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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Damn it, I've actually been working on a Let's Play of a pokémon game using Metal Gear Solid tropes and photoshops. Now it's ruined forever by you posting this first. Thanks a lot.
  2. Oshawatt, the Workplace Safety Pokémon. Known to keep an eye out for potential accidents. Will fill out a Worker's Compensation form at a moment's notice.
  3. That is against the usual pattern... but then, if this is meant as a reboot, then I guess that would include some old conventions in localization. I would have been happy with a more concrete release date, seeing how we already knew that "spring 2011" thing for the last six months. It's always spring the next year. I guess that's one convention they didn't bother with redoing.
  4. sephfire, you cited the Pokémon games as positive examples of your subject. This pleases me. No, don't take your hand away yet, I'm not done with it. Wait. Wait... OK, now you can.
  5. Never gonna happen. The DS and its line is all about the forward touchscreen, not a backward touchpad. So unless the next Nintendo handheld is really different from the DS (which in itself was really different from everything else), we aren't going to see Nintendo doing anything that Sony already has. Besides, that would be backwards: Sony copies Nintendo, remember?
  6. Oops, thought I wrote something else there. Fixed. Didn't you hear, touch-everything is the new everything. Everything has to be touch now. Two of my four mp3 players are touch pads or touch-screens. As well as the whole touch-only faggotry, I'd like to see handheld devices made of anything that isn't glossy plastic. Fingerprint smudges are the most hideous thing a new device can have; they ruin the shine, they make it look like it's been abused, and they can look like it's been handled by a million people with dirty hands. Just stop making everything with glossy finishes!
  7. http://www.vg247.com/2010/11/17/psp2-dev-kit-snaps-show-twin-sticks-trackpad/ http://psp.ign.com/articles/113/1135225p1.html Both VG247 and IGN cite sources that confirm the photos are real, so maybe it's true? Any way, it sports two analog nubs, as well as the often-mentioned back touchpad. It also has one front and one rear facing camera. To top it off, the same sources are saying that newer design foregoes the PSP Go-like design in favor of something more like the original PSP.
  8. Holy shit, Mappy Land. I remember the ads in the comic books they used to have for it. Yes, remixes please.
  9. Agreed on all counts. Considering the number of portable games that are remixed, you could also throw a GameBoy (the iconic portable) in as well. It would not only show that portable games have been remixed, but also be something that stands out a bit more from the other controllers.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCEcYg3lNR4&feature=player_embedded OK, yeah, I admit it, it doesn't look that sucky at all. I wasn't expecting much, considering how the lead actor is... but the trailer does make it look good, and even if the Superman movie sucked, the Batman ones were pretty good, so there's an above average pedigree there.
  11. Nice "slightly less tall" sig. :nicework:

    I didn't know you could use that many enters in the sig box.

  12. YEah, but that's rather well-known stuff they haven't covered yet. THe stuff they do have? Crazy. I knew a few things about the GSC and RSE beta and cut material, but there's a hell of a lot more than I realized. Props for the really obscure and hard to find stuff.
  13. Yeah, so all my efforts to get the last few people that didn't write up a pokedex entry or their remix writeup... sorry, now we get to do one for you! We would promise to be nice but... not happening! Is "cockophany" a real word?
  14. The top selling system of the generation always gets the most shovelware. The PS2, the N64, the SNES, the NES, the Atari... they all had loads of crap games thrown on them by companies hoping to cash in on the market. That's just the way it is. There are more shit-level games on the DS than the PSP, simply because it the higher selling system. Hell, if you want to include the iTouch/iPhone (yeah, really fair comparison... media tablets and phones against dedicated game systems...), you could say that iOS has the most shovelware. They have how many games on it? Thousands? But how many of them are actually any good? Any way, we are getting off-topic. Motion controls. Man, do they ever suck.
  15. Any system can have a strong library... but if it doesn't appeal to the individual, then it just doesn't. That's for any system, at any time. Honestly, I'm finding portable gaming to be far more interesting these days. More games I want to play, less hassle playing it, far more flexible in a lot of ways. I guess I've always been more of a portable person than a console person. With the various consoles I've owned, borrowed, or played on at someone else's place, none of that seems to compare to the amount of fun I've had on GameBoy and DS. Even the rare fling with PSP has yielded more fun times. Maybe Nintendo should just give up the console market and seize absolute control of the handheld market again. Those were good times.
  16. I'm not getting rid of it any time soon, but yeah, I haven't really played it much in the last year. In fact, I don't remember when I turned it on last. Hold on, I'm actually going to go see when that was. ... Well, that's a sign of how long it's been since I turned it on last. It's been unplugged this entire time. OK, the batteries in both controllers are dead. OK, the calender says the last day I played was November 9th, 2009, which isn't true, because I did buy Mario Galaxy 2, and that came out in May of this year... but it's also one update behind, so yeah, it's been a while. My DS Lite gets far, far more use, and that's not even an everyday thing. Next Nintendo console is going to have to really impress me, seeing how even the PS3 and 30 aren't wowing me with anything. In fact, all three have to really impress me next gen, because this gen was kind of uneventful. I can finally afford any of the consoles, and none of them have anything I want to play.
