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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Says the guy that pulled the "I have a life" comment. Never mind that your original position was wrong to begin with. And if you knew anything about Nekofrog, it's that he goes straight for the jugular. Like, a laser beam, focused on the big vein-thingy that carries your sweet, sweet life juice, always ready to fire its laserness into it. With precision. Man, I miss my lasers.
  2. Did... did he just use the "I have a life" card? Oh wow, it's like the GameSpot forums all over again.
  3. Nope, you're not alone in that regard. I think it also applies to many big name series. I'd rather have one really good game of any kind every so often than multiple over a short period of time.
  4. Case in point: I can watch this week's episode without a single problem. Like I said, it's some random quirk that FireFox and/or The Escapist has.
  5. Yeah, so, long time since the last post here. Did you see (or rather, hear) this? The Skyward Sword theme is actually another Zelda theme backwards! You head = exploded.
  6. Oh shit, I actually forgot about it until now.

    Fuck, how old am I now?

  7. Ugh, stop fanboying it up in here. It already reeks of misinformation and speculation as it is.
  8. Exactly, whereas Nintendo makes profit on all their systems. Slightly different situation. Also, like I said before, just because 1% was willing to pay multiple times the MSRP through private sales doesn't mean the remaining 99% are. Also, given the current economic crisis that most countries are still dealing with (and many people are still trying their damnedest to survive), a high price point at this point in time isn't going to help. Just because some people had the extra cash to blow on a video game system five years ago doesn't mean shit right now. Edit: One thing I would like to see is the month to month sales of all the PS3 versions, and see where significant changes in the number of units sold happened. I have to wonder when the most increases were and if they line up with any models or price drops. That would be interesting to see, as it would show when Sony really started to see sales, and not just launch day numbers, which aren't telling us anything other then when early adopters and Sony fans waited in line.
  9. One of the reasons I stopped bothering with Kotaku, aside from their fucked-up layout and shitty articles, is that every time I went to their site, the address would automatically detect I'm in Canada, and then amend the address to be "ca.kotaku.com/whatthelinkis", which for some reason, defaults to the top of the first page for every single link I click on. Seriously, that's fucking annoying and no other site I have ever been to does that. Also, the article itself says "rumor", so take it with a grain or salt or two.
  10. No one said we would be mining the Moon, just making stuff on it. And I (self) quote: So, there isn't going to be any Moon material leaving the Moon, and even if there was, it would be such a small amount that it couldn't possibly affect the Moon's tidal forces on Earth. Shit, it's not like we would be shipping megatons of rock back to Earth for any reason. We already have dust and rocks, we don't need any more. Besides, that stuff isn't healthy for you. No, we'll have to send the vast majority of materials o the Moon for processing and assembly, and then ship it back. Then, saying "Made on The Moon" will mean something again, dang nab it!
  11. Considering that he Moon has no atmosphere of an kind, as well as constantly being bathed in solar and cosmic radiation, not to mention that whole 253 Fahrenheit (123 Celsius) daytime and -387 Fahrenheit (-233 Celsius) nighttime thing... I'm pretty sure that the Moon isn't going to be any worse. And fuck Mars. Mars has it coming. It's red, dusty and 95% CO2. Fuck Mars.
  12. Oh hey, Cave Story 3DS has a North American release date of... August 9th, 2011. http://www.destructoid.com/cave-story-3ds-gets-august-release-in-na-september-in-eu-199918.phtml
  13. You stalk and hunt something that is able to connect properly to breakfast cooking appliances?
  14. Uhhh, not really. Pulp from trees may be reduced, but the oil recovery to make plastic and the mining for metals for the hardware still goes on, not to mention the power used to extract, process and create said materials. Even if you go for more recycled materials, you still have the energy cost of gathering, sorting, cleaning, smelting and forming into what you want. Hell, by some reports these days, the impact of recycling is actually slightly worse than digging up new materials. Plus, the servers for a streaming/download-only system need to be up and running 24 hours a day, so add the power generation impact on top of all the materials impacts. So really, physical medium or not, the damage is still being done, and any reduction in one component isn't enough to make up for the rest of it. I guess no matter what way you go about it, you're still doing something to the environment. I propose all manufacturing be done on Mars and/or the Moon, so we don't have any impact on environment at all. It should only take about another few hundred years until we can do that, so everyone just stop making pollution until then, alright?
  15. Yes, but how many people did that? Less than one percent of the total consumer base? The majority of the launch day buyers paid much closer to the MSRP of $600. Also, there are ways to make touch screens cheaper, like having lower resolutions and larger pixel size. It may not look that great, but it only has to support basic menus and graphics, not play the whole game on your controller. Also, I don't recall anyone saying that the rumored touchscreen controller was going to be HD. Even if someone did, everything about the controller is still just a rumor.
  16. Yes, I am awesome in that regard... Only if it's a certain amount, so it's only once in a while. I don't think that's how it works. In fact, I think it's nowhere near how it works.
  17. If I ever win the lotto, just send me the bill and I'll cover it. And only for the small favor of .But until then, you have my money on the way right now. Or about a minute ago. Instant transferring and all that.
  18. Oh noes, now I feel all doomed! How will we ever make it through this horrible ordeal?! It's not like it's a major issue or anything. But as Coop pointed out, there are problems with non-physical media. Plus, the extras you can have (manuals that are well done are worth owning, like the Warcraft 2 or Homeworld manuals... those were filled with tons of great stuff) or special pre-order items/collectors editions make it worth betting a physical copy.
  19. That's because until recently, you did pay for a box. Said box had the game physically stored inside it. Even with the transition to CDs, DVDs and other optical disc formats, you still have a physical medium with the content on it. The idea of having no physical medium for your game is still new, even with the success of Steam and other services like it. Anyone that was around from the old Atari days to this day will think of a video game as being some sort of object you can hold in your hand. Even younger people that have grown up with streamed or downloaded gaming know that sometimes, games come on discs or little cards or something. So yeah, it's totally understandable.
  20. Nope, I just watched a Thor Trailer, and I was on GameTrailers before without any problems. IE shows a proper video border, but won't play the video at all (gives a red x and just sits there, doing nothing). But if I fuck with IE a bit, it will play eventually. So it must be something that Firefox doesn't like about that site. The thing is, I've had this pop up before, but it ended up fixing itself a few days later, if I recall correctly.
  21. For some reason, I can not watch any video on the Escapist. Any of them. It's not that they aren't playing, it's that they aren't even loading. Like, as in, there is no place for the video on the page for them to appear. It's like it's been filtered out by adblock or something, except according to adblock, there isn't any video to block. The server itself seems to be not sending anything video-related to my computer at all. And yes, I checked adblock, it's not listing anything related to videos to block, and I've even tried disabling the entire site just to see if that was the problem. No good, video are still completely non-existent. I've made sure everything is up-to-date, and still nothing. I can only assume that I have been video-watching banned from the Escapist for some reason, or that Sony network hackers have somehow fucked with the page.
  22. Say what you will about Sony, they still make really good MP3 players. /silently caresses A847
  23. http://www.destructoid.com/rumor-project-cafe-controller-shaped-like-a-tablet-199600.phtml Fucking tablets... Everything has to be a tablet, with no buttons these days. They might as well just make the 3DS the controller and be done with it.
  24. He's grouping them together in term of comparable systems, not iterations. The 3DS is the natural continuation of the DS line, just as the NES to the N64, and the GameBoy to the GameBoy Advance.
  25. Well, that's your problem. You're thinking. Stop doing that, and you'll be better off.
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