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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. I got you 2... even though one of them was a redux!
  2. I fell into the dreaded, "Games are kinda meh" state for a while. It was towards the end of my GCN's life that this happened. I just lost interest in it. Little by little though, I got back in, bought a 360, & discovered the joy of online pwning. Twas a great day. Kinda like hanging out with friends, only you get to kill other peoples avatars, then trash talk about how much more stupid the other guys are. That's not to say I've stopped playing solitary games. Assassin's Creed, Bioshick & the ilk have really gotten back into it as well. The fully realized stories, as well as newer gameplay not possible a few years back, make it all the more enjoyable. I also enjoy damn-near-mindless shooters. They make me smile.
  3. Kyle, you truly are the wind beneath my wings... when I forget to apply deoderant!
  4. I'm still planning to tweak my track a bit, if time allows. So, yeah, be on the lookout for that Project heads.
  5. So, I've listened to the album enough times to get a definite feel. Quite frankly, some of these tracks are downright beautiful. As dark as it may sound to some people, it really gave me a, hopeful, almost nostalgic feeling. This is the exact type of album I like listening to. So, bravo sir, you have achieved an album that not only remains constant in it's overall sound, but stunningly... "pretty".
  6. I should also mention, provided I have enough free time, I may tweak my mix a bit more.
  7. SO... posted an update! It's on the forums! rock!
  8. I bought it, & i too want a kickass personalized friggin signature. By golly!
  9. OMG. Birthday. Happiness. Wishes. (above trademarked)
  10. I'ma get it. Just gotta get paid... which is this Thursday! Awesomeness!
  11. Sucks that the musical community has lost someone as talented as Reuben, who by all indications, was also one hell of a guy in day to day life. As well as having particularly big cojones for tackling Gregson Williams music, & suceeding. I wish nothing but comfort for his close family & friends, as I'm sure they are having a hard time now.
  12. The Darkness has a awesome-butt soundtrack. The main theme, as well as the subway variation, is top notch music. It's a very Elfman sounding soudtrack. Yup, that's right, I used Elfman as a descriptive word.
  13. Well, sucks that the project had to die in this fashion. Anyway, pleasure working with you guys for as long as I did.
  14. I really dig this. You've totally nailed the Hybrid sound, as well as injecting a bit of your own, which is awesome.
  15. And here I was trying to emulate one of the earlier Evanescence tracks with the toms. Baywatch FTW! (slow-mo Hasselhoff)
  16. Awesome! I just wasted $.99, because I have no ipod, & I hate using itunes as my player least I have it now. Thanks Phthisis, I've friggin wanted it since that first trailer.
  17. Does anybody know what song they used in the early trailers. OR if it's in the game at any point? The one that sounds mildly middle eastern, with the lyrics "I'm gonna die in a place that don't know my name". That song is rad, & i want it, but have no idea if it's on itunes or anything like that. Which bugs me. Cause it's awesome. Anybody know? EDIT: haha, middlee
  18. Thanks for all the reviews so far. I just want to thank BGC, & Luiza again for the great work they did, & throw up the \m/, ROCK!
  19. I'd hit it. In fact, I have, & i think it's awesome! It really is like Prince of Persia, mixed with... someother game that's not PoP. I dig it.
  20. This game sucks. Nothing I've seen has led me to beleieve it will be anything but hype, & Jade Raymond. It will most likely suck & all those who wasted money will sobbingly cry. But yeah, I got mine reserved! I can't wait. Also, CoD4 is awesomes!
  21. I might need to dabble in the Renoise if the stuff it makes sounds a sick as this. I loves it!
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