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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Easy: by not listening to Colosseum and Gale of Darkness music.
  2. If they didn't say that for the Sonic ones, I don't see why it would be so for any other ones.
  3. DING DING DING! Exactly. Specifically, "The Missingno Tracks: Special Pikablu Edition" like the English language version of Yellow was titled. There is only one good thing about Orre, and that is Miror B. Everything else sucks. thing about that entire series. Even his pokémon dance to it. See? But yes, there could be some in there. Remixers on my projects are free to choose their source materials, provided it doesn't go against any rules set up specifically for that project (for style, content, etc.)
  4. Gen 2 is overrepresented as it is. It got a third (10 of 28 ) of The Missingno Tracks, and there are other albums that cover Gen 2 even more. Golden Sun And Silver Moon, which covers most of the series, but also has a lot of GSC. 9 remixes from Gen 2, to be exact. And then there's THE MEDLEY OF POKéMON RGBY+GSC -3PBs-. Lots of bass and not much in the way of remixing, but it's almost half GSC music. Hell, even Pokemon Reorchestrated has some GSC stuff in it, but it's less remixes as it is orchestral versions, similar to what you might find in a movie soundtrack or concert. I do have plans for a sequel album, of course... but we'll see how the GameBoy one goes first. I call tell you right now that I already have some GCS themes picked out for it, though.
  5. I find it funny, because I know what polydactyl means. And I know that Sixto doesn't really make music. Double pun.
  6. I'm calling it right now. There is no Amon. Not a single one, at least. Amon mentioned his family being killed by a Fire Bender in The Revelation. Sato, the rich guy that makes cars in the Avatar world, also says his wife was killed by a Fire Bender. Other minor characters have stated personal experiences with Benders as well. At some point in the past, this common experience led them to meet and plot out revenge against all benders, even the ones that had nothing to do with any of their personal tragedies. Recruiting and training other non Benders to act as an army, building machines to fight back with, scaring the population... it's all part of a plan for revenge. But they were vurnerable as a group. They needed something to act as both an inspiration and protection for each member. Thus, we come to Amon. Amon's story is just generic and common enough to both inspire his followers, while also shield each member from suspicion from the authorities. His story applies to hundreds of members, and yet applies to no one in particular. It's a great cover. He wears a mask not to cover his fictional scars, but to conceal the multiple identities of the Equalist leaders. Different members with different strengths (like public speaking, fighting or the one guy that knows how to block Bending) take turn wearing the Amon disguise depending upon the event. That way, he is always in top form, always present and never afraid of capture, because you can't arrest an idea or a symbol. Even if the cops did arrest an Amon, they would see it was not a scarred man, but a regular person, and assume it was a double the entire time. Then another Amon appears makes an appearance on radio or at an event, and the city see that the "real" Amon is still out there. This eliminates any victory the police have in arresting an Amon, while still stirring up fear in the population that he is still very much active. "But Damned,", you ask, "if they are all pretending to be Amon, then how do they all sound alike?" That's a good question. The answer is simple. Voice Bending.
  7. Yeah, sorry, life stuff and all that. But that's over now (the stuff, not the life), so yeah, back to work. If you had looked on the google doc link in th first page, you would see that you're already on the list for Tetris. WillRock has control over that document, so I guess he updated it sometime since then. So... GET ON IT.
  8. Yeah, I was terribly busy and then I was lazy. But I guess now that WillRock has posted again, I have to do something.
  9. Nintendo needs to make a second anime series, and make it like that trailer. I'm not saying that they should cancel the current series; they should just do a concurrent one. There are millions of fans around the world that like Ash and Pikachu just fine. I got no problem with that. I just wish they did something else as well. Remember the old Chronicles episode they did years and years ago, back in the Johto series? It was roughly the same as the anime, but featured characters based upon the game player characters. How about trying that out again? Yeah, make it like 26 episodes or something, and not a continuous run. The next generation of games comes out, make a new short series.
  10. I'm hoping that at E3 this year, they cover that whole digital download thing for 3DS games. Having to take a collection of carts is a bit of a minor hassle, but on-system games makes that easier. It would depend, of course, how they price it. If I don't have to pay for the cost of the cart, the case, the manual and the transportation of the game itself, then I expect it to be lower than the physical copy. But knowing how everyone works, I suspect that it will be the same price, or just barely under it.
  11. I liked how Iron Man and Cap did that combo thing with the repulsors and the shield. That was just cool. The action sequences were pretty damn good over all.
  12. I can't believe no one caught this until now. (not real, just something someone on DA whipped up)
  13. TV.com, wikipedia and other sites I've checked say it's only 6 with no mention of further episodes afterward. Even shows with lots of unaired episodes still list them by air date and have basic synopsis. So far, nothing for Legend of Korra has gone past episode 6. EDIT: Aaaaaaand the wiki page for episodes was recently edited to include new info. Nice. I checked it a few days ago and it only stated 6 episodes at the time. Thanks, whomever added it then and not sooner.
  14. But sadly, that is the end of the first season. We'll have to wait until... sometime later for the next season. But at least, we'll get to see Korra use her Avatar State someday. That's always good.
  15. "God, I'm so sick of getting a slightly upgrades third version two years later. I mean, they're done it even generation for YEARS!" *Black and White 2 are announced, no Grey version to be seen* "WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?! WHERE'S GREY VERSION!?!? THIS IS FUCKING STUPID!!!" Yeah, that seems about right.
  16. I still don't know how to pronounce your name. Not the name you use on OCR, I mean that first one. BEEEEEN? Beh-nuh? Bah-Uhn? Fuck, this is too difficult. I'll get your a birthday wish when you get a name I can say.
  17. So, the Kami Trio turn into animals (tiger, bird, snake?), Cheren and Bianca are older and have some role (looks like Bianca gives you your starter?) and N is back (or at least mentioned by what looks to be one of the Sages). Also, older Gym Leaders and Champions make some appearance, looks like some sort of in-game tournament. And you seem to fight a giant robot ala one of those live-action Super Sentai stage acts they have in Japan. OK, this is seriously looking to be the far superior version. It's almost like they shouldn't have done BW1 in the first place.
  18. So... new Corocoro is leaked, and it looks like Kyurem isn't the only one getting an upgrade. It's hard to make out, but it seems that the "Kami Trio" (as they are called by some), namely Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus, are getting new formes. Aside from that, who knows what else is happening. BW2 is starting to look like the version to own, and BW1 is looking kind of like an "also-ran" kind of game.
  19. Here's how to catch up on Bleach and Naruto. Step 1. Download the soundtrack. Just the first couple, the restis boring. Step 2. Play soundtrack. Step 3. Find a site that has the manga. Step 4. Read the manga with the soundtrack playing. You've just made the series much more tolerable and you can catch up quicker than watching it. No filler, all the good parts, and you can catch up as quickly as you can read. I guess the same applies to just about any long-running series that follows the manga exactly, but you get the idea. I haven't watched Bleach or Naruto in years because of this.
  20. It's asking for me to log in to the site. Got another, non-logging-in place we can get it?
  21. If not for the fact that I am not allowed in the State of Florida, I would attend. Stupid Governor...
  22. Bam-bam from The Flintstones impersonation by The Hulk. Awesome. Also, that was a really well-done rendition of Thanos at the end. It actually looks like him. I mean, they took a very non-human character and made it work right. Here's hoping Avengers 2 will be as good, if not better.
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