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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. Speak fo yoself, homie. I'm doing this for myself. Also, for the shortiez.
  2. Basically, we all Love you, the people. Kyle Loves you, the ReMixers Love you, I Love you, & Lea will forever hold the torch that unites us all under your base, which belongs to us, who are like you, the people. That no matter where in the world we are, the Summoning of Spirits, to happiness no less, has begun. Slowly, slowly, slowly. Can I get an amen!
  3. Maybe it says a lot about me, but I friggin dig this site. Also, Halolz is pretty goo, also.
  4. Am I late!!!! Well, either... Happy Birthday, or Happy Belated Birthday!!! Yay! Holy crap, your 27... I feel so young around all these remixer birthdays, it's not even funny, it's hilarious!
  5. I thought Microsoft stilled owned a peice of the Halo copyright. EDIT: ooohhhhhhh, I ttoally misread that thing I quoted.
  6. Soooo... Kyle let me do a mini-preview of the tracks I have a hand in. So, I figure I'd post it here as well. Summoning of the Joker Tracks in order: Sacred Ashes (Deepest Woods) with Kureeji Lea & Hemophiliac Cold Memory (Freeze) Arche Angel (Arche's Theme) Chronometrical (Stream of Time) Apogee (Last Battle) with Andy Jayne & Fishy (Older Version) Note: I just kinda made this in all of 10 minutes, including render, so the transitions are sudden, & yeah, sudden.
  7. Happy birhtday, um... [insert random/funny/stupid comment]!!!!
  8. When I actually started producing original music that other people liked, as opposed to me thinking it was the bees knees. you know, how even if you have an ugly baby, you think it's beautiful, but everyone else kinda snickers behind your back. Well, now I gots cute kids, & that's awesome.
  9. Holy crap!!! your 25. Happy 25th, you old Technophiliac!
  10. I too wish you the best of luck in all of your endeavors. your years of service with our company have... oh wait, this is a birhtday, not a retirement. Happy Birthday, S(am)hnabs!
  11. In the event that we don;t really make any more progress in the next few weeks, I think we should be the first Remix Project EP. Take all the songs we have that are done, & make an EP. Well, you know, we should wait until Starky get's finished. Plus, we'd be the first to relase an EP, as opposed to a full length album.
  12. Well, seeing as some of my other picks have already been said... here's my "score that I yet to read on this intronets!*" Fifth Element Stealth Resident Evil: Apocalypse Those are the 3 that spring to mind. They are awesome. Stealth & RE:A especially, if your in to the whole symphonic electronica ala Gregson-Williams.
  13. Don't know if it's been mentioned here yet, but Gametrailers has some SH5 gameplay trailers up. http://www.gametrailers.com/game/5159.html They made the fog world/hell world transition almost exactly like it was in the movies, with the layers peeling away & red rash taking over. Looks pretty sweet.
  14. That is one of the reasons I kinda hate MC. I really liked Arbiter's story from Halo 2, & I really got into that whole religious war within them. Small group of people trying to consolidate power using peoples faith to bring about their own wihses. That was a good story. I kinda wished they'd continued that story in more detail in Halo 3, instead of relegating it to a few scenes here & there. It's also why I prefer to join a campaign, instead of host one.
  15. the wal mart I work at had 170 games, 130 regular editions, 40 special editions. If anybody's got the game, let's kill some people, together!
  16. If you can finish it within the next week, I'll personally cook you a 4 course gourmet meal.* *offer only good with expenses paid round trip package to "a filing cabinet"
  17. The Replay system is alright. It automatically saves every game, be it Campaign or multiplayer, that you play. You just go to a menu, & you can choose which "video" you want to watch. It's pretty cool in co-op campaign, as you can see what your friend was doing when you were playing togethor.
  18. (Offtopic) Assassin's Creed & CoD4 are the next 2 games I'm getting! Halo 3 was a last minute decision, on the count that I got Holiday pay for Labor Day at work.
  19. So, I finished Halo 3, & it's a pretty good ending. Reminds me a lot of Halo 1's ending. Also, I'm buying my copy at Wal-Marts, guaranteed copy! My managers cool like that!
  20. guess what!!!!!!! I uploaded my wavs! One more track towards completion!
  21. I just added more fiber to my diet. Cleared that problem up, but quick.
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