on them work perfectly. Old vidoes, new videos, HD, SD, various formats and containers and everything. Just these two videos from this one group aren't working. I tried to contact the group, posting the specs of each computer and all the codec and player info I had. I got a very short and very rude "technical support" session from someone that was basically "stop trolling, fag, you're just shitting on [our groups] name. Get a real fucking computer" and then was ignored. Looking up some threads on other sites where people were talking about the last several videos, I see similar conversations have taken place before. Basically, if you question the quality or reliability of their video releases, you are a troll, a fag, a pussy, other wonderful names, and you are there to simply ruin the reputation of the group because of reasons. Your hardware sucks, because it isn't capable of running multiple Crysis games at the same time (despite this not being needed to play a simple 720p video that only comes in at less than 700 MB). You are not worth the time to deal with, shut and go away. Statements about your gender/sexual orientation/ability to engage in fellatio with animals seem to be based upon the day of the week. The technical issues aside, that behavior alone is enough to never bother with them again. I posted as much and as specific info as I could to try and solve a problem, and I knew that others had similar issues before. I was polite, asked simply and directly if they had an idea as to what it might be... and I was told to fuck off and die. The early access to the episodes isn't worth the hassle of trying to get them to work, nor the support and attention they would get for downloading anything from them. I'd rather wait the extra few hours to get video that are the same quality (if not more, sometimes), that work properly on even the slowest oldest hardware I have, and don't result in being insulted and treated like shit. /rant On topic, the new episode sure has some serious shit going on. This gives me high hopes for the season finale, as well as the series finale when it comes. This might even be better than the original series!
  6. As a AFOL myself, I like this LEGO-based thinginess going on here. that alone is all cool.
  7. You go on about how you're a big fan of Nintendo, but you doubt what they're doing. Crisis of faith. Or, if you want, crisis of Does that work for you?
  8. GTAHater836's fear of disapproving public opinions regarding his purchases is perhaps the greatest read on this site in a long time. I wish we could nominate/vote for threads in some kind of monthly or even yearly poll. I think this one with its recent activity would rank pretty well. GTAHater836, you're just going through a minor case of fanboy-crisis of faith. Get over it. It's entertainment, nothing more. If it's really that big a deal for you, I'd suggest looking up some homeless people for advice. I'm sure they would be more than happy to tell you how much they care about it.
  9. You're in the anthropomorphic archetype of the unconscious mind, as per Carl Jung's idea of analytical psychology, as it pertains to genders and their unconscious role reversals in terms of inner personalities? Wow, that's some heavy shit, man. Or woman. Or both.
  10. There people that have lived very long and still active lives, but they are rare and the majority of them are Avatars, so that pretty much excludes Amon being someone of great age. It could very well be that Amon naturally developed the ability to remove bending on his own. Maybe he had a natural talent for it, or he researched it over years. Luckily, we'll have the entire show to build upon the mystery and get the answers. It will hopefully be around for at least a few years, giving us another great show to enjoy. But I am kind of curious as to what the rest of the world looks like now. I wouldn't mind seeing a bit of Ba Sing Se and the Fire Nation. We caught a glimpse of the Southern Water Tribe in the first episode, but not much else. I want to see how everywhere else changed as well. Even if it's just a few clips here and there, it would be cool.
  11. No, of course not. The Wii U has no sex organs. It is an inanimate object. Even if it was somehow alive and had sexual desires, it lacks the necessary "hardware" to do anything about it. Now, it could, one supposes, derive some sort of sexual pleasure and gratification from it's designed functions, but that would seem to be more psychological than physiological. That also leads to all kinds of issues about a thinking device that has sexual urges and can not fully fulfill them. This is also a whole other mess of issues about sentience and the rights and ethics about using machines that feel, and not something that really aligns to this matter. There's also the problem with trying to engage in any kind of sexual activity with a photonic image. If it's the typical holographic technology we have now, it would be a projection onto a special plate of glass or a tube. The Wii U could make physical contact with the glass, but the image itself would be untouchable. Even if you used a true hologram, one that is projected into empty space and is a fully rendered 3D image, the Wii U would still be unable to make physical contact with the image, and thus unable to achieve any kind of sexual contact. So no, the Wii U can not "do" a hologram.
  12. When Aang and Toph go to arrest Yakone in the flashback, Aang says he's 40 years old. Yakone was already much older than Aang at that point, possibly as much as 50 years old. Aang died 26 years later at the age of 66. Add 16 years to get to the current point in time, that would make Yanoke (if he was even still alive at this point) about 92 years old. Even if you put Yakone's age as 40 in the flashback, that still makes him at 80+ years old. I highly doubt any bender, regardless of his skill (which he wouldn't have anymore in the first place) would be able to do any of the fighting or advanced techniques Amon is doing at that age. So unless he's somehow become a cyborg with 1910s-equivalent technology (which might explain his resistance to bloodbending), it seems more likely Amon, whomeer he is, actually is a spiritbender, like the Lion turtle in the series finale of the last series spoke of to Aang. If so, that makes him for more dangerous than any other bender of any other kind.
