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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. So, you have two FCs, or is the new one replacing the old one?
  2. I knew that from Gargoyles. They go to Avalon and have to use Detective Maza's sidearm for its iron to fight against Oberon, so they make it into a bell and just ring it until he's about to die. Cartoons are full of useful stuff.
  3. Spreading false info can have an impact on expectations. Nintendo is probably worried about review scores being influenced by people expecting all these fake rumors. That could (albeit slightly) affect sales. This is the second highest selling series of all time, they probably want it to sell as much as possible.
  4. I'm not really sure. I don't know exactly how Australia's rating board works They have a history of censoring and even banning games because of content. It may do nothing, It may indicate a higher than expected level of story for the game, it may just be some bureaucrat making his salary. Also, did you catch this: Looks like Nintendo is doing a lot of different E3 events. Pokemon X/Y presentation/Q&A on June 11 at 6pm PT. — Jason Schreier (@jasonschreier) And a response to it was: Nintendo has never done much more than "oh, and there's some pokémon footage in the back of the demo station. I guess you could check it out" at E3. To have a full hour and a half just for it means they're going to have fuckloads of content to show. Pokémon finally goes full 3D. It's going to release world-wide simultaneously. It's going to have its own E3 presentation.
  5. Ah, well, long time to post. Austrailia... why are you so weird when it comes to games? A Pokémon game, PG? I knew that they rated games a lot harsher down under, and lots of games are modded to remove blood or gore, but come on... Pokémon?
  6. Why have you people been comparing a phone with highly dedicated internet and media resources (with marginal to moderate game support) to a dedicated game system with limited (or even non-existent) internet and media support for the last five pages? You're comparing apples to oranges. Handhelds like the 3DS (and even the Vita) aren't comparable to android/iPhones. They're so vastly different. You may as well compare PC desktop systems to phones as well. They're far more comparable in terms of function and use (internet, media, online communication, etc) and happen to also do games. 3DS doesn't do movies or music very well, and is meant as a game device. You can cite all the games phones have, but they're still vastly different machines. Why do people even consider this as plausible or relevant?
  7. ocre, stop posting. Your reckless use of evidence and facts isn't welcome here!
  8. Nothing Zelda that I can recognize. I think it may just be your brain playing tricks on you.
  9. Don't worry about it, Brando, we all screencapped it for future use.
  10. You know not to take me seriously, right?
  11. ... you know he's in a wheelchair, right?
  12. The water cooler at my work is covered in dust, smudged and scratched from years of abuse and only gets cleaned/refilled when it's been sitting empty long enough. I guess MS has really awesome water coolers that are clean and constantly filled with fresh water. I wish I had a water cooler like that.
  13. Hey. Shut up. You're ruining it for everyone. Without unimportant things that don't affect us to bitch about, where would we put all our effort and time into? Careers? Family? Education? Fuck that. That's for elitist fanboys. Like yourself! (and now for someone to take this post seriously...)
  14. Guys, you're all missing the most important thing we learned from the conference. X-Box One is huuuuuuuuuge. Really, really huge. Gigantic and monolithic. Like a slab of black stone polished and carved by eldric forces. I wouldn't be surprised if it weighs twenty pounds. I think the ability to run cool without noise is due to the fact it's made of heat absorbing rock from another dimension. Why are we going back towards massive bricks for consoles again? Look at that screen shot of the system next to the controller. If the controller is the same size as the current one, then god damn, that's a big system. And no one has been able to answer if you can put in on its side like every other system. I like putting stuff on its side. With multiple systems, it's like a wall of technology.
  15. Yeah... BC is a big deal for lots of people. Even if you keep your old systems. It's always a nice feature to have. So no thanks on that.
  16. I was first annoyed by the lack of games announced and shown (as Ghost was leaked weeks ago, and announcing a new yearly sports game from EA is like announcing the sunrise), but once someone suggested that this might be so they can spend all of E3 showcasing the games, it made sense. Get the console out of the way before. Let everyone absorb the info. In two weeks, after they are ready for more, bam! Day after day of game announcements. Should keep everyone going until fall when the system should be ready to ship. Makes sense.
