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Everything posted by ambient

  1. I don't here much interpretation or rearrangement here. Sounds like the original placed over a drumbeat with some gated effects thrown in here and there. Drum pattern in itself is fine, it's just that the presentation is not polished and developed enough. As HL said before me, drum samples are poor and the loop gets repetitive after a while, even though you try to give a little fill here and there. As it stands right now, this is not really a ReMix. Try to reinterpret the theme a little (actually, a lot) more, use different instrumentation from the original, add some supporting instruments, and work on those drums. That would be a start. This track has potential, with more experience and knowledge you could probably rework it into something that sounds like Linkin Park's "Session".
  2. No problem Larry. For a second I thought my remix was taken off the site there, lol. Now its gonna be a while before someone posts another review...
  3. I am having some problems with the full screen mode. It runs fine at first, but then it wont open up and stays minimized all the time. Am I doing something wrong?
  4. Badass!!! Dling right now and will share my impressions just as soon as I finish it! Respect to Gecko!
  5. Chopped up original + Repetitive & uncreative drumwork = zero arrangement, which in turn equals a NO OVERRIDE from the judges. There is just the theme and the drums. That's it. No other instruments. This wouldn't even get on OCR when there was no judge's panel. It's hard to give any kind of specific advice, other than to start learning the basics of sound design and arrangement.
  6. Oh cool! You are remixing the Undersea Palace theme. Sweet. Let's see where it goes. About midway listening to it... No, not so sweet. It's a repetitive midirip. I have nothing to say about it really. Listen to the existing mixes of the theme (which includes an OCR classic by COTMM , and, incidentally, I have a remix of this theme too) and take some pointers from there.
  7. I have actually remixed this theme before, though it was for PRC and it was a collaboration with Hemophiliac. Doulifee should still have it on the PRC site, I think, but I am too lazy to look it up. It wasn't OCR material in that state anyways. As for this remix, it has a long way to go before it can make it on OCR. The hats are cheesy, the synths are boring and the overall sound quality is really low for a trance tune. All the synths sounds weak, there are no exceptions. You need to utilize more effects and processing, especially things like reverb and delay. Also, while gating may sound cool sometimes, you would be better off with an arp. Can't really say much about arrangement since production has too many issues. Bring up your sound quality and learn how to use delay, reverb, and compression effectively.
  8. WTF???
  9. Yeah, this is getting out of hand...
  10. Great work DragonAvenger! Congrats on your mix getting posted. You have quite a lot of ideas and projects and it would be great to hear more of that here on OCR.
  11. http://www.gamespot.com/features/6162742/index.html?tag=topslot;title;1&om_act=convert&click=topslot So as it stands now, 360 has better graphics?
  12. Very well done. The production and arrangement are awesome. The effects suite the mix. Hope we are going to hear more mixes like this from you! And more guitar next time!!!
  13. Vax Levan! Xo ar humrob bicho? Martla qartveli xar? Saidan gaichite am saitze? Am tsuts ar makvs sashualeba rom movusmino shens namushevrebs, magram saghamos aucileblad movusmen. Aba he, dzmakac.
  14. What I am wondering about (even if it is off-topic), is what makes you such an expert on dnb? You be a rudeboy junglist who smokes da herb at raves every weekend, or do you get it all from torrented albums?
  15. Can't wait for the release of the final version of the game. The sampler is awesome, great job, don't think it could have been done any better. "Hold it. Pay close attention!"
  16. No Streets of Rage? BOOOOOOOOOOO
  17. Respect and good job. Thanks for YESing both of my OC mixes.
  18. I am just busting your chops man. I'm really digging your style.
  19. This thread reminds me of this story, A LOT: http://deoxy.org/emperors.htm
  20. How come no one mentioned Reason's RV7000 reverse reverb algorithm? http://www.propellerheads.se/products/reason/index.cfm?fuseaction=get_article&article=closeuprv7000
  21. Oh hey, do any of you see Glenn/Frog in this picture?
  22. Absolutely amazing track. I love this style of jazz music and actually own two albums by Four80East (a jazz band that makes similar kind of music). This almost sounds like a long lost track from the Brink of Time CT album, at least in general style. Production is great as well. Now, I am not the most competent person around, far from it, but for the life of me I can't hear Frog's Theme anywhere. People here were saying that there was not enough of it, well, I don't even hear hints of it. For example, the Brink of Time soundtrack perfectly translated many CT themes to acid jazz remixes while keeping them completely recognizable. This is a great track, but it is really an original rather than a rearrangement. If I am wrong, someone please step in and correct me. Cause there is a chance I am going crazy.
  23. FYI: its Suteki. I'm sorry, I'm going very brief on this one. The intro is a little too long. Vocals come in at about 2:00 into the track, it's just too long to wait. The vocals themselves lack in several respects. First of all, the singer is a little offbeat here and there. Have her practice a little more with the instrumental, and she should be able to get the timing down. Then, of course, there is processing of the vocals. There are so many different things you can do to make the vocals creative, but the bare minimum is reverb. You could also have her sing it over again a little quieter, or create polyphonic effect by having her sing different notes and then superimpose certain parts of the vocal track. Keep at it.
  24. DJ Shadow is a hack. I have no idea how he managed to develop such a cult following despite the fact that his music (if you can call it that) is complete and utter shite. By the way, how come there is no Kool Keith on your list? P.S. Timbaland admitted that his music is influenced by d'n'b and breaks.
  25. http://www.peff.com/ In his Reason 3.0 book Kurt shows an example of using NNXT+Matrix to create scratch effects. The example is very time-consuming and produces decent but not great results. You will need to tinker with it a lot to make it sound good. I do have an RNS with that example somewhere, so if you want it, I will look it up.
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