  13. Is dfcentre the Jack Keiser of this thread? It's starting to look like it. I did buy a new popcorn popper, so maybe this would be a good time to break it in. On-topic: why no news about letting us use our 3DSs on the Wii U? They hyped the connectivity of GBA and GameCube, and later, the DS and Wii. Yes, not many games used it, but it was still something they showcased in years past. I would think with the 3DS' better memory and processing power over the DS, we could use it for all kinds of stuff. You could even download apps onto it that take care of most of the content for a Wii U-3DS game, so you don't have to constantly download data to the 3DS all the time. Need maps and character data for a game? Just get a app/game that holds all that and keep it on your 3DS.
  14. Ahh, the old Sugimori artstyle. Not bad.
  15. The thing is, I had already watched the MS, Sony, EA and Ubisoft conferences by then, so I really wasn't expecting anything anymore. But yeah, seeing how the 3DS is pretty much my second system (third if you want to get technical and include my computer), ut's really more of a "what can you offer me to keep going with it?" kind of thing than anything else. The other system of choice would be DS, in case you were wondering. Still lots of games to enjoy on that.
  16. Until I see the hardware specs that allowed this to be done in-engine, in real-time, this may as well be pre-rendered footage. Until then, I'm skeptical of any claims of real-time.
  17. Nah, an air temple would be too obvious to take her to, and even if he did take her to one, you still have the air acolytes that serve in the temples. They would see her tied up and wonder what the fuck is going on, and then the whole kidnapping thing is ruined. Besides, he has to take her somewhere within a reasonable amount of time. The guy has an active political life and can't just take off for days at a time. He has to be back for the meetings and duties his job requires every day. More likely he will keep her somewhere in town or near it, and then either arrange to have someone else take her away, or try to keep her there until he has a better plan. So I suspect we'll have an episode or two where it's split between Korra quietly contacting Aang in solitude (as her situation as a prisoner forces her to) wand the action and plot where her friends search fro her frantically. Which is perfectly fine with me. Pacing and development were one of the strong points of first series, and they seem to be doing it right with this one.
  18. Only seven more hours until the 3DS press conference... if that's what it really is. I'm hoping they have enough to actually make it worthwhile doing. If it's just "here are a few games and did we mention that you can get all this info and more on our direct feed from our website, negating the point of coming to E3 in the first place?" shit like the regular conference, then fuck it. They better have some real stuff to show.
  19. So the video is supposed to be real-time. OK. Real-time on what? Is that real-time on a 360, PS3, Wii U, or PC? If it's hardware specifically designed to let them do real-time rendering, then it would be outside the reach of your average consumer. It would be something they made themselves to do it, and not something that could be commercially available (or at least not cheap enough to be mass market like current consoles and gaming PCs). There's a lot about this they just don't specify. Yeah, it might be real-time rendering, but if this can't be done on something I can actually own, then how is this supposed to be impressive?
  20. After the minor train car derailment that was the Microsoft's conference and the bland, uninteresting (but at least they didn't drag the whole thing on with lots of charts and having people dance and sing for no reason) Sony show, I fear that this year may end up being boring as hell. Ubisoft had a couple of good points, and they are "winning" so far. Nintendo needs to drop some fucking bombs on us if they hope to stand out at all. They need to show us a lot of stuff for the Wii U to make up for the lack of everything else so far. But I suspect it will be all "look at our late and half-assed online attempt and games we announced last year but still aren't going to be out until 2014 or even later". Prove me wrong, and I will happily retract everything.
  21. So... are we going to see Avatar-state Korra soon? I'm thinking that the events at the end of the last episode might trigger it. It may very well be FUCKING AWESOME.
  22. I don't see how I could. But I will warn you, directing an album isn't easy. First, it's very easy to let things slide, and then you have to get everything back on track. If you're not constantly on it, you will find that a month can go by and oh shit, you haven't seen or heard anything all the time. A month is a lot of potential progress. Second, it helps to be a musician yourself. Otherwise, you'll have all your remixers tired of answering your questions about terms and what a so-and-so is. Third, it helps (but isn't required) if you're well known on the site, and maybe even a posted remixer yourself. It shows that you have ability, a proven history and enough name power to carry through. Four, there are other project directors out there, as well as various judges and remixers that have been involved in projects, that you can ask for advice. I'd make use of them when you can. Lastly, you have to be decisive. There were lots of times I hesitated over little things, and I still think about what could have been. My advice would be to make a choice and stand by it, even if you're still not sure about it. Don't be a dick, of course, but don't be afraid to pull some rank. A good second-in-command or co-director helps. They can be a board to bounce ideas off of, and can take over for a short while if you need to attend other things. So yeah, go for it if you think you can do it. Even if OCR turns the album down for any reason, you can still do it outside of OCR. There are thousands of remixers out there to draw upon, from all over the world. Just keep on it, and it will eventually happen. Good luck, and Arceus-speed.
  23. The Missingno Tracks albums are strictly the core series. Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black, White, Black and White 2, as well as the remakes. If you want to do your own album, that is totally something that should happen. the series in general, spin-offs or not, could use more coverage. But it just won't be titled Missingno Tracks.
  24. Actually, that is totally a cool idea. The Missingno Tracks is for the core RPG series, so having an album for the spin-off games would be not only acceptable, but even cool. I support this venture of a Pokémon spin-off games remix album.
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