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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. Heh, looks like the secret-ness of the whole thing faltered a bit. Still, this looks like something I'll try to participate in next time around.
  2. I think I've figured out why I like this film but disliked District 9. Avatar is pretty much what it is from the very start, whereas District 9 starts off as one thing and gradually becomes something else.
  3. Let's just say there's a reason why you were the first. BTW happy birthday, Shariq!
  4. Also, http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=26764 Just sayin'.
  5. So lemme guess: The new episode is COMPLETE... ...LY RECORDED, right?
  6. I mean... Is there a track listing so we can figure out what to download?
  7. Ha, this is pretty neat. The added harmonic element works quite well. I'm interested in how this will turn out.
  8. We'll probably end up with both in District 10: The Return.
  9. Yeah, but what if the background isn't white?
  10. Heh, even those looked real, even though they were floating.
  11. BTW it would be nice if all the people who submitted entries also voted. Just a friendly reminder.
  12. Well, tonight was sort of an anti-climax for the year's One Hour Compos. Good entries, tho.
  13. I'm so glad to have witnessed the birth of a meme. Gongrats, you two!
  14. You mean there isn't already a shirt like this planned? That seems like a no-brainer.
  15. This EP will probably become my bible as far as trying to make my short ideas into full songs.
  16. I should probably post my slight update in gear: Click the pic for infos if you like.
  17. Some quick stuff from the top of my head: *Finish original album *Move to new apartment *Set up a personal website I can probably get this stuff done in the first few months of the year.
  18. I had a music video idea for Insomnic's "Insomnic" with a guy breakdancing against a another guy in Mario suit. That was as far as it got, and I abandonded the idea.
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