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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Done. Will PM you the details. And that's my eighteenth good deed of the year. GOOD NIGHT, EVERYBODY!
  2. I recently bought a new video card, and with it came a big card that says "congrats on your purchase of this card. Redeem this offer for the following games online" and then it shows Far Cry 3, Sleeping Dogs, and Hitman Absolution, with a fourth game (Medal of Honor Warfighter Limited Edition) for 20% off. It's one of those deal where you enter a code on the video card manufacturers site and they give you a code to get your game through Steam/Origin/Ubishop. I have no interest in these games, but there's no point in them going to waste. First one to ask gets the code. Sound fair?
  3. I read the title as bread art, and now I'm hungry.
  4. Ah, the Route 120 theme. That, along with the GSCs Route 42 theme, RBY's Fuchsia to Lavender theme, BW's Route 12 theme, and DPPt's Route 206 theme, make up my list of pretty damn epic music from the series. Each gen seems to have this one route with music that just makes you go "FUCK YEAH, TIME TO WALK LIKE A BOSS" through all that tall grass. And you just know any pokémon that dares to interrupt that music is going to pay.
  5. Then I got a new, expensive mouse pad and a book I will read.
  6. For some reason my August pre-order is no longer existing. I had to pre-order again, even though I had entered my credit card for the first pre-order. I'm hoping that they will look at the two and see what is going on, but I feel that they just lost the first one. Hopefully, I will not be ending up with two charges for one order. Or two orders for one item.
  7. http://www.destructoid.com/-99-99-wii-mini-revealed-239382.phtml It's smaller, doesn't play GameCube games, has no online (but then, the Wii barely did, so...) and is only going to be available in Canada for the first few months. Truly, this is the ultimate console. If anyone wants one, just PM me and I'll have it sent by dog sled to the US border. I'll take furs or muskets instead of money if you have trouble converting your dollars to our coins.
  8. I played it very close to your way. Same choices, same behavior... I really got to get the time to do another run through it, and do the opposite of my first try. This might be a game really worth playing through multiple times.
  9. Who the fuck is blind? Total noob name. I bet he's never even done a remix in his life. (failure to see sarcasm in 3... 2... 1...)
  10. Jesus christ, TellTale, could you make it any harder to watch that last scene? And that cliff-hanger ending? You bastards, you've made me feel for a fictional character. How could you do this to me? Just... Fuck. Now I have to play through it all again, but this time, do the opposite of what I did the first time to see how different it turns out. Anyone else been playing this?
  11. Well, let's see: 1. Character archetypes that we've seen hundreds of times before. 2. Bleh designs and art style. Nothing interesting or refreshing. 3. Mediocre plot based upon a long-settled argument over market shares of an entertainment industry. 4. Poor attempt at parody, or half-assed attempt at appealing to fanboys? Either way...
  12. They should just release my GameBoy collection on VC and be done with it. I had all the good ones. You want to know which ones? Think of a good or better GameBoy game. Got one? Yeah, got it.
  13. Fuck yeah, Metroid Fusion. The first Metroid game in 8 years since Super Metroid, and yet it's not as popular among fans. It had all the features of past games, added lots of cool story and game stuff, and had cool music to boot. I agree, Metroid Fusion needs some coverage. We have about 40 of Super Metroid, even a few of Metroid 2 for the GameBoy... but not one single Fusion remix?
  14. Ugh, way to ruin the secret for everyone, Mirby. Especially Halycon. But most especially Mirby. Disclosure time: For the last several years, I have been acting as a sort of secret Santa for other members of OCR. My job in the oilfield/energy industry not only affords me a tidy income, but also the means to save up and dispose of income as I see fit. This includes acts of charity and good will towards complete strangers. Why? Part of it is simply helping out where it is needed. Part of it is to instill that sense of that "What? Really!?" feeling people get... sort of like when a NPC gives you an item when you talk to them. I guess I'm trying to make real life like video games? So once a year, usually around the end of fall, early winter, I keep an eye out for OCR members that would like a video game or system of some kind, but can't afford one of their own (school, employment, kids, they're in minimum security prison, you know how it is). I'm not going to disclose whom, aside from Mirby and HalcyonSpirit (who blabbered about it ) getting 3DSs, because: 1) They might not like having me say "oh yeah, they were too poor, so I took pity on them" because it would be embarrassing, and not necessarily true. Some of them just didn't have the means due to parents saying so (and you all know how much I like to undermine authority) or they were serving overseas, or other reasons (note that these are made-up examples: no clues for you!) 2) It was supposed to be kind of a secret ninja thing, and ninjas are cool. Like bow ties. But less obvious and more deadly. Past recipients have received a PSP, a DSi, a DS Lite and one person wanted a GBA SP even though they weren't the newest system at the time. Which is cool, 'cause GBA be ballin' yo. 3) I can use this against them ... somehow. Maybe something to do with guilting them into something? I don't know, I really haven't thought this through since I started t. But now the secret is out, RUINED FOREVER by loose lips. Until next year, I guess. Whatever. But don't go around expecting freebies, greedy people. I'm giving, but not a sucker. EDIT: OK, some of the humor I (failed to) use has gone either over a few heads, or completely misfired and is just sitting dead in the barrel. Firing blanks is what I'm good at. Yes, that's self depreciating humor. I suppose it was my fault for using a relatively unknown quote from The Simpsons and talking in overly robust formatting. I'm not outraged or anything by this, I just decided to play it up a bit for my own amusement. And now HalyconSpirit seems to be saddened by this most egregious of betrayals. But worry not, for I am a duckheaded baffoon, playing at things for silliness's sake. No hard, no foul, no problem.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4DPOnvulu8&sns=em Basically, it goes like this. Find the stadium in Nimbasa. Find the guy with the red cap. This is a Breeder, and they reset each time you enter the area they are in. Beat him, and he gives you a Rare Candy. Leave, go back, fight him again Get another Rare Candy. Repeat until you're sick of Rare Candies. BAM. You're welcome.
  16. You are incorrect to wish him well for aging another year. For he is beyond years, and does not age. On top of that, he's also too old to eat cake anymore. It will go straight to his hips.
  17. I am sooooo adding this to my list of "Best Thread of 2012" poll.
  18. Yet another Pokémix! Glad to see my favorite series getting more coverage. And the source tune is a good choice as well.
  19. I wonder when they'll cover the invasion by the Kingdom of Somy and the failed attempt by the foreign armies of Microftso. Edit: OK, having watched this, I have to say that I have always thought my time on a jury where we had to watch video evidence of a man doing truly disturbing things of a sexual nature to various animals was the worst experience of my life. This show doesn't knock it off the top of the list, but it's bumped quite a few other things down a bit.
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