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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. Yeah, the film was pretty much over for me when I saw that. Would it have killed the guy do get his hair dyed or something?
  2. When I saw the name "Virtual Barbershop" I thought it was going to be a song by a barbershop quartet. Now that would have been awesome to hear in fancy stereo. Edit: I thought the whole idea of 3D aural perception had to do the actual structure of the outer ear, anyway.
  3. The flood of new-yet-familiar names in the chat was quite an awesome moment. Hilarious show overall.
  4. I remember thinking I was a weirdo for loving video game music the way I do. Then I discovered this site around late 2000 or early 2001, and I realized there are a slew of weirdos who feel the same way. Happy 10th, OCR!
  5. Happy birthday! So, is there gonna be a cake with a pair of headphones on it?
  6. Ooh, there's gonna be a special Radio ThaSauce Live this week.
  7. First remix, eh? I'd say you're off to a good start.
  8. I can just imagine what a video for this would look like, and I look forward to seeing it.
  9. Wow, that's quite an undertaking indeed. I wish you the best of luck on it.
  10. Hang on, the MP3 is tagged as "Epidose 6 - LOLARMs and He-She". Am I to expect and epic dose of lolz this time around?
  11. EDIT: I might as well put my 2009 accomplishments here, too. -Released three albums (if you include an EP) -Got four OLR mixes posted, fifth pending -Got one R:TS mix accepted (afaik) -Contributed to an album project -Made approximately 1.5 gillion OHC entries As for 2010, I'm trying to get an original album done, though I don't have any specific goals for it at the moment.
  12. Yep, things seem to be rollin' again now.
  13. I liek it!! If these tracks were from an actual game, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to see a remix project come out of it.
  14. I was gonna gloat about my PRBC request being posted, but I realized it could have been anyone who submitted a source track for the competition. It was more of a lucky lottery on my part. Also, fun fact: there is a brief rendition of Tooty's theme in minor during the opening story sequence of the game, when Tooty gets kidnapped.
  15. I'd like to say thanks again for introducing me to this game's soundtrack.
  16. I still associate this remix with the exact moment I decided to make my own remixes. That may come off as cheesy, but I felt like posting it anyway.
  17. Heh, I knew that mute trumpet sample sounded familiar. It's nice to hear Arcana making good use of it.
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