  17. At this point, it's more about the blatant hypocrisy about using some glitches and not others. I've been less and less interested in Minecraft for a while now, but this just finishes it for me. The fact that there are multiple people use these glitches, including some of the "duping is bad, yo" group, just drives me nuts. I'll say it again. Hypocrisy. This one is fine, that is not. I never used duping for anything bad, like whoever it was that blew up entire areas of the old server, yet I'm being told not to dupe really rare and hard to get stuff because... of mythical server damage of some kind? Because it's not the way others want to play? How does my making blocks quicker and easier ruin their ability to play? It just really pisses me off.
  18. Crimes? I just said that it's pretty damn hypocritical to say "Damned, don't dupe, ok?" when there's clear evidence that others are, as well as using other glitches. Crimes, indeed. And how am I blaming others? I'm pointing out that others are doing the same thing. That's not blaming. That's pointing out the truth. I know that not everyone here does it. But I know several people that have and currently do. I didn't say anything to them about it, just as they didn't say anything to me. They will continue to do so as well. Good for them. Let them have the means to play the way they want.
  19. No, the fact that the only way to fulfill my creative idea is being no-noed. That's the problem. Trying to get the most out of what I have to use and the means to do that effectively is what I'm talking about. Duping lets you amass a lot of super-rare material that has no real value outside of a few tools, which are easily repaired by use of another glitch. Which, I might add, no one seems to mind using at all. Throwing your pick and picking it up again to get it fixed is fine, but duping isn't. Again, hypocrisy. One glitch is fine but another is wrong. Problems which, if I recall correctly, are evidenced entirely by anecdotal statements from people that aren't here to prove with hard data. And the alternatives are what, exactly? Trade for something now one else has? Not build the things I want to? Wait for an update that may or may not include more building material options? How long will that be? Months? I really have no options now. I either leave what I've done imcomplete, or stop playing. I already invested all that time and effort in making it, and now I can do nothing with it. Yeah, I am. Maybe it's because I paid for a game and want to play it, but the only decent server I can play on is giving me crap for doing something that its other members do as well, but won't admit to it. Hell, I've gone back online and found more stuff in my baes than I left with, so I know I'm not the only one that does it. I didn't have four packs of TNT and ten blocks of gold, but someone sure as hell did, and they put them in my chests.
  20. Then there's no point in playing. I can't be creative with what there is, and the only option there is to have more to work with is being removed from my grasp. I only want two purely aesthetic blocks in large quantities so I can make something, and I'm being told I can't. Fine. Take me off the whitelist then. If I can't play the half of the game I like because of other people's self-imposed rules, then the game is no longer worth playing. You're removed the only reason I had for playing it. You can say it's being overdramatic, but I don't care anymore. What little interest I've had in this game lately is effectively killed now that you're saying my creative efforts don't mesh with yours. Your server, your rules, fine. Bye, hope everyone that sticks around still gets some enjoyment out of it.
  21. The point is, regardless of who's the admin now, everyone that's bitching about duping now are the same people that had no problem with being given stuff by the admin before. It's pure hypocrisy. Bullshit like that needs to get called out, not mocked because you can't come up with any actual counterpoints. Until multiplayer gets more variety in building block colors, all we're going to see is the same obsidian, stone and wood everything. I just want some color to make things look nicer, and people here are treating it like it's some sort of game-breaking flaw. Here's a thought for some of you: you're saying that not mining goes against the spirit of the game. Maybe. But the other side of the spirit is building. Forcing other to work with less isn't fair, either. Some of us just want to make things. I've helped out with the road, I've helped out with other peoples bases. I've donated materials and time. I just want to make something I find cool and interesting, and now I'm being told that the best way to do so is bad based upon the opinions of others. I'm trying to make something I think is good, and I'm going to dupe the fuck out of any gold and diamond I find so I can make blue and yellow blocks. Until Notch makes diamond and gold blocks explosive or capable of melting the world, I'm going to enjoy the building part of the game. You don't want to do so, fine, but don't give me or anyone else shit for wanting to build instead of digging for days at a time. And those that say "oh, but it takes effort to mine", yes it does. But so does making building. I've put as much time into just laying out my base as you have getting the stuff for it. That's not including the legitimate mining I did for all that smoothstone and smelting it in my bases furnaces. If I did include that, it might add up to more.
  22. players on old server = players on new server. Point Proph's head
  23. On the old server, there were people asking for blocks of all kinds left and right, and were getting them. Then they bitched about someone duping diamond blocks or smoothstone or even cobblestone for the highway project, despite the fact that it used more blocks than any of the bases anyone had made. I find it pretty fucking insulting that some of those same people are here saying "oh no, please don't dupe, it ruins the game for everyone" with a straight face while some of us are struggling to get our blocks legitimately, and then find a way to get more purely decoratively blocks to make our bases something other than grey. If diamond and gold did something besides add two more colors to the pallet, then yeah, that could be a problem. But since everyone already has diamond picks and axes, and can easily repair them just by picking them up again, I can't see what possible harm there is to making two other colors to build with.
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