  17. Hmm, good point. The article should be more towards the uninitiated. I'll add in more details about the game mechanics as they apply to Pikachu.
  18. Technically, maybe, but not really. Starters are given to you by the region's Professor, and are not found in the wild. Wild Pikachu can be found in multiple regions. More of a pseudo-starter. While you can get the actual starters later on in-game, that is hardly unique as that is also possible in later games.
  19. OK, here is a basic rough draft for Pikachu. Please note that this will not have anything to do with Ash, as that is a character created entirely for the anime series, and was created several years after the game, and Ash sucks any way so fuck him. Therefore, this article will only refer to the Pikachu (both singular and plural, as well as the species itself) that appear in the core series, and not the ones that appear in the side series, like Mysterious Dungeon or Pokémon Dash. Doing that would bloat the article quite quickly, as there are all sorts of extra details from those games. -------ROUGH DRAFT-------- Pikachu is a small, yellow rodent-like creature from the game series of Pokémon. The official mascot of the series, Pikachu is often present on merchandise, regardless of what generation of game is currently available. Pikachu is also the only Pokémon to have its own game named after it, as well as being the only non-Legendary or non-Starter Pokémon to appear as the version mascot of a Pokémon game. While small and fairly light, Pikachu are known for their Speed stat, enabling them to deliver quick attacks against foes. Unfortunately, their other stats are not very high, so it is quite common to see them holding their unique Item, the Light Ball. Holding one doubles Pikachu's Special Attack stat, powering up their Electric attacks even further. Although a pure Electric-type, Pikachu are capable of learning many other moves, like Quick Attack (a Normal-type move that always goes first, regardless of Speed), Dig (a Ground-type attack that allows it to burrow underground and attack from below) and, in rare occasions, the powerful Water-Type attack Surf (creates a giant wave of water, washing away the opponent). Normally found in forests, there are instances of Pikachu living in cities, as they are attracted to the electrical powers lines and have been known to feed off of them. They've also been known to inhabit abandoned power plants like the one near Lavender Town. Pikachu are also naturally compassionate towards other of their species. They have been observed to recharge others with electrical shocks when weakened or tired. This quickly restores their energy and health. sources: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pikachu - it's the most comprehensive article on the character there is, seeing how it covers not just the game character, but also the character as it appears in other games and media. ------END------ I'm toying with the idea of using more pokédex quotes, as they tend to cover more non-game behaviors. According to some of the dex entries, they can feel thunderstorms approaching. They can concentrate together and
  20. Burnage: confirmed. Crowbar Man has two posts to return an equal or greater comeback. Failing that, bleck takes the round and moves on to the semi-finals.
  21. I claimed writing the Pikachu bio (twice) back in the voting thread, so I'll get on that tomorrow.
  22. They have put full Pokémon games on consoles. They just didn't sell very well. Colosseum and Gale of Darkness for the GameCube are considered canon games, they are included in timeline topics and they offered the same features (and new ones as well) as the GameBoy and DS titles. They just weren't very popular. Because, get this, people like playing them on the handhelds. It's quicker and easier to pull out a GameBoy, GBA or DS and start playing than it is to start up a console hooked up to a TV. I know that sounds meaningless, but people can get into portable games a lot easier than console games. And with the release of X and Y later this year, they finally go full 3D (not including all the 3D tricks they've been using since G3n 4), and all anyone does is bitch about how they aren't using sprites anymore. Fucking fanbase...
  23. There are so many pics of the new stuff around now, I'm just going to ignore any temptation to post them all. Suffice to say, the map is clearly based upon France. So much so, that you can overlay Kalos and France and they fit perfectly. There is no denying it any more (yes, people are still arguing over it, even now). There seems to be no more 4-direction walking, and free-roaming walking. Check the video, and watch how the player characters walk not just at angles, but at non-8-direction angles. Just so much going on right now...
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