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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Shit. Was that yesterday?

  2. In FPS games, I will occasionally have this idea that I have turned around too many times in one direction, I fix this by turning around the opposite way until I feel that I have corrected this. Not really slowly or any thing, just quick spins on the spot (or even moving). Then for some amount of time afterwards, I will try to keep this corrected by turning around only in certain directions or amounts to keep it balanced. Eventually I forget about this until it pops up again (which might be later in the same map, or the next day, or months later). I'm not OCD or anything, but for some reason, I don't like to have turned too many times in either direction. And only in FPSs. I don't get it either.
  3. If they started doing more Direct Feeds, and had them update and release more info on specific games/series, that would be nice. I'd watch them. Like, once a month until their release in October, have a Pokémon X/Y Direct Feed (that's about six videos, could even be 5 or 4, depending upon content) that shows all the new stuff. I'd watch the fuck out of those. New Mario Game? Toss a new Direct Feed out for it, and follow it up with a couple more as it gets closer to release. Fuck, do that for all the games. Yeah, you'll have to spend more time making the feeds, but come on, it would show that you have content coming out, everyone gets to see it, and you get constant "wow, that's cool" moments until the game is out. Don't want to flood the viewers with info? Don't make too many Direct Feeds, just a few every so often.
  4. Actually, when you're dealing with these levels of money and power, you look for signs of anything where you can find them. I don't doubt that everyone from Apple to Z-Tech (which I assume is an actual company of some kind) saw this announcement and thought what it could mean and how it might benefit them... because that's what corporate strategy department do: they think about what they do and what competitors do, and how to get the best angle on it. So yeah, I would be surprised if Sony and MS didn't look at that and wonder what was going on.
  5. Oh, wouldn't that be funny. Nintendo starts doing more and more live streams for news, and eventually, everyone else does the same thing. And five years from now, everyone will still bitch that Nintendo doesn't innovate or keep with the times. Oh yes, that does sound about right.
  6. Which, for a company of only 3000 or so people around the world, is rather good. And that's after several years of fluctuating markets and currency dips and rises that would have otherwise ruined them. They're still one of the most stable, profitable and successful companies in the world right now.
  7. Some are speculating that since Nintendo already has their new systems out (the Wii U and 3DS), and Sony and MS are both set to show their new systems, Nintendo doesn't see the point of even bothering, as those will be the biggest news events of the show. Which I understand. But still, I like the big shows each put on: it gives me something to bitch and complain about for the next few weeks.
  8. http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/48990/nintendo-e3-conference-not-happening-in-2013/ Instead, several smaller ones aimed at specific audiences and more Nintendo Direct videos. So I guess they're going to try and target key demographic groups more. I'm a little disappointed, as I like to watch each of the Big Three's shows. Now it's only two, and maybe a third-party developer that has a good presentation. Well, this year, everybody better bring a good sample and show.
  9. It should be "Mudkip". Not "Mudkips". That would be plural. So unless you're planning on having a picture of a pile of them (the proper group term for some species of Pokémon is a "pile")... just a minor thing. 1. Mudkip 2. Tanooki Suit Mario 3. Splash Woman (cause there ain't not enough girls on OCR mascots, ya dig?)
  10. I love how that article is all "they did so badly this year" after saying They're so much smaller than all of their competitors, yet they turn out proportionally huge profits each year. Sony posts regular losses in multiple divisions each year (2012 saw them at a loss of US$ -5.569 billion. That's NEGATIVE money. They lost over 5 billion bucks last year) but we don't hear about it from anyone. But you know... Nintendoomed.
  11. There's just something about young girls in Japanese video games that makes them dress lightly...
  12. At first I was all "Iwata got demoted and Reggie is out?" but I see that it is more like they're adding the position to Iwata's roster of positions he already has. Really, they're just moving one guy up while adding another little tidbit to the end of Iwata's business card. Nothing else really seems to be changing: Reggie still holds his spot, he still reports to the same people, Iwata is still in charge of Japan and global overall. The real question is what Tatsumi Kimishima will change...
  13. Maybe the movie will reignite the series and restore it to its former glory. BUT NAH, THAT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN, BETTER GLOOM AND DOOM.
  14. Bah. You're all fools. The true system of choice is the GameBoy Advance SP. Tremble in fear of its mighty 32-bit hardware and superior library of games!
  15. Hey thread, long time no update. So, today, they announced a new Pokémon. It looks kind of like Mewtwo, but is supposed to be a new one, not some sort of forme. The mutation (or is that Mewtation ?) hasn't been fully described yet, so its supposed origin is purely speculative at this point, but if this somehow related to Mewtwo, than that would seem to help cement the genetics-based theme of X and Y. Also, it seems pretty cool looking.
  16. Oh, DS, sometimes you make me just tingle with excitement. In a totally plutonic way, of course.
  17. It only appears when I refresh the 3DS thread, not on any other site or OCR thread. The site in the pop-up appears to be a Spanish-language video game site. I think it's caused by a link in one of the images from that page, as it doesn't appear on any other page of the same thread.
  18. It's Capcom. The Moon level will be $15 DLC. Unless it's not, in which case, Capcom, don't do that. That's dickish even for you.
  19. Man, first North Korea starts sabre-rattling with more gusto than usual, and now EA is fucking them on SimCity. When will South Korea get a fucking break?
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