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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. ...and I'm guessing the thread title will be changed to reflect the time change?
  2. You'll always be welcomed upon your return. Speaking of which: imminent compo tonight is imminent!
  3. The edge of okeanos is a very effective sleep aid... and I mean that in the best way possible. I'd say "mernoopiint of wrorso" is my favorite track from cognitive dissonance; it sounds very Vangelis-y at times. Thanks for sharing!
  4. I recognized the Abbey Road reference, but somehow I didn't realize the upside-down legs are supposed to be VVVVVV.
  5. I might expand this slightly before the deadline, but I'll put it here now.
  6. I can't remember the last time I entered this competition. However, I've got half a mind to write something for it.
  7. Does this mean the groundhog will see his shadow?
  8. The drums seem a little harsh and heavy, but I like the general arrangement idea. I look forward to seeing how this develops.
  9. My remix? Which one?

  10. Gah, I keep thinking a new OCAD episode is out whenever the thread gets bumped. Add current ep # to thread title plz
  11. I watched this mistakenly thinking it was CGI integrated into actual environments, rather than 100% CGI. Great stuff.
  12. This round's concept has the potential to be its own compo, IMO. Great work, entrants!
  13. Yeah, I'm gonna do this. Hopefully the thread will get bumped every once and a while so I won't forget.
  14. Happy birthday! Keep that Conceptual Music Competition smokin'! Bwaa ha ha!
  15. I had started on a remix, but I ended up not finishing it in time. Here's what I managed to put down:
  16. I lolled for 1 minute and 45 seconds. Somehow I couldn't get the image of you screaming into a mic out of my head.
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